What food to NOT eat?



  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    I have put Nothing on a "can not" eat list for the simple fact I know once I do, I am gonna want it lol But since I started changing my eating habits I now can NOT eat the crap I used to. For example, Mac and cheese was one of my Favs! Would buy about 10 boxes a week for my family of 5. I could eat a whole box to myself. Now if I tried, GAG!! I take one bit and I want to vomit! I can taste the high amounts of sugar in the powder cheese and just can not eat it anymore. Same with fried stuff. Depending on what it is, I may be able to stomach a small amount but not much. Like McD fries, maybe half a small one and anymore then that I am just yucked out. I am very happy my taste has followed to my change in eating. Now that I am not eating all that crap on a daily basis I can really taste the nastiness in it now lol
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    I eat everything that I feel like eating. There's no food that I deny myself, regardless of how 'healthy' or 'unhealthy' it supposedly is!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I eat everything that I feel like eating. There's no food that I deny myself, regardless of how 'healthy' or 'unhealthy' it supposedly is!

    That's pretty much what I do too. I just don't feel like eating unhealthy food very often because my health is much more important to me than my waistline or the number on a scale.
  • SuperKatie
    SuperKatie Posts: 94 Member
    White pasta bloats me out no end and can't get rid of it for two days... Haven't had rice yet really. It's the white carbs that will get you really,

    But everything in moderation, I still eat pizza with white crusts and it hasn't stopped me losing weight.

    I would say go easy with cheese though.

    I have the exact same problem and found that I'm intolerant to gluten, wheat, oats. . . etc. Rice doesn't cause me to have this issue at all. You should try quinoa. It's like a normal carb, but good for you!
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    Anything that is white (white bread, white flour, white rice, potato, pasta, etc...).

    All the good stuff!! :)

    If you really think on it, you might find you like all the flavors that go on/with white bread, rice, pasta, potato etc. I used to eat potatoes, pasta or rice every day, but now I use substitutes or leave out the white stuff entirely, and use the same flavors. Like mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes (with lots of garlic and some truffle oil), a chicken bake with tomatoes, and curry without the rice. After a while, you don't miss the white carbs any more and realize they were just filler anyway.
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    I believe in everything in moderation so I haven't given up anything. I still eat chocolate, french fries, burgers, chinese food, cookies, cake... I just work the treats in my calorie allowance! I just avoid juice and soda because I prefer to eat my cals rather than drink them.

    This exactly!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anything that is white (white bread, white flour, white rice, potato, pasta, etc...).

    All the good stuff!! :)

    If you really think on it, you might find you like all the flavors that go on/with white bread, rice, pasta, potato etc. I used to eat potatoes, pasta or rice every day, but now I use substitutes or leave out the white stuff entirely, and use the same flavors. Like mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes (with lots of garlic and some truffle oil), a chicken bake with tomatoes, and curry without the rice. After a while, you don't miss the white carbs any more and realize they were just filler anyway.

    I think lima beans taste like potatoes. >.> Maybe I'm weird.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    You poor, poor girl.

    I don't feel deprived, most of the time anyway. lol. I've learned to look at food as fuel for the most part instead of pleasure. Indulgence is what turned me into a depressed, emotional eater. Okay, well, over indulgence. But I think people have put way too much emphasis on the pleasure of eating - I mean duh... that's why so many people are obese. Not that it's a brand new thing, but it's certainly more rampant than ever. Yes, eating can be pleasurable. But the purpose of eating is not to pleasure us, it is to fuel our bodies. So for the majority of my meals, I'm looking for foods that deliver important nutrients only in the most efficient and healthiest way possible. :) Tasting good is just an added bonus. Usually the better things taste, the worse they are for you anyway.

    Actually, I completely disagree - I think people are obese because there's not ENOUGH emphasis on the pleasure of eating. It turns into mindless consumption and emotional eating and guilt and destructive cycles. We don't sit down to really enjoy our food, we don't make or buy food with fresh ingredients, we prioritize convenience over quality and don't even ask ourselves if we really WANT that piece of cake that's sitting on the counter - it's there, and that's good enough reason to eat it. (Personal example - I discovered that I don't even really like McDonalds french fries that much. I just always ate them because they came with the meal. But I do love me a McDonalds cheese burger every now and then. So I get that, with fruit on the side instead of fries.)

    To answer the original question - I don't actively avoid anything. I still have white bread and red meat, I still have alcohol and chocolate and fast food. If it fits your macros...
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    ...Reasons why I hate the phrase "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

    Why does everyone think those are mutually exclusive things? Ugh.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You poor, poor girl.

    I don't feel deprived, most of the time anyway. lol. I've learned to look at food as fuel for the most part instead of pleasure. Indulgence is what turned me into a depressed, emotional eater. Okay, well, over indulgence. But I think people have put way too much emphasis on the pleasure of eating - I mean duh... that's why so many people are obese. Not that it's a brand new thing, but it's certainly more rampant than ever. Yes, eating can be pleasurable. But the purpose of eating is not to pleasure us, it is to fuel our bodies. So for the majority of my meals, I'm looking for foods that deliver important nutrients only in the most efficient and healthiest way possible. :) Tasting good is just an added bonus. Usually the better things taste, the worse they are for you anyway.

    Actually, I completely disagree - I think people are obese because there's not ENOUGH emphasis on the pleasure of eating. It turns into mindless consumption and emotional eating and guilt and destructive cycles. We don't sit down to really enjoy our food, we don't make or buy food with fresh ingredients, we prioritize convenience over quality and don't even ask ourselves if we really WANT that piece of cake that's sitting on the counter - it's there, and that's good enough reason to eat it. (Personal example - I discovered that I don't even really like McDonalds french fries that much. I just always ate them because they came with the meal. But I do love me a McDonalds cheese burger every now and then. So I get that, with fruit on the side instead of fries.)

    To answer the original question - I don't actively avoid anything. I still have white bread and red meat, I still have alcohol and chocolate and fast food. If it fits your macros...

    This x 1000. When you enjoy food you take the time to savor and enjoy each bite, and you end up eating less. When I gained weight I stopped enjoying my food, I was just eating, there was no emotion to it, it was there, I ate it, I didn't pay attention to it, so I ate more than I normally would have. I'll use potato chips as an example. I love kettle cooked chips (especially when I make my own, but that's another story) and when I savor them, and really enjoy the salty crunch, I find I'm good after 4 or 5 chips (serving size is usually 15-20 per ounce.) When I was out of touch with it, I'd burn through an entire 8 ounce bag in an hour and not give it a second thought. That's my 2 cents.