Motivated Mommas Week 6 (closed group)



  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I am so spent, stressed, and over the top overwhelmed ... I will be MIA until Sat., in order to mediate some of the issues at hand... sorry guys- but I just have to be honest with what I have at the moment.

    My plan is to follow the Challenge this week- I will have access to my mobile MFP app (i.e. logging food/ exercise, checking in on my status) but I will not be able to log on the spreadsheet or access the Week 6 message thread. I will report/ log/ etc. when I get back on Sat.

    Take care everyone; hit it hard this week!!

    We will miss you Amy until Saturday.. Hope you feel better soon and rock when you are back.. :-)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Spent some time with my Gazelle tonight, walking with that. Did intervals on it, which I hadn't done before-- whew! I was watching some of "Food Inc" while I was on there though... I totally had to look away for some parts. I'm not sure if I can continue to live in ignorant bliss after some of that!!
    Feeling much better today though-- yesterday went down in a fiery blaze after the kids got the Halloween candy opened. Otherwise, I think I did ok until then , but then.. well, I just stopped logging. Sigh... And sadly, it was just yesterday morning that I had made the vow that I wasn't going to even buy candy this year. Damn you little Reese's Pieces!!!

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Created by Renu

    Part 1- Time for walking.. 5/20 miles done!
    Part 2- Interval training. 1/3 done!

    Part 3- Logging the details in the spreadsheet for 4 days

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points total

    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads --1/1 Ugh. These things are evil!!

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25)

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :)

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs- 0/1-- Dang Halloween candy!!

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat - 1/1

    Friday: Stay under on Calories

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    This is fom bella_babe86 (Ashley)


    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am so spent, stressed, and over the top overwhelmed ... I will be MIA until Sat., in order to mediate some of the issues at hand... sorry guys- but I just have to be honest with what I have at the moment.

    My plan is to follow the Challenge this week- I will have access to my mobile MFP app (i.e. logging food/ exercise, checking in on my status) but I will not be able to log on the spreadsheet or access the Week 6 message thread. I will report/ log/ etc. when I get back on Sat.

    Take care everyone; hit it hard this week!!

    Have a good couple of days, we will miss you. Take care of whatever you need to.

  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I have to say that I am super proud of myself because I have been such a good eater so far this week! Even with tonight being our 5 year wedding anniversary my husband and i decided to stay in for dinner/date night so we could make a good homecooked meal (and let's be honest, saving some $$$ is always nice :wink: ). So I'm making a yummy dish we haven't had in a long time: primevera stuffed chicken breasts. soooo good! And I'm gonna make us something light and chocolately for dessert as well. It's been tough because I've been surrounded by oppurtunities to induldge, and of course I know the weekends are always the hardest but I feel like I'm actually managing my need to snack really well! Better than I have for a long time. And I just wanted to share that :smile:
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    I was so bad yesterday... I didn't come on the board and post my points... but here they are for yesterday!

    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!


    Part 1- My goal is 10 miles this week. 0/5pt
    Miles Completed so far - 1 mile

    Part 2- Interval training. 0/3pt

    Part 3- Logging 1/4


    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads(

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25) DONE ON THURSDAY

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :)

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat DONE

    Friday: Stay under on Calories

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Emotional 0/1pt

    Thursday - 2 pt
    Miles Total - 1
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Emotional Challenge
    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?

    Over the course of these challenged I have changed in a lot of ways. First I started noticing the physical changed, then it was the emotional changes. I was able to let things go that I have held on to for quite some time. I was able to get past things and move on and it felt great. The next changes I notices were being able to face myself in the mirror. Then I was able to to walk around and not feel as self-conscious about myself, I knew I was making healthy changes and that made me feel like what other people though didn't matter. I think that the only change people see in me really is the physical change. When I went on vacation the first thing my little sister (she is 14) said to me was - Wow you are looking skinnier! It felt good to have her notice! I was good at putting on a happy face and seeming like I was happy with myself, so I don't think people will notice the other changes for awhile.

    This week I have had a chance to re-experience what my life was like before. I have been visiting with my family and that is hard food and exercise wise. There aren't many great choices for healthy foods to eat, so I have been having a rough week, but at the same time, it is almost the kick in the pants that I needed to remember how great I really do feel when I am eating healthy and exercising regularly. I have been feeling tired and slow this week because of the tole the unhealthy food choices have taken on me, and I don't want to continue to feel like this! I don't know how I did it before. Now I know what I have to do for future visits and I know that I won't be returning to this lifestyle in my everyday life, and that is a great feeling.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    235.7 today WHOOT!!!

    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!


