4 weeks til Thanksgiving. (low carb)



  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    thanks ladies.....im feeling a little better today.......breakfast is what kills me, i dont like eggs and can't stand to keep eating meat........since im trying to stay between 20 and 30 carbs for a week or two so no fruit or yogurt right now....... :(

    last night was taco tuesday...my favorite night of the week....i made the taco shells out of cheese i've seen on low carb sites and they were unbelievable...i totally recommend them!!!

    nmg.......wtg on the pants.....thats got to be the best feeling!!!!!!

    yummm........... how restrictive are you being with carbs? if youre doing an induction style week I'd say stay away from the cake all together, maybe have a piece or two of sugar free chocolate......if youre allowing yourself more carbs, then maybe a bite or two............good luck!

    When I haven't had time to make eggs, sometimes I'll just have bacon or sausage (I cook a whole package at once then just re-heat), Or, I've also had pb & cream cheese mixed together - sounds weird, but it was ok in a pinch. Not sure on the carb count though, I'm not too concerned with it as I'm fine if I'm at or under 50g and avoiding breads/rice/corn/wheat based foods.

    I too want to know how to make these taco shells!!

    I might try the MIM without the splenda (it gives me headaches)...I've done the flax crackers, but they go stale before I eat them all.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Was it hard for you all to stay away from pasta, bread, corn, rice etc ...High carb, starcy foods? It seems everytime I start, I relapse but I know that its my enemy. Sweets not so much, I can do without that and I'm fine.
  • yummummum
    Was it hard for you all to stay away from pasta, bread, corn, rice etc ...High carb, starcy foods? It seems everytime I start, I relapse but I know that its my enemy. Sweets not so much, I can do without that and I'm fine.

    YESSSS very !! But once I cut it out 100% it became easy. I honestly feel like an addict sometimes... I know if I get even a little it sets me off.

    I also think I am gluten intolerant but who knows bc when I went off gluten I just went crazy on all starchy things! I didn't feel better until I cut it all out.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Was it hard for you all to stay away from pasta, bread, corn, rice etc ...High carb, starcy foods? It seems everytime I start, I relapse but I know that its my enemy. Sweets not so much, I can do without that and I'm fine.

    YESSSS very !! But once I cut it out 100% it became easy. I honestly feel like an addict sometimes... I know if I get even a little it sets me off.

    I also think I am gluten intolerant but who knows bc when I went off gluten I just went crazy on all starchy things! I didn't feel better until I cut it all out.

    I'd have to agree...once I gave them up completely, though, it was a lot easier. It's not a "just have a little bit" thing - I have to avoid starchy/sugary foods altogether, and the cravings go away. I know wheat is a big trigger for me, so I try to avoid it.

    Dr. Mike Eades (author of Protein Power) has some good info on his website to starting/restarting low carb:

    There is a part 2 also in a separate post:
  • 1JenMilam
    1JenMilam Posts: 108 Member
    I hope you guys don't mind me posting a question to you here. I've been doing low carbs for about two weeks.. do you think 1200 calories and 15 or less grams of carbs is too little?
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I hope you guys don't mind me posting a question to you here. I've been doing low carbs for about two weeks.. do you think 1200 calories and 15 or less grams of carbs is too little?

    Personally I think it would be super hard to to 15 or under. My Dr. has me striving for 60grams a day and at least under 100 grams with 90-120 grams of protein. I think that 1200 is fine. Change your macros on diary and track everything to a "T". If you can do without fruits you should be able to do it, but that's one thing I can't give up!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I hope you guys don't mind me posting a question to you here. I've been doing low carbs for about two weeks.. do you think 1200 calories and 15 or less grams of carbs is too little?

    Depends, are you talking Total carbs, or Net carbs (Total minus fiber)? Even atkins lets you do 20g Net on induction.

    Personally I think calories are somewhat irrelevant - I can eat the same number of calories with carbs, and not lose, or the same calories but low carb, and lose. I think it's all about finding what works for you.
  • emt_til28
    Sorry I taunted the taco shells and then didn't participate in the convo yesterday...... :( Anyway they are super easy you just need cheese and parchment paper. I've read that you can use shredded cheese, but I used the Sargento slices, placed it on the parchment paper and stuck it in the microwave. In my microwave they needed 55 seconds, but you'll probably have to experiment with the timing. They need to bubble and then brown, right before they burn take them out and drape over a rolling pin. I pat my down with a paper towel to get off the excess grease, then stuff them with meat, more cheese (lol) and whatever else you like in your tacos!!! It sounds weird, but they are crispy and delicioius.....i promise!

    Thanks for the muffin recipe....it may just save me!!!!!!!!!!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    The taco shells sound good...thanks!!

    I tried my first muffin this morning, omitting the cinnamon & splenda...it was ok. Better once I slathered butter on it. :tongue: I might try adding seasonings and/or cheese for a savory-type muffin.
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey ladies!! Super excited today - got on the scale and was down 2lbs!! I can't remember the last time I had a 2 pound weight loss in a week - usually I'm lucky to see .5 or 1lb. Seems like I've been trying to get past the 10lb weight loss mark FOREVER....

