4 weeks til Thanksgiving. (low carb)



  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    WI - 166 ...
    would love to be in 150s by Thanksgiving.

    Measurements to come tonight.
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    shar140 - I will try to add some more fat - I haven't been doing low fat on purpose, that's just kind of how I eat. But now if I'm trying to lower my carbs I guess I better increase the fat! Seems like it's working for you an yummummum....:happy:

    My carbs right now come from mainly fruit and veggies - berries in my post-workout protein shake, and usually an apple with peanut butter for an evening snack. I work out early in the morning (5am) so I NEED an evening snack - apple with peanut butter has been a staple for me!! Having a hard time mentally with cutting that out.

    So my question for the day is: what are your favourite low-carb snacks???
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    My favorite low carb snacks are:
    macadamia nuts - YUM

    cottage cheese- a trainer at the gym i go to says this is the BEST night time snack bc it has casein in it and will keep your metabolism up all night burning. (Not sure how how true but I like it lol)

    whole milk ricotta

    My favorite little low carb treat is ricotta and egg mxed up and fried in a pan in coconut oil. Pancake - yum!

    I like MIMs too- muffin in minutes! SO SO SO good!

    I can't do almond butter at home bc I have a nut allergy child so i get nervous of it sticking around but that would be great on celery. I would try to switch your night snack to less carbs. If you can't give up your apple have it after a workout.

    **note- apples are VERY sugary. Every trainer has told me that when they try to cut fat they drop fruit for awhile. Berries are better but I would cut apples or at the VERY least not eat before bed. The same trainer told me if I was going to eat carbs and sugar to not eat them at night bc they store as fat. Eat them at breakfast or lunch.
  • stoofers
    hello all!

    starting weight is 177, would love to be closer to 170 by thanksgiving.

    measurements are waist: 39 hips: 45 bust: 41 arms: 15, would love to lose at least 2 inches off waist and hips. arms maybe 1.

    have done 30 DS 1/24 times!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the low carb snack ideas - last night instead of my standard apple/peanut butter I made some homemade kale chips and had them with a couple of slices of prosciutto and provolone - success!

    I'm not sure how good today will be carb-wise - Saturday has typically been my "cheat day" and it has been great mentally to keep me in check the other 6 days. I'm sure it has slowed down my weight loss since I've only lost 9 pounds in 2 months, but some days it's the only thing keeping me from cheating. Thoughts on the cheat day?
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    I think if it is working for you and you are able to refocus and get back to you goals it is fine. You have to do what is best for yourself to stick with it. Slow weight loss is really better anyway.

    For me an all out cheat day would not work but I do like to plan mini splurges here and there. (Like last night ribs with BBQ sauce and a couple squares of dark chocolate) All in low carb. For me, those still have to be pretty strict by others standards because of the problems I was having before. (i think gluten intolerance but it really could be just a true sugar addiction, i really haven't "tested" anything yet and am not ready to)
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    So, I get up as I do every morning and weigh. The scale hasn't budged in fact it is hovering a pound higher for days since my last weigh in. (I have noticed this happens... I hold hold hold then DROP a few then it goes back up a teeny bit and same pattern)

    So I started looking at my reports...
    last 30 days... 10/2 ... WHA???? only -2.5 pounds all month?? (feels like MORE!)
    so then I look at my measurements..... -3.75 inches in this month! WOAH. (my clothes are falling off! people are commenting)

    Anyway, just reminding myself..... do not let the scale rule. Focus on healthy choices, exercise and feeling good.

    Hard to do! I want to see that number drop! ha!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    That must feel so good when people notice how much you've lost - awesome!!
  • stoofers
    30 DS 2/24! My boyfriend tried to do it with me today. He could only do about 2/3rds of level 2!
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    Nice!! on the DS!

    I did some serious working out at the gym. Oddly not hungry today too!

    Wahhhh got the Sunday Blues though!!! NEED one MORE day!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! Happy Halloween!!!

    stoofers - love your pumkins! And so funny about 30DS :laugh:

    yummummum - You have been getting crazy burns at the gym, I can't believe you're not hungry! Hopefully your monday is better than your Sunday :happy:

    So my cheat day was definitely an eye-opener - I learned that cheat days are okay on a low CALORIE diet, but cheat days on a low CARB diet are baaaaaaaadddd...I know now how much my body really does not like carbs - grains anyway. I was feeling totally miserable all day Saturday, but got back on track yesterday and feel great again! Also...I used to have an apple and peanut butter every night for a snack, but have switched it up to some homemade kale chips and some protein - and have been sleeping so much better! Coincidence????

