Who else has an overweight significant other?



  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Me and my boyfriend are... :P We are far apart, but we are working hard to lose our weight so we can get married. Both of us won't wanna be fat in our wedding pictures. It'll look awful. I wanna be a pretty bride for him :)
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    for starters, make her a mfp account and add her lots of nice friends to encourage her
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."
    It is so frustrating to be in this position, but you can only change yourself. She has to make the decision to help herself.

    Exactly this.
    Keep doing what you're doing and just hope she will eventually follow suit.

    I'm sorry you feel like you're put in this position and I understand your concern but it's truely up to her or else she will only continue to go back to old habits.

    Also... maybe concider offering that the two of you (so that she won't feel alone) go see a nutritionist. Since it will be a big change, sometimes having an outsider tell you "You need to do this this and this" or "This is how you do this" helps...
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    First of all many congratularions on your weight loss so far :-)

    With you wife, I really don`t know what to suggest only to try to give her support and tell her that you love her. Maybe, she thinks that you are criticising her for being overweight? (I am sure you are not)

    Maybe she has some close freidns, or you have friends as a couple? Perhaps you could have chat with them and try to do things as a foursome, walks and stuff so she has a female freind on board?

    As someone else has said you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink.

    Your wife needs to want to make the changes.

    But good luck x

    ^^^^This is great, great suggestions.

    Regardless of whether or not she is ready yet to make the changes, remember you need to keep the changes going in your life for your own health, and since you are ready don't let anything stop your progress. I definitely second giving reassurance during the period though. When one partner makes a change and the other isn't ready yet, trying to force it may just have the opposite effect, but offering reassurance that she has unconditional love and whenever she is ready you will be there with support may have a better effect in the long term. Good luck!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I was obese and am now overweight. I started running in April and ran my first race in September, a half marathon. The children ran a 1 km. My husband then decided he wanted to walk a 5 km next year. I told him about the couch to 5k program and he replied that he had no time to train. Then a few weeks ago he decided to start the program. He has been waking up at 6am faithfully every other day to run. I am really proud of him. He is 330 lbs.

    I have not pushed him or told him that he needed to lose weight. He knows that already. Just by making changes to better myself I have inspired my children and my husband. It's no use trying to change people if they are not ready. When they are, they will let you know. The best you can do for now is to put better food in your home.