is it wrong to think i can live alone(single) all my life??



  • tatauu2
    tatauu2 Posts: 7 Member
    IMO..I think it depends on the individuual. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to this.
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    I have had one serious relationship and dont plan on being in one anytime soon. Im happy as hell being alone... and if it gets lonely, like someone said, there are boy toys!

    I plan on being single for life, and if not, its because someone VERY special came along.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Single life is awesome. But finding that one person that you can fall into is where it's at! For me anyway. Sure there might be rough times but I would take 100 rought imes with my soulmate over never seeing his smiling face, holding his hand, kissing his lips, etc. Corny I know but I am in love!!
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    but what happens wen u get old?? who would b wd u then?? dat just scares me so much.... :indifferent:
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    It's not wrong at all. Its all about your happiness. And if that is what is going to make you happy, then go for it :)
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I've been single for years and I'm fine with it. I'm pretty sure I've grown too selfish to share my life with a future husband. :laugh: I can't wait until my son moves out again and I can have the whole apartment to myself. Lovin' the single life. :happy:
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    Is it wrong? No. Is it right for you? It may be right now, but allow yourself room for change. Eventually you may realise that you don't want to be alone any more, and you should be open to the idea of allowing someone in to your life. :) Cheers love, and good luck to you.
  • becca3211
    becca3211 Posts: 98 Member
    iam married for the second time...and i gotta tell ya....if i ever was in the position...i wouldn't get married again. i have 3 kids and actually they keep me happy. i love my hubby but its a lot of work. wont do it ever again. :noway:
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    100% agree with you! However, I needed to get married to have someone around to kill spiders for me! :bigsmile:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It all comes down to your lifestyle and how you want to live. If you are single and happy, all power to ya. :)

    I am married and trying for children, but both my husband and I have friend who are older, never been married, never had kids, and they are just as happy as we are. Marriage is not for everyone.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Whatever floats your boat!

    Do what you feel is best for can always change your mind because you don`t have anyone else to think about x
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I think it all depends.
    i was at a very depressed stage in my life when i met my fiance.
    And i didnt see the point in living, i wasnt scared of death. Infact every so often i would purposely walk out infront of a car n stuff, just to see if it would stop in time..
    But then when i met pete, even though my views havent changed towards life, like i still dont see the point in it.
    I cant kill myself now because i have to be alive for him..
    sort of the same as having kids i guess, u have to be alive for them..

    So.. if i had been alone, i would of proberlly been dead by now..
    And that way i wouldnt be able to live all my life alone, i guess..
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    I love my husband with my whole heart and I love being married to him more than I ever imagined, but if I were ever single again, for whatever reason, I highly doubt I would ever marry again. I have no issues with being alone or having a "special friend" that would be great for nights out and the occasional booty call but I will never commit myself to another person again.

    I don't think it's wrong at all.

    I agree with everything except the "love being married more than i ever imagined" :wink:
  • vdegraff
    vdegraff Posts: 87 Member
    No, it is absolutely not wrong to feel totally confident and happy with yourself so much that you don't need another person to validate you or complete you. With that being, said, if life thinks otherwise for you, and you happen to meet that special person -- embrace it. With your current mindset, the relationship would probably be healtheir because that person would hoepfully not become the center of your universe.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I love being alone sometimes, other times I hate it. When I dated people, sometimes I loved it, other times I hated it. :/
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I've been on my own for a little over 10 years - after a very long and difficult marriage.

    I am quite happy being single. I finally can be ME, without having anyone mess up my life, mess up my world, mess up my space. Maybe I'm a little bitter about the MESS I left, but I cannot imagine having anyone in my 'space' again.

    I do miss having a companion - at times. I do miss being close and intimate with someone. I haven't dated much and haven't found anyone that really interests, for this season of my life, I am very happy with the way it is :)
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    living alone is awesome! Boys smell.

  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    nope. not wrong at all. just get a bunch of cats.

    LOL Becks.

    My approach has been to not rule out any possibilities. But figure out who you are, what you can contribute to the life of another person, what you really want and need from another person, and what you can give to and receive from a relationship. If you meet the person that fits into your vision of what a relationship will be, go for it.

    And in the meantime, be happy with your present situation, improve yourself, be the kind of person that would attract the person you would want to be in a relationship with. I've been working at doing this for a few years now, and I would guess I'll be working at it for quite a few more years. So I'm happy single.
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    but what happens wen u get old?? who would b wd u then?? dat just scares me so much.... :indifferent:
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    It depends on the persons preference. I, personally, have been single for 8 years and have found I really don't like to be alone. The sucky thing is, I have myself on dating sites, but never get any hits, for whatever reason. I do have a best friend and he and I spend a good deal of quality time together and I love him, but his feelings don't reflect mine. It's such a twisted life we live... just live for the moment, for you never know if tomorrow will be there.