    BodyMedia Fit update - LOVING LOVING LOVING it!! It is awesome to be able to see exactly how much I'm burning in a day, and even how much I'm sleeping. I have been trying to maintain a 1000 calorie deficit which still lets me eat at least 1700-1800 calories a day - so no hunger here!! It's hard to get up to that many calories on low carb so I have been adding coconut oil to my smoothies. We'll see how the scale goes in the next few weeks.

    How's everybody else doing???
  • emt_til28
    im experiencing some major low carb flu today........... :( i'm not hungry at all but I have that nagging feeling that I want to eat something........like crackers......or chips....... I tried the kale chips you mentioned....they were good....lets hope it helps!!!

    do you ever have a hard time getting in enough calories when low carbing?
  • stoofers
    Good morning everyone!
    30 DS 3/24.
    Only 24 days until Thanksgiving!
    Will do measurements this Thursday as an update!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    emt - how are you feeling today? Hopefully the low carb flu has passed!!! I don't usually have a hard time getting enough calories, but if I am under I add some coconut oil to my smoothie or extra olive oil to a salad or something and it seems to work. I'm not doing as low carb as some - usually between 50-75g net carbs per day. I find this is where I feel good, have lots of energy, and am not hungry through the day. As long as I don't go near grains - rice, wheat, etc. - I'm okay. I have some berries and plain greek yogurt in the morning in my smoothie and I don't have any cravings or anything - the rest of my carbs come from veggies/nuts.

    So, excited today - bought a pair of pants a few months ago and they were soooooo tight - tried them on this morning and they fit perfectly!!! Woot woot!!!

    Have a nasty cold right now so I skipped my workout this morning - hopefully feeling better tonight so I can get it in after the kids go to bed.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • yummummum
    How is everyone doing?
    Emt- man i had the low carb flu so badly the first week or 2. It does pass but it is tough at the time.
    nmg8- hope your cold goes away fast!

    I am focusing on water today. My spin teacher recommends a gallon a day.

    My weight loss seems to be going so slowly now but I still feel like I am making progress bc my clothes keep getting loose. I have been working out a lot so I am hoping that I am gaining muscle and at some point the fat will get start melting off!

    I am dying to buy that pair of jeans .. it is the silliest thing really but it is keeping me focused. I've been trying them on for awhile now haha! I would just love if I could get in the next size down by Thanksgiving.
  • yummummum
    I have a birthday coming up and so does my son. I always make a decadent chocolate cake. I am debating between having a SMALL piece like 4 bites. OR just plain skipping it all together.

    I love my dark chocolate now so maybe I will splurge on some special truffles instead. I am just afraid that I won;t feel well and that it will be hard to get back on track.
  • emt_til28
    thanks ladies.....im feeling a little better today.......breakfast is what kills me, i dont like eggs and can't stand to keep eating meat........since im trying to stay between 20 and 30 carbs for a week or two so no fruit or yogurt right now....... :(

    last night was taco tuesday...my favorite night of the week....i made the taco shells out of cheese i've seen on low carb sites and they were unbelievable...i totally recommend them!!!

    nmg.......wtg on the pants.....thats got to be the best feeling!!!!!!

    yummm........... how restrictive are you being with carbs? if youre doing an induction style week I'd say stay away from the cake all together, maybe have a piece or two of sugar free chocolate......if youre allowing yourself more carbs, then maybe a bite or two............good luck!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I'm up for the challenge. I'm scheduled to run my first 5K Thanksgiving morning! I'm also low carb as well as gluten free. We can do this!
  • yummummum
    emt_til28- i have been strict on sugar and carbs and totally off gluten so i really should skip! Whole foods has the amazing truffles that are not too carby or sugary so I will get some as my splurge.

    How did you make the low carb taco shells!! please share!

    Have you tried the MIMs in the morning?
    I also eat macadamia nuts for breakfast a lot. Filling and easy.

    I make variations on this and do not use the splenda.

    MIM's(muffin in a minute)
    Submitted by: JUDE2700

    Flax seed meal muffin.Good source of dietary fiber.

    6 Minutes to Prepare and Cook

    Snacks | Sugar Free | Sugar Free Snacks |


    3 tbs(1/4cup) flax seed meal
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    1tsp splenda
    1tsp cinnamon
    1large egg
    1tsp butter.

    Put the dry ingredients into a coffee mug.Stir.Add the egg and butter,mix well.Microwave on high for 1 minute(or more).Take out slice and serve with butter.

    Number of Servings: 1
  • yummummum
    I'm up for the challenge. I'm scheduled to run my first 5K Thanksgiving morning! I'm also low carb as well as gluten free. We can do this!

    Welcome! Another LC/ GF!! who knew there were so many of us!