    Part 1- My goal is 15 miles this week. 0/5pt (8/15 completed)

    Part 2- Interval training. 2/3pt

    Part 3- Logging 2/4


    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads( (done)

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25) (done)

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :)
    I posted a recipe yesterday(3pts)

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs(done)

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat(done, I already calculated my meals for today)

    Friday: Stay under on Calories(should get done)

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Emotional 1/1pt

    Fridays points 4-(intervals, strength, logging, and food)

  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Busy day today-- playgroup in the morning, and then Halloween for the daycare kids in the afternoon. John got home today though, so after then were gone, I booted outside for a gloriously long walk, and then came in to do my exercises. Imagine my surprise to see that I hit over 1000 calories!! Holy Crap! I'm a little afraid of how I'll feel in the next day or so-- a friend of mine and I have joined a Biggest loser challenge, and while it's not hard stuff.. well, it all adds up! We're trying to catch up too, so doing 2 days of strength training in one is probably not appreciated my muscles! Looking forward to sitting on my *kitten* with my cross-stitch for the rest of the night!! Lol!!

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Created by Renu

    Part 1- Time for walking.. 10/20 miles done!
    Part 2- Interval training. 2/3 done!

    Part 3- Logging the details in the spreadsheet for 4 days

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points total

    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads --1/1 Ugh. These things are evil!! But they're DONE!

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs -- 1/1 -- Also.. EEEVIL. But Done!

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs-- Done!!

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25)

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :) 3/3- doing now!

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs- 0/1-- Dang Halloween candy!!

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat - 1/1

    Friday: Stay under on Calories- After my burn today.. 1/1 done!

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    This is fom bella_babe86 (Ashley)


    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?

    Friday - logging, intervals, strength ( 2), recipe, food-- 8 points
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cheesy Chicken and Salsa Skillet

    2 cups multigrain penne pasta, uncooked
    1 lb. (450 g) boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces
    1-1/4 cups salsa
    1 cup frozen corn, thawed
    1 large green pepper, cut into thin strips
    1 cup Kraft Tex Mex Shredded Cheese
    Make It

    COOK pasta as directed on package.

    MEANWHILE, heat large nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium-high heat. Add chicken; cook and stir 2 min. Add salsa, corn and peppers; stir. Bring to boil. Simmer on medium-low heat 10 min. or until chicken is cooked through, stirring occasionally. * Add in other extra veggies as you wish-- that's the beauty of one like this!**

    DRAIN pasta. Add to chicken mixture; mix lightly. Sprinkle with cheese. Remove from heat; cover. Let stand 1 min. or until cheese is melted.

    Serving size is 2 cups ( serves 4), but could easily be dropped to 1 cup with some extra veggies on the side!
    Calories 467
    Carbs- 43
    Fat- 12
    Protein- 48
    Calcium- 20
    Sodium- 729
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1

    Part 1- Time for walking..My goal for the week is 15 miles. I've accomplished 8.73 miles/15 miles.

    Part 2- Interval training...2/3 points

    Part 3- Logging the details in the spreadsheet for 4 days...3/4 points

    7 points total

    You can pick any day/any order to do the below exercises. You get 1 point per exercise completed.

    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads
    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs
    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings...1/1 point
    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs
    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)...1/1 point
    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25)
    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each...1/1 point

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs...1/1 point

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat...1/1 point

    Friday: Stay under on Calories..1/1 poin

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    This is fom bella_babe86 (Ashley)


    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?

    Friday Points Total: 4 points
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Well, yesterday was so fun! We did a whole lot of walking! 6.67 miles and that is only once I remembered to put on the pedometer LOL. One more day of vacation and I will be flying home tomorrow. Bitter sweet. I am excited to get back to MY routine!!! Here are my point updates for yesterday!

    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!

    Part 1- My goal is 10 miles this week. 0/5pt
    Miles Completed so far - 1 mile

    Part 2- Interval training. 1/3pt

    Part 3- Logging 2/4


    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads(

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25) DONE ON THURSDAY

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :)

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat DONE

    Friday: Stay under on Calories DONE

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Emotional 1/1pt

    Friday- 4 pt Logging, Intervals, Emotional and food
    Miles Total - 7.67
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Yo all are doing awesome!!

    For yesterday and today I got my miles, strength, interval and food points.

    We are going to visit my sister today and I am running behind but I will be back tomorrow night and I will write more then.

    Have a fantastic weekend ladies!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    i got my strength and logging done today, no real exercising but I did got play and a bounce house place with my son and we did some running/climbing/jumping there. Only 2 points, and stayed under calories! Pretty proud of my saturday because its usually the hardest day to stay under calories.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1

    Part 1- Time for walking..My goal for the week is 15 miles. I've accomplished 11.23 miles/15 miles.

