Hubby has been mugged and beaten by a gang of 10 *kitten*

MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
So... yeah, my dear hubby just finished work at 7, and it was already dark, he always drives to work, but today he had to leave his car at the garage to be fixed, so he was walking alone in a not very well lit area,it's only a long dark street of 10 mins that would bring him into the city centre. Today one of the boys of a gang walked forward and pushed him towards the wall quite hard as he was walking, my hubby though he was just showing off so ignored them and kept going, but after another lot of two guys who didn't touch him, came a fourth guy and punched him on the face, and my hubby decided to punch back... and run, but three of them ran after him and threw him to the floor and hit him all over with punches on the face and kicks. Poor thing, when he managed to get up of the floor and escape with bruised legs, broken lip and damaged knee (he fell or was pushed against the floor and has a laceration on his left knee)

My question... has anybody experienced anything like this?, and if you were in my hubby's skin, what would make you feel better with yourself? because I really don't know how to cheer him up, besides of being extra nice, cook him dinner, and a cup of coffee and loads of hugs and kisses... but I guess sex is out of the question tonight given that he's sore in loads of place. So is there something that could make you feel better in that situation?


  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Pamper him and call the police (or become a vigilante and take matters into your own hands)
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    that is just horrible! were the police notifed? i am glad that they didn't use a weapon or anything...i know he is really hurt but it could have been much worse.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Did he report it to the police?

    Chances are it has happened, or will happen again to others.

    Thing is, it could happen to anyone. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • dannylives
    That's really messed up. I'm so sorry to hear that. What gang is that?
  • MikeDailyIntake
    Damn, thats crazy. I've never experienced anything like this myself, never even been in a fight.. hopefully you guys figure something out, it could've been alot worse.
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Options awful...

    Pamper him with his favorite meal, make him as comfortable as possible, and fawn over him as much as you can. :)
  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,610 Member
    Very sorry to hear that! It's a definite shock to his self-esteem and pride as a man, so not much you'll be able to do as a result of that. But you can help him during the healing from his wounds.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Did he call the police? You need to try ad catch the *kitten*!!
  • MaromaBeach
    That's just awful, I am so sorry. It's called the "knock out game" here in St. Louis and is part of gang initiation. Ask him what you can do to make him feel better, then do waht he says, I'll bet he'd appreciate that.
  • MikeDailyIntake
    Pamper him and call the police (or become a vigilante and take matters into your own hands)

    I like this idea haha
  • vittix
    vittix Posts: 84 Member
    Wow im sorry to hear that, i hope hes ok. I'd call the cops
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Erm i've experienced similar with a family member. I think it shocks you to the core, you're reminded of your own mortality, weaknesses and anger etc

    In cases like this I think only time will help. Support him, forgive him his (probable) moods over it (to an extent) and watch out for your own symptoms, I know how it hit me and how it still hits me at times.
  • rockeraxXx
    dam where do you live?!!
  • sckrlov
    sckrlov Posts: 74
    That is so terrible, I have no advice on what to do to help him but I will pray for you both. God bless.
  • 84jeepster
    84jeepster Posts: 198 Member
    Sorry to hear about this. I strongly agree with Noize55...
  • Luckydrd
    Luckydrd Posts: 56 Member
    Pricks. That's the only way they can win is in a big group...cowards.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    So sorry to hear. I hope he heals quickly from such a violent crime most physically and mentally.
  • YogiGirlLucy
    Oh my gosh, how awful. It actually brought tears to my eyes reading that, to be reminded that people can be so mean and brutal to an innocent person. I am so sorry for him. Just be there for him, be on his side and sure pamper him a bit, without over fussing. And I agree, he should report it to the police.

    All the best to both of you,

    Lucy :)
  • TeeA86
    TeeA86 Posts: 102 Member
    Well I was once robbed at gun point but never beat. Nothing made me feel better and I actually was scared of parking lots for a while. But it might have alot to do with him being a man too.... no one likes to get "beat up" especially a man...... His pride might be kind of hurt..... so lots of love and sex isn't really out of the question. Just tell him "bae I got this, Imma be real gentle with you" lol. but seriously. And sorry that that happen to him.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Remind him that no matter what he is feeling or thinking now, he has been through an unusual event and anything that he is thinking or feeling is perfectly normal. Avoid alcohol and drugs as they will not help and may only lead to problems later. Let him talk even if he has to tell you every detail 5, 10, or 125 times. That is what he needs at the moment.

    Rationalising about what he could've, should've done won't help. He did the best he could in extraordinary circumstances.

    This was advice given to me after I had walked through the middle of a, fortunately, minor street shooting many years ago.

    Encourage him to get some counselling if he has flashbacks, sleep disturbance or can't stop thinking about the attack. It is better if he seeks help sooner rather than later.