    I'm wondering if the weight loss is due to an increase in calories? For a few weeks I was trying to stay within the MFP guidelines for calories, but was always starving and not losing anything. Since I've gotten my BodyMedia Fit and finding out I'm burning 2800-3000 calories a day (depending on the exercise), I upped my calories and have been consistently eating b/w 1600-1800 calories a day - and dropping weight!! Can't wait to see if this trend continues...:)

    Hope everyone has a great weeekend!!
  • yummummum
    I hope you guys don't mind me posting a question to you here. I've been doing low carbs for about two weeks.. do you think 1200 calories and 15 or less grams of carbs is too little?

    15 net carbs or total?
    That is TOUGH esp. on such low calories.

    I would really listen to your body and try eating out of only true hunger. When I do that i eat less then I think I need. But some days I DEF need more then 1200 cals.

    How are you doing? Feel free to friend me.
  • yummummum
    Hey ladies!! Super excited today - got on the scale and was down 2lbs!! I can't remember the last time I had a 2 pound weight loss in a week - usually I'm lucky to see .5 or 1lb. Seems like I've been trying to get past the 10lb weight loss mark FOREVER....

    I'm wondering if the weight loss is due to an increase in calories? For a few weeks I was trying to stay within the MFP guidelines for calories, but was always starving and not losing anything. Since I've gotten my BodyMedia Fit and finding out I'm burning 2800-3000 calories a day (depending on the exercise), I upped my calories and have been consistently eating b/w 1600-1800 calories a day - and dropping weight!! Can't wait to see if this trend continues...:)

    Hope everyone has a great weeekend!!

    That is FANTASTIC!!! CONGRATS! It feels sooo good doesn't it? You have me really wanting that Body Media fit!!!
  • emt_til28
    Way to go with the weight loss!!!!! That's so fantastic....and overcoming a stall is such a great feeling!!!!!

    15 grams sounds rough......I stay under 30 and have a hard time because even cheese and eggs have some carbs........if your body is sensititve to them you can probably up it a bit....just experiment see what works for you....
  • yummummum
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

    I am pretty proud of myself for really changing how I see food. At an event last night with lots and lots of yummy appetizers being passed around but reminded myself how I would feel after I ate them. Also, easier to pass up now that I am looking a lot different and people are noticing. I like fitting better into my clothes and I don't want to go back.

    I may splurge a little on something later today that I don't normally eat but keep in reasonable carbs and cal range for the day.

    Hope everyone is doing well and remember if you do fall off the wagon on the weekend the important thing is to move on, forgive and just get back on right away!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Good morning ladies, happy Monday!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Yummummum - congrats on the weight loss and good for you for passing up the appetizers!!! Feels so good when people start noticing your weight loss...

    I'm planning for a great week food-wise - I want that scale to keep moving!!!! If I can in the 160's sometime soon I will be absolutely exstatic - haven't been there since before I had my kids! 4lbs to go...
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Had a bad weekend food-wise, trying to get (and stay!) back on track! Was up another 2 lb!!

    I finally did my measurements, however. Not a big change from last time (August I think?), but definitely different from May!! I forgot to measure my thigh though!
  • yummummum
    Shar140- you have come so far!!! AMAZING! I am sure you will get right back on track!

    nmg8- THANKS! Omg I am ecstatic bc this morning I realized my "baby" turns 8 this week and I have not been this weight since he was 5 months old!!! It's a long story but something "triggered" my weight gain back then and I gained 30 pounds very rapidly. Then even put on 10 more! I had always been pretty normal and was losing my pregnancy weight just fine until this point.

    ANYWAY I almost CRIED in the car when I realized I had not been this low since then. I feel so good and determined too. I am NOT stopping or gaining it back this time!!! Going all the way to goal and then maintaining!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Thanks yum - I did a weight/circuit training session last night (and actually looked forward to it!!), and I'm feeling the burn now - it feels GREAT! I just need to keep in mind how much better I feel when I avoid grains (including beer, haha). Tonight, I am planning a sprint workout, since it is supposed to be 70F. I am sad I forgot my Polar HRM last night, but I have it with me today. I really need to change the battery, though.

    And CONGRATS to you on your accomplishment so far - we will reach our goals together this time!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Good morning!! I'm almost halfway through the ChaLEAN Extreme Push Phase, and I am LOVING this program!! Actually looking forward to my 5am workouts, which is...well, a MIRACLE!!! I had forgotten how good it feels to work out :)

    yummummum - you are doing AWESOME!!! Congrats, what a great feeling! I had EXACTLY the same thing happen to me after I had my 2nd - dropped weight well after I had him, and around 6 months my weight just shot up - gained about 25lbs overnight it seemed. Took me until this spring to get my doctor to believe that I wasn't stuffing my face with McDonald's and lying on the couch all day, that the weight just would not come off no matter what I did. Had some bloodwork done and my thyroid levels were through the roof - TSH 24, when "normal" is between 2 and 5. So anyway, worked with a naturopath for a few months and got my thyroid under control. Glad we're finally losing!!!! :)

    shar - yay for a great workout!! I'm so with you on the grains - I feel great as long as I stay away from them...easier said than done sometimes!
  • yummummum
    Shar- I too feel so much better without grains. It took me YEARS to accept this. It just seemed "not normal". I really have not had success losing weight without cutting them back. glad you exercise is going well!!!

    nmg8- So great you are enjoying your work outs! That is crazy about your thyroid, glad you seemed to have figured it out! Isn't it so hard sometimes to convince the Drs! I wish I had figured all this out sooner but just so glad it is working now!

    I feel so good and don't want to shake things up, I am passing up sweets/cake etc on my birthday!