so tell me something....



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I hate cats, but long to walk with the lions again. I am a vegetarian.I hate onions and zucchini.I could easily spend the rest of my life in the African bush. I don't need an ''Obama for President'' bumper sticker as I will buy a Prius.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    1. I'm double jointed
    2. Tonight is chicken parm night and I can't wait
    3. I got Captain America in from Netflix
    4. I like boobs
    5. I stopped thinking after typing #4
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    1. i squeak when i yawn.

    2. me gusta tacos y chorizo. the non food kind.

    3. i alphebetize my m&m's chronologically according to color.

    4. i like shiny things.

    5. i'm the worst driver on earth. so i have a Dodge Ram. move bi+ches.

    I think you may have been separated from me at birth.
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I attended 7 different schools growing up and have live in 3 states and 2 countries.

    I have visited more countries than states.

    I have been with my husband longer than I have ever even lived in one house (8 years)

    If you can't tell from this I am an army brat so we moved every 2 -4 years growing up.

    I don't think I have enough gas to get to work tomorrow but its raining so I really don't want to leave the house just to fill up my car.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I just ate a Nut Goodie bar, and I feel guilty about it.
    I have seven siblings - 5 sisters and 2 brothers.
    I have been single a long time, and rather enjoy it (but miss having a man to flirt with).
    I love winter, and can't wait for the first BIG BLIZZARD and a snow day!
    I have a makeup fetish and get great delight out of buying new eye-shadow and mascara and lipstick and stuff.
  • ricepattikay
    ricepattikay Posts: 46 Member
    1. My birthday is on the 27th, my husbands birthday is on the 27th (different months) our anniversary is on the 27th and our son's birthday is on the our anniversary (same month)
    2. When I love , I love with all of my heart!
    3. I have to tell myself "that is really cute but you are probably too old for it".....alot!
    4. I am a controlled "hoarder' My house looks clean but I have one room that is CRAZY full of stuff!! Not food or feces or anything gross tho!
    5. Most people either really like me or they can't stand me. Personally I really like me :) lol
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    1. I love the sound of plastic bags being crinkled. Not grocery bags, the little ones that hold beads or other small things. It comforts me.

    2. I make my own jewelry.

    3. Once my dad put a peanut shell on my shoulder at a Kansas City Royals game and told me it was a spider. I passed out in terror.

    4. I turn 24 tomorrow. :)

    5. I want to be a professional photographer.
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    Random things:

    1. In the 4th grade I had a shaved head
    2. My dog understands (at least) 5 languages - English, Spanish, Turkish, Swedish, and Hindi
    3. My husband and I are the exact same weight right now (NSV!)
    4. I am freaked out by newborn infants who have pierced ears
    5. I am obsessed with professional football and this year started my own fantasy football league
  • Everyone's randoms are interesting. Here are mine.
    1. I watched clips from the Pauly Shore movie Son-In-Law on youtube this morning while working.
    2. My husband and I had yummy Chinese food today for lunch. (I ate mostly veggies)
    3. I never ate any seafood except tuna and friend shrimp before my I'm expanding...
    4. Sometimes I seriously consider selling my 2 yr old daughter to the circus...SHE'S JUST LIKE ME & IT MAKES ME CRAZY! ha.
    5. I love to shop, but it really depresses me because I can rarely find things that I feel fit right...and I refuse to shop after eating!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    1. I have a phobia of people touching my pinky toes. I'm afraid they'll get pulled off. But I can get a pedicure, no problem.

    2. I'm having an "I don't care" kind of day. And for that reason, I'll probably be a million calories over my limit.

    3. I went to Catholic school from 1st grade all the way through graduating college.

    4. My aunt used to breed snakes, so I've been around them and loved them every since I was a tiny kid. I don't have any right now because I don't want the responsibility. And plus I have a million other pets at the moment.

    5. I live in a tiny town. The street signs say population 900 or so. We just moved here a few months ago and I love it. Our "downtown" looks like something out of a western movie almost :)
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    1. I love the sound of plastic bags being crinkled. Not grocery bags, the little ones that hold beads or other small things. It comforts me.

    2. I make my own jewelry.

    3. Once my dad put a peanut shell on my shoulder at a Kansas City Royals game and told me it was a spider. I passed out in terror.

    4. I turn 24 tomorrow. :)

    5. I want to be a professional photographer.

    Ah, I giggled reading this <3 And happy early birthday!
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    1. I have strategically spread out the very few tasks I have done all day to make it look like I'm actually working. Just one of those days.
    2. I was bit on the hand by a rattle snake when I was 13 and am now terrified of snakes
    3. I met the love of my life on this site
    4. My nickname is Bacon, and not because I have an affinity for bacon
    5. I administered CPR to a girl for over 20 minutes when I was in 6th grade and was told I saved her life
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    My son cooked me a hamburger for lunch - it was done to perfection.

    I coach both my sons' Boys and Girls' Club basketball teams - well, I am actually assistant coach for my older son on my younger son's team.

    While driving around this morning, I hit three patches of ice.

    Of four siblings, I like animals the least and currently own the most.
  • 1. I can draw & write with my mouth.
    2. I have 2 tongue rings.
    3. I fall easily but get back up like it's nothing every time.
    4. I get along with almost anyone.
    5. I am very argumentative and people tend to take offense but I just call it having a fun discussion lol
  • megacy
    megacy Posts: 80 Member
    1. I have food allergies that come and go. (nightshades, fungus, gourd/melons and palm)
    2. Any form of dicalcium phosphate makes me smell smoke 24/7 until its out of my system
    3. When I saw jewls1969 #5, I knew I had to put it here ("I'm wired like a dude when it comes to talking, shopping and tv")
    4. I'm almost always mistaken for a man from behind
    5. My bikes name is Canella