any NONRUDE ideas?



  • slainger
    slainger Posts: 150 Member
    rather eating 643 calories all at once, (which probably would make me feel bloated too!), I suggest eating 200-250 for breakfast, 150-200 for a snack between breakfast & lunch, 250-300 for lunch, another snack, and then 300-400 for dinner. That will get you at least 1200. Smaller meals more frequently will not only not make you feel bloated, but would probably help boost your metabolism. Good luck!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    my opinion: then dont eat. dont make a habit of it. you will prolly over eat tomorrow tho.

    i just thought it was funny how your title is "non rude answers" and you get 220 some looks at it. haha people loveeeee to be rude on the message boards so i wish you good luck :p i personally dont think its so wrong to do for one day
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    Honestly, I have the same problem. The less I eat the better I feel, if I force myself to eat, I feel bloated and miserable. I wish I had the answer as well! My cals range from 800 to 1200, with 1200 my cal goal. When I eat 800, I feel like a million bucks!
  • soniaa777
    soniaa777 Posts: 126 Member
    eat when you are hungry. u dont have to force yourself. listen to your body.
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    Eat nuts.

    This works on so many levels. It could be a dietary suggestion, or an insult.

    The OP requested no one be rude. I am sure it wasn't meant as an insult..

    i didnt take it as one. i made a nice long list of rules because so many people get attacked for ED's when the ask innocent questions like this that i wanted it to be very clear that i did nto want this locked because people could not behave themselves.
  • dannylives
    Make sure its NATURAL peanut butter with no hydrogenated oil crap in it.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    my opinion: then dont eat. dont make a habit of it. you will prolly over eat tomorrow tho.

    i just thought it was funny how your title is "non rude answers" and you get 220 some looks at it. haha people loveeeee to be rude on the message boards so i wish you good luck :p i personally dont think its so wrong to do for one day

    with negative net calories she really does need to eat though D:
  • hstallings13
    I know on days when I'm just not feeling hungry or still have a pretty huge ways to go to hit my calories, I fill it in with a Protein shake made with milk. healthy and eats up some calories, but I don't feel blah after wards.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    You're making this way harder than you need to. Don't worry about one day, it's nothing. Look up nutrient dense foods and add some if you'd like to eat more. I eat loads of full fat nutrient dense food, if you'd like look at my food diary for ideas. I do eat a lot of sweets though, and I'm lazy at looking up the exact item I've eaten...

    You'll be fine. :smile:
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    have you thought about adding a protein shake or two throughout the day?

    i have never had a protein shake in my life and wouldnt know where to start if i wanted one.

    I make this when I know I am going to be way under for the day:

    Chocolate protein powder (Jillian Michaels - i get it at walmart) 1 scoop
    Fat Free/low fat Plain yogurt - 8oz
    Organic peanut butter - 2 tblsp
    small banana
    add water to desired thickness

    450cals - I usually use it as a meal replacement after workouts.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I don't mean to be rude when I ask this, but why didn't you eat anything the rest of the day? That's what would throw up the ED flags in this case. I appreciate you don't want this to happen again though.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Seriously, was it accidental burn?

    If you knew it was coming, you should have eaten a bit extra in advance. That way you don't have to force yourself to eat afterwards :)
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    do not be rude.
    do not be a meany.
    Do not call me stupid.
    Do not say i have a disease or disorder because i dont.
    Do not be rude.

    today i exercised 800 calories off. and i wasnt hungery at all and i shoved down my throat around 650 calories... 643 to be exact. now it says i am in the negatives but im just not hungry and frankly feel bloated for some reason. how cani prevent this from happening in the future?

    Maybe I'm in the minority here... but I would say that if you are maintaining or losing weight, don't worry about the few extra calories you did not eat back. Weight loss comes with a calorie deficit. You have to burn more calories than you consume. When I had more weight to lose, I ate back more of my exercise calories. Now that I'm just a few pounds from my goal, I am eating very few of them back. Do what is right for your body! If you feel you can't eat anything else, and your choices are healthy ones, why force it? Good luck to you! Only you know your body the best. Just listen to it. :)
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    my husband fills up with protein drinks when he is too low in calories, you can buy ready ones that taste good, called muscle milk, they are in the section where you can get protein bars etc, which are good idea too to fill calories and get good nutrition after a workout.
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    Seriously, was it accidental burn?

    If you knew it was coming, you should have eaten a bit extra in advance. That way you don't have to force yourself to eat afterwards :)

    i didnt know if i was going to the gym or not. it was just how my schedule worked out and it ended up i got left at the gym for two hours without a ride anywhere. so yeah. i didnt want to eat a million calories before and not exercise. so i didnt eat much cause i was kinda sick to my stomach this morning
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Depends what the 643 cals were.. was it a lot of bread? pasta? I have no problem eating my 1200 cals between 6pm and midnight and I feel perfectly comfortable and non-bloated as long as they are clean foods. Nuts, cheese, meat, veggies, stuff like that. And it doesn't bloat me up eating that much at once.
    It's also possible that your body was busy trying to repair the muscles you worked out with and not enough blood got to your digestive system for digestion, resulting in bloating.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    eat more earlier? I had the same problem at first... plan ahead what you want to eat so you can keep in mind that you still have things to eat.

    sometimes it happens just try not to make it a habit.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    do not be rude.
    do not be a meany.
    Do not call me stupid.
    Do not say i have a disease or disorder because i dont.
    Do not be rude.

    today i exercised 800 calories off. and i wasnt hungery at all and i shoved down my throat around 650 calories... 643 to be exact. now it says i am in the negatives but im just not hungry and frankly feel bloated for some reason. how cani prevent this from happening in the future?

    Maybe I'm in the minority here... but I would say that if you are maintaining or losing weight, don't worry about the few extra calories you did not eat back. Weight loss comes with a calorie deficit. You have to burn more calories than you consume. When I had more weight to lose, I ate back more of my exercise calories. Now that I'm just a few pounds from my goal, I am eating very few of them back. Do what is right for your body! If you feel you can't eat anything else, and your choices are healthy ones, why force it? Good luck to you! Only you know your body the best. Just listen to it. :)

    If the OP was only a few hundred calories away from her net calorie goal I would agree with you, everything we enter is an estimate anyway and I don't think it matters if you are a little way off either way.
    But, she says she ate 650 cals and exercised 800. Assuming her daily calorie goal to keep her alive and moving is 1200 then she should have eaten 2000 cals today - putting her at 1450 negative calories for the day. That's more than just a few missing!
    One day won't matter, but in the long term this is a massive calorie deficit and isn't going to be healthy.
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    Make sure its NATURAL peanut butter with no hydrogenated oil crap in it.

    wanna know something gross? i was eating my peanut butter crackers and looked at the ingrediants and guess what? fake peanut butter. guess whos not eating that again!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Rules one and five are the same, so I'm very confused about what rule 5 is REALLY supposed to be. I know I can't be rude, meany, call you stupid.....but can I be a smart *kitten*? I didn't see a rule against that.