This post is about gas (yes farting).



  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    poustotah wrote: »
    Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?

    You could be full of crap.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    poustotah wrote: »
    First off, this post is going to have WAY TMI so you have been forewarned.

    Okay, when I eat crappy food, I get gas. No brainer there. So I don't eat crappy food now. I've actually been cooking out of the 'Cook This Not That' series for a while now and I noticed several weeks ago that after dinner, I get really bad, really stinky gas. So I thought that the problem was the dishes I was preparing and I have been eating modified versions - just plain grilled chicken or seasoned with a bit of garlic or cayenne - nothing too excessive spice wise. Well the gas stopped so I figured that I had it kicked. Tonight I had 2 chicken thighs and I seasoned them with a pinch of salt, cayenne pepper, garlic and paprika. It's the first time I've had chicken thighs in some time. Well I'm back to the super stinky, raunchy gas and my stomach is upset. So I've determined that this must have something to do with something I'm eating.

    Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?

    Does raunchy not mean sexy lol , sexy farts hehehehe
  • dsexton72
    dsexton72 Posts: 6 Member
    Reading these comments had me laughing so hard, I just cut one. LOL!
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    Lauren8239 wrote: »
    Rather creepy how someone's very first post is bringing back a post from 3 years ago...and it's about farts. Fetish?

  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    OP I would suggest avoiding Taco Bell at all costs.
  • gymguy200
    gymguy200 Posts: 5 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    poustotah wrote: »
    Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?

    You could be full of crap.
    Lauren8239 wrote: »
    Rather creepy how someone's very first post is bringing back a post from 3 years ago...and it's about farts. Fetish?


  • gymguy200
    gymguy200 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes a little fart fetish . Would love to be in the kitchen when all those raunchy farts are released
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    If you have gas from chicken thighs with skin, and not from a skinless chicken breast, it's probably the fat. You can test this out by having bacon or avocado or butter. It may have been the fat in junk food that was causing your previous problem.

    Also, garlic is both a source of sulfur which makes for foul smelling gas and which some people are sensitive to (they don't digest it well.)

    Another possible test meal is fried eggs, because of the fat and the sulfur in the yolks. But you could be fine with eggs and not with garlic. Garlic is the thing you mention several times in your post....

    Keep in mind, one woman's meat is another woman's poison, that's why a tiny bit of garlic (or fat) could be a problem for you and not someone else. Also, if you have trouble with fat, it could be a bit of a gallbladder issue (if it were serious you'd have worse symptoms.)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Wait, did someone flag the OP for having gastrointestinal issues which may be related to her diet?Seriously guys?
  • Keily100
    Keily100 Posts: 1 Member
    This totally cracked me up! Most of the farts in our house come from the dog so it is pretty easy to blame him if i let one slip.... Doesn't work so well if he happens to be outside at the time. Most of the blame is tongue in cheek, we know full well who did it and have a good giggle.
    Loving all the crazy terms people use :)
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Yes a little fart fetish . Would love to be in the kitchen when all those raunchy farts are released

    I think you're on the wrong site.
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    I think the healthier we eat, the fartier we get. When I ate junk food most of the time, I didn't have the whisper problem. Now I do. BTW, I stay away from those Fiber One things, they kill my stomach and I bloat up like a hot air balloon. Heaven help anyone around me when I whisper!! :D
  • Sadi_Kalen
    Sadi_Kalen Posts: 33 Member
    i used to suffer extreme gas and i noticed it went away the more i cut sugars out of my eating plan. if i start getting too gassy, i eliminate sugar. it could be gassy foods in particular for you or perhaps hidden sugars in drinks/foods if you suffer similarly to me. since cutting out a LOT of sugar and junk food i get so little gas some days i am sure i have none!
  • brewinggirl_butskinnier
    PearlAng wrote: »
    In my experience, I get gas when I eat crappy foods, but also when I chew gum/have food with artificial sugar (the -ol ending ingredients). I'll have them and then the gas will start a few hours (maybe 2 or 3) after consumption, and usually prompted because I ate something else. Could it be something else you are eating, as well?

    Gum doesn't bother me (I can handle erythritol and sorbitol in small amounts) BUT the other sugar alcohols (particularly malitol) give me horrid, painful (like I can't stand up) and later...stinky...gas.

    It took me a long time to figure out but this stuff is in a LOT of protein bars and sugar-free candy (that's why I love Quest bars...they use erythritol or no sugar alcohols in the bars).

    Also...some of the protein bars and sweets that are "healthy" use "brown rice syrup". I've found that does the same thing to me.

    Using an enzyme such as "beano" for this issue would work, but as it breaks down the sugar alcohols into digestible sugars, I suspect it would undo the caloric benefit of the sugar alcohols. (no science behind that just a guess).
  • cottoncandyclover
    cottoncandyclover Posts: 48 Member
    clewpage wrote: »
    Totally serious. It's a common courtesy in our house. In the 4 years we've been together, he has never heard me poot...nor have I heard him, with them exception being once in his sleep.
    There have been a few times that I couldn't help it and I was able to blame the dog, but otherwise I will just go "cropdust" another room and he is none the wiser.
    Will I be able to keep that up until "death do us part"? Probably not, but I'll try as long as I can. I don't want him associating any unpleasant bodily smells or functions with me.
    He's not stupid, he knows I, like all humans, poot and poop and such, but we keep those bathroom behaviors to ourselves as much as we can.

    My husband and I are the same way, We were married for 3 years before I heard him fart and that was just by chance. I think it is respectful to leave the room if you have to toot and I don't like the smell of my own farts so why would I want to smell his?

  • karennuble
    karennuble Posts: 11 Member
    Yes a little fart fetish . Would love to be in the kitchen when all those raunchy farts are released

    I think you're on the wrong site.

    Lol my husband likes sniffing my farts hehehe
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    odusgolp wrote: »
    it_be_asin wrote: »
    Porridge helps to drive gas out of you if you are rather gassy.

    Else, I seem to be gassy all the time, so don't ask me how to avoid being gassy.

    I thought porridge was only something in a children's book.

    Yes, but think about it: have you ever read about any particularly gassy children's book characters?

    Why do you think Cinderella was locked in a tower?

    It was Rapunzel that was locked in a tower, Cinderella lived with her evil step mother and step sisters. :p

    But yes, Rapunzel could have been up there because of the smell
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Fat content could be contributing, especially if you don't eat much usually. Thighs (particularly with skin) have more. But it could be something you ate earlier in the day, it does take a while to build up.