Blatant lies told by parents



  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    My daughter refuses to eat spinach. I made it for dinner one night and she whined and said "I've already tried spinach, I don't like it" I told her it was leafy greens, and the rule is to try 3 bites of new foods.

    Turns out she loves leafy greens :happy: (still won't touch it if we call it spinach though!)

    Good one! The finger one and forehead one made me LOL too. Will be fun to try these on my kids :)
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    when i was growing up my precious grandma would tell us that if we watched 2 dogs do it, we would get the pink eye.

    my kids have been informed of catching this nasty eye funk.

    i also told my son (age5) once when i was telling my older daughter not to go in the woods, he asked why (as all 5 year olds do) and i said cause perverts live in the woods. well my mom and my step dad live in the country with lots of trees, he asked me "mommy are mimi and paw paw perverts?" i said "why would you ask that?" he responds "cause they live in the woods". lol
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    WOW. I get that sometimes it is easier to make something up on the spot and I know that we all survived our childhood...but...the ones suggesting that someone or something is going to GET the child, be careful people, this can be damaging!

    My cousin was told as a child not to go in grandma's basement, because the man will get you. after he had a little sister, he was told if he wasn't good, the man would come and get her. at this point, no one was aware that the poor child had a burgeoning mental illness, so one day when a man from down the street was visiting and holding his baby sister and said "isn't she so cute! I think i am going to TAKE her!" well, the poor boy had a psychotic break. would have happened at some point anyway, but i bet that my cousin's family would have been a little more sensitive if they had known that he would be diagnoses as clinically paranoid, and bi-polar....

    my own son has a severe anxiety disorder. I cannot ever tell him things that aren't true, because i risk damaging his trust in me, should he ever found out.

    I know this thread was meant in fun, but I couldn't help personalizing it. That said, my uncle told me that eating broccoli would put hair on my chest. My mom couldn't figure out why i stopped eating it, and once told me i wouldn't leave the table until I did eat it. When i cried and told her i didn't want hair on my chest, she was pretty mad at my uncle!
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    My daughter refuses to eat spinach. I made it for dinner one night and she whined and said "I've already tried spinach, I don't like it" I told her it was leafy greens, and the rule is to try 3 bites of new foods.

    Turns out she loves leafy greens :happy: (still won't touch it if we call it spinach though!)

    I love this one, we had the 3 bite rule when my kids were little too.
    And my son liked the green trees (brocolli). My husband gave most veggies funny names, they just tasted better that way!
    But to this day we call brussel sprouts "brockle-spots", but that's just cause my daughter pronounced it that way when she was a toddler!
    My kids are 24 and 28 now... no lies allowed now.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    My dad told us that if you see a bunch of cows in a field and they are laying down that it is going to rain.

    haha that isn't true!? Everytime I see them laying down...I think... "yep it's going to rain"... I guess I am gullible :embarassed:

    I think this is true. They are making sure there is a dry patch to lay on later.

    I thought the change in barometric pressure put too much pressure on their legs....but according to the Farmer's almanac it is just an old wives' tale
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    my mom used to tell my little sister that if she didn't stop talking to much and asking so many questions, she would run out of words and have to be a mute the rest of her life, lol.. it didn't work, but i thought it was a good try
  • jobster68
    jobster68 Posts: 145
    I had a thing about my belly button when I was a kid - I hated it for some reason and always used to fiddle with it - my mum told me that if I didn't stop fiddling with my belly button my bum would fall off!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    These stories are awesome!