What am i doing wrong :(

When i first started i weighted 95kgs and been trying to lost it so i can have kids i got to 88kgs and then it started going back up now at 90kgs again what am i doing wrong i want to loss weight so bad my dream is to become a mum i allways wanted to can someone help me


  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I would make your diary open to get better advice. How's your sodium? Carbs? How often are you working out?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Well, if you want people to tell you what you're doing wrong, they kind of need to know what you're doing.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    My first suggestion...meet some people here and start surrounding yourself with support and knowledge! It's a sure fire way to be successful! Feel free to friend request me, I'm happy to be part of your journey.
    Secondly, as Contrarian said, you need to open up a bit and share a little more information with us to be able to steer you in the right direction :smile:

    Good Luck!!
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Well, if you want people to tell you what you're doing wrong, they kind of need to know what you're doing.
    I agree, it would help if we could take a peek at what you're eating, what kind of exercise your doing. It's just a suggestion. I wish you all the best in reaching your goals!!! :)
  • misty1627
    I am new on this site i dont know how to make my diary open.Istarted doing my treadmille 20 mins 4 times a week and i was on shake for breaky and lunch.Now i am walking for 20 mins 2 times a week and only on the shake for lunch now . my goal is to get down to 70kkgs but what ever i do it just keeps going up and not down
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Hi - I had to do some math, since I'm in the US and can only roughly estimate kgs. It looks like you started at 209-210 lbs, and got down to 194, and are now up to 198 lbs. (I put that there for others who don't use the metric system.) So first, congrats on your weight loss so far!!

    Second, you would need to share more about what you're doing, how much you're eating, etc, before anyone can even begin to give you worthwhile suggestions. My suggestion is to use the MFP features and log what you eat (once you do it for a few days, it gets a lot easier because it remembers the foods you eat the most and you can just click those) and your exercise. That will give you a good idea how much you're taking in and how much you're burning off.

    Once you do that for a while, post your question again in the General category when you have a better idea what you're working with. In the meantime, browse around the forums and read through the posts for info and motivation!

    You've already gotten off to a good start, even though you gained a bit of it back -- you can do this!
  • misty1627
    thanks everyone we allso have family meals out like all u can eat once a week but apart from that i have a cup of tea for breaky and for lunch i have a shake and for dinners i have meal and streams vegs and i only drink 2 cups of water a day and walking for 20mins 3 times a week and then i just sit at home watching tv or on the net
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    You need to drink alot more water.
  • misty1627
    just dont like the tasted on water so its hard to drink more water a day
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    You are not eating enough. I may be wrong and I'm not trying to be mean but, I think your body is in starvation mode. It's trying to hold onto everything you put in because it's not getting enough calories. Eat more and workout to burn those calories.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    just dont like the tasted on water so its hard to drink more water a day

    Water helps flush out your system.
  • misty1627
    thanks but some people said so to eat smaller meal and i am waiting on my cardio twister to come so i can do more workout
  • amathist
    amathist Posts: 24 Member
    try making your 2 snacks or 1 main meal protine only it will help speed up your metabolism.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Yer I agree your aren't eating enough. Eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack then dinner. You must drink more water 2L a day with no exercise more if it is hot or you are sweating ect. I understand it is hard especially if you are somewhere where the water tastes like old pipes. But you must do it. In fact you are likely to see a drop in weight just from drinking more water and eating more often. When people say small meals they mean small meals 6 or so times a day. Do you calorie count? How many calories do you burn a day and how many do you eat?
  • BiggestLoserTimmy30
    try using flavored water enhancers.... like crystal light.... or stuff you add to water to make it taste better... eating more times a day more frequently... will keep your metabolism going... so eat 6-8 times a day small meals... meaning snacks included in meals keep exercising... daily if you can... even for twenty minutes... you will do fine...
  • misty1627
    what are some good protein foods someone said eggs and chicken
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    OK, you're here, that's a good start!

    I suggest logging everything that you are eating (including those "all you can eat" dinners!) and have a good look at how many calories you are getting each day.

    If you are way under or over what MFP recommends then I suggest eating more or less so your NET calories equal what MFP recommends at the end of the day.

    You might also want to have a look at your activity settings (sounds like you should be sedentary) and how much you have picked to lose each week. Make that 1 pound and eat all the calories MFP recommends.

    Get some more exercise in there - if you are watching TV then walk or dance on the spot while you are watching, get out and walk a little more each day, look for some free exercise routines online - I'm sure someone can recommend some.

    If you do all of this, you should see some steady weight loss - it might not happen overnight but that's OK, slow and steady is a great way to go.
  • misty1627
    yer i do a calorie count but it under or it high starting torromow i will get up have a cup of tea and 2 weetbixes then at 10.30 for some dry bananas and then at 12.30 for lunch have a shake then at 3.30 have some fruit then at 6.00 have meat and vegs then at 7.00 while watching home and away i will walk on the spot and i will try and have 5 bottles of water i will keep ues posted and see how i go
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    I am new on this site i dont know how to make my diary open.Istarted doing my treadmille 20 mins 4 times a week and i was on shake for breaky and lunch.Now i am walking for 20 mins 2 times a week and only on the shake for lunch now . my goal is to get down to 70kkgs but what ever i do it just keeps going up and not down

    Here's how to make your diary open for us to view. :)

    Go to -> My Home -> Settings->Diary Settings-> Change food diary to "public", or just " your MFP friends".