diet coke, sugar free desserts etc.



  • whitney22blue
    i have thryoid problems and aspartamine can affect the amout of thyroxine produced but so can strawberries, spinach, soya, cabbage and peanuts.
    I avoid all of them, soya is in many foods, its used in most chocolates - and i adore chocolate.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    All soda is bad for you. I personally feel that diet soda is worse, although I think it due to no calories. I try not to drink a lot, and am hoping to quit soon, but I really do like it. I'm honestly not worried about it hurting me.
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    enjoy in moderation.
    It's no big deal
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I am not sure that this is true, but my Dr a long time ago said that sugar-free -anything- is like a place holder. It doesn't have the calories but it causes your body to still crave the sweet flavor. Your brain thinks it's getting the sugar so it will continue to cause you to want it. He said the best bet is to go through the two weeks or so of withdrawal so that your brain doesn't want ti anymore.

    It worked for me for several things. I loved chocolate but no longer crave it. I stopped drinking soda 20 years ago and still don't crave it. I don't eat meat very often and don't crave it. It sounds good once in awhile, but I never 'have' to have it anymore.

    I have read (in scientific journals) that disconnecting the sensation of sweetness from caloric intake causes confusion between the stomach and the brain, such that people then eat more to achieve fullness. Also, that HFCS (while providing both sweetness and calories) doesn't result in release of the hormones that signal satiety, so you don't feel "full".

    Personally, I gave up artificial sweeteners (including HFCS) 4+ years took a little while to get out of the habit of ordering a diet coke with meals, but water has become my beverage of choice.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    All soda is bad for you.

    Really? Why?
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Drink this stuff in moderation.... theres plenty of research out there that states too much of it causes weight gain. I don't think one/day will hurt you in the long run, but there are absolutely no nutritional benefits and all this processed crap is why so much of America is obese. Pay attention to Dr. Oz people, if we quit buying this crap, and start buying more healthy foods, then prices of healthy food will go down and the cheap, processed crap will go up in price. (and yes, anything Dr. Oz says is 100% true for me- lol)
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I never really thought about the effects of diet soda, that is until I had two clients in one year tell me they think the brain tumors they had were caused by drinking diet coke. Of course they could not prove this .

    Just made me wonder... I stay away from the stuff.

    The last time I had a soda it was the old throw back Dr.Pepper made with pure cane sugar.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    You are right you shouldn't have too much of it. I have known a lot of people who have gained weight drinking the sugar subsitute drinks and desserts. All sugar subs should be avoided. There are lots of articles on the net about the effects of sugar subs. You are best to eat the regular items and in moderation and count the calories. I think that's the big trick, since it's 0, we tend to reward ourselves with more. I'm all about quanity, so diet and sugar free items are not my choice anymore. I just skip it all together. I might have a diet coke once a month as a treat.

    Good luck Smiley! It's a hard long road we are on, but we can do it.
    I've know a lot of people who eat healthy and are overweight. I know lots of people who drink diet drinks and are slim. Anecdotes are evidence.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    All soda is bad for you. I personally feel that diet soda is worse, although I think it due to no calories. I try not to drink a lot, and am hoping to quit soon, but I really do like it. I'm honestly not worried about it hurting me.
    Soda is no worse than walking in a smogging LA.
  • ShellyRae7
    ShellyRae7 Posts: 8 Member
    You're right ninerbuff. I guess we don't need someone to tell us what to do and what not to do. Every one is different and react to foods differently. :smile: listen to your body.
  • piratepiet
    piratepiet Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in the uk and here there is calorie info for diet cola and it does say that is has 1 calorie in a 330 ml can. I've seen lots of people say that in the US the labeling info isn't as strict as over here so bare that in mind if your having multiple cans/ bottles a day.

    I think you will explode before you go over your calorie-limit with 1 cal per can ;-)

    I wasn't suggesting that people would drink 2000 cals worth of diet cola but it can push you over the edge if your assuming it's no calories and your drinking it like people drink water then it could be a problem. I do know someone who drink over 2 ltrs of the stuff a day, if not more.

    And if that person drinks 5 l that would make 15 cals, we all know that 15calories are not gonna make a difference even if you got them over you allowed net calories. I get your point, and i don't want to fight, but 1 cal on a can is not worth thinking about
  • lookitscaitlin

    If you are unfortunate enough to be a rat who has had massive amounts of aspartame injected directly into your brain, then you may have a problem.

    If you're a human, you don't have to worry.

    :D good way to put it.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    It's clearly not good for me

    While this might be clear as mud, it can't hurt to try. If it makes you feel better to avoid sweeteners, then by all means, avoid sweeteners. If it you don't notice a difference, go back to consuming them.
  • auctoritas
    The jury is still out on artificial sweeteners causing cancer, but I've definitely heard a lot of anecdotal evidence suggesting a trend in artificially sweetened things causing plateaus in weight loss and generally unhealthy feelings physically. If you find yourself stalling in weight loss, or feeling really not great, that's always the first thing that should be cut out I think. But if you're indulging in moderation, and it's not a huge part of what you're consuming, and you're feeling no side effects, including increased hunger or cravings for other things, then eat whatever.

    But listen to YOUR body. Other people can't tell you what only you can feel.
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    I find if you have something like this that you love and it isn't too bad for you it can act as a reward and help you to continue. Like i have muesli and yoghurt for breakfast, it's not too bad calorie wise and i just love it. I look forward to it everyday it's like a reward for sticking to my diet the day before. lol. Try to keep it to just once per day and you can have it to look forward to and reward yourself with
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    I love diet soda. I used to have a big problem with drinking tons of did the 6 year old. So when we moved the hubby and I decided that we weren't going to buy it for the house. I admit, I miss it and now only have it whenever we're out...but not having it around the house is forcing me to drink more water.