My first "NEGATIVE" feedback yes I did write negative

My name is Diane and I am 31 years old. Like so many other people I have struggled with my weight my WHOLE life! I joined this fabulous family on MFP on September 22 2011. In just over a month I have lost 17 lbs so far!

So anyhoot I work in an office with 8 women with 8 different personalities. You know how that can be, but I am sweet as pie and say goodmorning, and goodnight, and bless you when someone sneezes :) I work with a women who had gastric bypass a few years back. Well due to unhealthy inventory she has gained 90% of her weight back, which is fine with me to each his own right? She asked me the other day how I was doing what I was doing and I told her about MFP and encouraged her to try it out. I told her where I get all my recipe ideas and that I would EVEN print them out for her and give a few meal plan ideas. She declined :(

All of my other co-workers have been ranting and raving about how good I am doing and how great I look. I smile and say thank you as polite as pie, it feels pretty darn good. Well today I am going back to pop my popcorn and SHE was in the kitchen area with my manager...I said "Boy am I tired, I need to eat some popcorn hopefully the constant movement of my hand will keep me awake" and I laughed well she turned to me and said ....DID YOU EVEN EAT ANYTHING TODAY, I NEVER SEE YOU EAT. Wow it blew me away! I said to her actually I eat 6 small meals a day and work out 3-5 times a week.

I guess the reason why I am writing all of this and please excuse me for the novel..I love to write. I just wanted to get some opinions on how to handle "HATERS" THANK YOU!


  • jlm962
    jlm962 Posts: 64
    aw i am sorry she was rude! it sounds to be like she might be a bit jealous. weight loss is hard, and you are kicking it! :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would have just laughed and said, "yes of course I've eaten today" and went on my merry way.
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    Wow, what a bummer! I am sorry that some people can be so insensitive, and I think that you just have to keep in mind that any negativity that people are projecting, it is not your issue. I am sure that she is just coming from a place of (possibly) jealousy, hurt and frustration. The only advice I can give is stay positive, keep up the GREAT work, and try and know that, despite what others throw at you, you are doing AWESOME and no one can change that !
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    Ahhhhhhh honey, she doesn't hate you, she's very jealous. DO NOT let one negative comment derail you from paying attention to all the positive comments. She might come around, she might not. Instead of feeling beat up, put your feelings where they should be...feeling sorry for her because she is so deep in denial.

    Just keep being positive and's all you can do!
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    i hate it when that happens! i sometimes experience negativity if i go out with friends and order a salad or ask for a meal without fries or ask for egg whites. i think a lot of people want others to behave like them if they know that they're not behaving that well. that way, they feel like their behavior is 'justified'.

    my advice? i think you did exactly right. calmly explain to the person that you do eat, and you could even make a joke and say that you eat more often now that you've ever done! just brush it off, and move past it. it's hard for people to change when they don't want to. i think everyone on this site knows that a lot of weight loss is about mentality and attitude.

    congratulations on your weight success, and keep up the good work! i'll send some positivity your way - *positive vibes*
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Ignore them, then have the ultimate revenge and outlive them :smile:
  • GingerDarlene
    You can kill with kindness the southern way and smile, and say "well bless your heart" which really mean. F-OFF.
    good luck with her; she is just a hater. Keep doing you.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    At the risk of getting totally flamed...I've known several people who have had gastric bypass surgery and everyone of them has gained back what they lost, and then some. I understand that it does work for some people and for some it is medically necessary, so before those of you who have had it totally slam me..yeah, I get that. But I think the screening and counseling that goes along with it should be more stringent. I've known 5 people who have had it and after the first 6 months and a couple, even less than that, they went right back to their old eating habits. There is NO substitute for diet and exercise. Even if you have part of your stomach removed.
  • lindabarney
    They're just jealous
  • bgredenbaugh
    bgredenbaugh Posts: 65 Member
    Hater is right - but I think she's hating herself as much (or more than) you.

    It's sad, really. Obviously she didn't take advantage of the tool her surgery was and now she's full of anger and regret.

    You as a someone doing something positive are an easy target for her.

    Just keep on keeping on!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I probably would've said, "Yes, actually I have. Only difference is that I eat the correct things in the correct amounts," and walked away. :laugh:
  • igora_soma
    Sounds like she's just taking her insecurity about her current state of failure on you! Keep being the nice, polite person you are and kill her with kindness :)

    Great job on the loss so far!
  • dee0423
    dee0423 Posts: 17 Member
    THIS IS WHY I LOVE MY MFP FAMILY!!!! You guys are amazing. Thank you so much for your input, it is stored in my brain and in my heart!
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    Easy. Keep losing weight.
    Misery needs company. Don't be in that company.

    If you want to be really nice, Bring in some low fat bake treats. Pack extra lunch and offer it out to everyone.
    Kill her with kindness. She'll Die loving you.
  • jfarmer1226
    jfarmer1226 Posts: 16 Member
    This is really discouraging that there are people out there like that. I would say just ignore her and don't talk about food or your diet in front of her. I have had this happen to me quite a bit too. People who are not happy with their weight...but don't want to do anything about it don't want to hear about someone else's success. She is just jealous that what you are doing is WORKING and her quick fix of having surgery didn't work. Just keep your head up...stay positive..and keep losing weight. Nothing will stick it to her more than having you succeed.
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    Just shrug it off. If she asked you what you were doing, you told her and even offered to help her - forget about her. She's not worth your time or nerves. You don't even owe her an explanation of 'if you eat' and any other hateful things she'll come up with - keep doing you.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I probably would have said something like "I didn't realize you were watching my every movement during the day. You must have missed some, however, since I've already eaten 3 times today and this popcorn makes four. Would you like to see my food diary?"

    Crazy to think that she's basically stalking you in the office and admitted it in front of a manager.
  • jtcmmommy
    Congrats on all the great work and how you are staying on track! I have a "hater" in my life also. I personally try to stay away from them but as you work with her that is not a solution for you. I would recommend being positive when she starts the comments. You answered the nasty remark with grace and positive eating advice if she wanted to stop and think about it. She asked how you have done so well and you just told her. It is sad that she can not stop and see that even when you have bypass surgery you still have to make the right decisions for eating properly. There is no quick fix for weight loss... You still have to work on it with no matter the procedure.

    Keep up the great work! You are doing great!
  • edonald774
    edonald774 Posts: 92 Member
    You can kill with kindness the southern way and smile, and say "well bless your heart" which really mean. F-OFF.
    good luck with her; she is just a hater. Keep doing you.
    Oh I love this. I'm going to try it at work tomorrow!
  • adezeray
    adezeray Posts: 72 Member
    I probably would've said, "Yes, actually I have. Only difference is that I eat the correct things in the correct amounts," and walked away. :laugh:

    I AGREE!!!!