low calorie recipes



  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I have some amazing cat recipes if you'd like. They're yummy!
  • ctprofessional
    ctprofessional Posts: 63 Member
    This is a totally great place to look for low calorie recipes - with pictures!



    wow im sure that took more time than ACTUALLY providing useful information. If I wanted to search for something I would have done it. A recommendation for a peer is far more valuable than advertisements from a generic search engine. SO how about this next time... http://tinyurl.com/yec5txt
    . Good for you! I've noticed people being more catty in recent days than when I first got on here. I know people like to have a sense of humor, but if someone is asking for help or advice, we need to give it. Support is basically the whole point of these forums. Why cut someone down just so you can amuse yourself? Especially when its a decent question. I can google with the best of them, but I've gotten some of my best meal ideas from people of this site. Again, I know people like to joke and everything, but some things definitely seems unnecessarily catty to me.

    THAT was catty? Are you new? How is providing a link catty? How could any of us provide more info, (with pictures!) than the most used generic search engine? I think it calling someone, "unnecessarily catty" IS catty. Nowhere did she cut ANYONE down, you did that all on your own and you successfully hijacked an entire thread over it.

    Well said!!!!
  • cf01702
    I eat 1 packet of plain instant oatmeal with a table spoon of honey and peanut butter every morning. oatmeal =100 calories, honey = 64 calories, peanut butter = 95 calories
  • ctprofessional
    ctprofessional Posts: 63 Member
    I eat 1 packet of plain instant oatmeal with a table spoon of honey and peanut butter every morning. oatmeal =100 calories, honey = 64 calories, peanut butter = 95 calories

    sounds yummy!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member