    Part 2- Interval training...3/3 points

    Part 3- Logging the details in the spreadsheet for 4 days...4/4 points

    7 points total

    You can pick any day/any order to do the below exercises. You get 1 point per exercise completed.

    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads
    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs
    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings...1/1 point
    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs
    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)...1/1 point
    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25)
    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each...1/1 point

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs...1/1 point

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat...1/1 point

    Friday: Stay under on Calories..1/1 poin

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement...1/1

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    This is fom bella_babe86 (Ashley)


    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?

    Saturday Points Total: 3 points
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!

    Part 1- My goal is 10 miles this week. 0/5pt

    Part 2- Interval training. 1/3pt

    Part 3- Logging 3/4


    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads(

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings DONE - Saturday

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25) DONE ON THURSDAY

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :)

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat DONE

    Friday: Stay under on Calories DONE

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement DONE

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Emotional 1/1pt

    Friday- 3 pt Logging, Strength and food
    Miles Total - 7.67
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    OK im a little freaked out by the scale, Friday when I weighed it said 235.7:bigsmile: (major happy dance) Today I weighed about 30 minutes earlier which usually means i'll have an extra 0.5 lbs or so but....233.7 a loss of 2 lbs on a weekend:huh: , for me thats completely unheard of, even when I workout double and eat perfectly I ALWAYS have a gain come sunday or monday. IDK If I should be so super happy or scared of what im gonna see tomorrow!! As long as I dont go over 235 I think I can handle it! Heres to having some kind of loss come Wednesday for the first time in 2 weeks!!!:drinker:
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    OK im a little freaked out by the scale, Friday when I weighed it said 235.7:bigsmile: (major happy dance) Today I weighed about 30 minutes earlier which usually means i'll have an extra 0.5 lbs or so but....233.7 a loss of 2 lbs on a weekend:huh: , for me thats completely unheard of, even when I workout double and eat perfectly I ALWAYS have a gain come sunday or monday. IDK If I should be so super happy or scared of what im gonna see tomorrow!! As long as I dont go over 235 I think I can handle it! Heres to having some kind of loss come Wednesday for the first time in 2 weeks!!!:drinker:

    Embrace it, you are doing an amazing job! :)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I'm doing mine now while my boys and napping and DH is busy in the garage, so I won't have to worry about it tonight when I'm getting stuff ready for Caeleb for school tomorrow, Halloween stuff, and DH's lunch for work.

    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1

    Part 1- Time for walking..My goal for the week is 15 miles. I've accomplished 13.23 miles/15 miles.

    Part 2- Interval training...3/3 points

    Part 3- Logging the details in the spreadsheet for 4 days...4/4 points

    7 points total

    You can pick any day/any order to do the below exercises. You get 1 point per exercise completed.

    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads...1/1 point
    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs...1/1 point
    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings...1/1 point
    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs
    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)...1/1 point
    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25)
    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each...1/1 point

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs...1/1 point

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat...1/1 point

    Friday: Stay under on Calories..1/1 point

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement...1/1 point

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium...1/1 point

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?

    I feel like I am slowly becoming more outgoing and confident in myself. I sitll have A LOT of body issues, but I don't want to fade into the background as much as I used to want to. I seem to want people to notice me more and I guess that makes me want to be more outgoing and talk to them. This is a HUGE difference in my personality. Also, I am a lot happier. I feel more alive, more so than I can remember feeling for a very long time! I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed these changes, since we don't live by any family and I don't have any close personal friends, just neighbors and acquaintances through Caeleb's school.

    Sunday Points Total: 4 points (2 for strength, 1 for food, 1 for emotional)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    OK im a little freaked out by the scale, Friday when I weighed it said 235.7:bigsmile: (major happy dance) Today I weighed about 30 minutes earlier which usually means i'll have an extra 0.5 lbs or so but....233.7 a loss of 2 lbs on a weekend:huh: , for me thats completely unheard of, even when I workout double and eat perfectly I ALWAYS have a gain come sunday or monday. IDK If I should be so super happy or scared of what im gonna see tomorrow!! As long as I dont go over 235 I think I can handle it! Heres to having some kind of loss come Wednesday for the first time in 2 weeks!!!:drinker:

    Hurray! Thats awesome.. :-)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    sorry ladies, I have been missing from posting in here.. To be honest, I didnt have anything to post lol.. Today has been a shopping day and was walking through the malls and from shops to shops..more than shopping it was a walking day..hehe

    so, today i covered 4 miles and in total covered 6.5 miles and 1.5 miles more to go to reach my goal of walking...