10lbs Down by Christmas TEAM 3 (closed group)

Hello Team 3!!

As fortysixpounds has probably already told you, im the the captain for team 3 and i am also frustratingly away for the first week! Can you believe it!! (first holiday for two years... really needed!!) :smile:

A little bit about myself... well this will be my first challenge on MFP, is anyone else a first time challenger here? I have not used MFP for very long but im really drawn to the site by the great support network on here. Struggling with recording food, esp dinners as my mum makes them all from scratch (80% of food is lovely and healthy) but recording this is just a nightmare as she does not really understand the whole counting calories thing as i have never done it before... :grumble:

I have lost a total of 5 stones (70lbs) over roughly 3 years so slow and steady :tongue: I would obviously of liked the weight to come off quicker, but maybe my body enjoys putting me through some torment. It has felt like the weight loss has slowed, but to be honest i don't weigh myself very often at all - so weighing myself every week is going to be interesting and hopefully a great motivation! I would love to loose another 2 stone, and eventually be confident enough to teach Spin classes.

I thought this would be a great place to come and natter, share stories and workouts, have a grumble and of course celebrate our achievements! :drinker:

I will be away until the 5th so i will be weighing in on the Sunday 6th (hopefully this is ok). Hopefully i will find some WIFI connection and check on here to see how everyone it getting on... Eeeek a little scared about going away - i will relax a little with food but not blow out. My boyfriend is a great support so im sure he will keep me on the straight and narrow whilst encouraging me to relax every once in a while. Any tips for going away?

Feel free to share stories and natter on here, tell us your goals and aspirations! Come on Team 3, we have got this! Let's do our very best in the lead up to Christmas... it's going to go quick i can tell! :happy:

Take care.


p.s. sorry for the rant :laugh:


  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    Wow very exciting my first challenge too!

    Hoping I can hit the -10 lbs by Xmas target. Ideally even more!

    Amazing loss loulouuk :)

    A bit about me I'm 27 overall target is around -50lbs. I am disciplined with exercise but less so with diet as I tend to comfort eat. I'm trying to work on it but it's slow progress. There are lots of things in my life that I'm unhappy with and want to change - its hard work and I'm prioritising my target weight loss.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Hello Team 3!

    This is the first time doing a challenge for me as well. Here is some info about me...

    I am on maternity leave at the moment, taking care of my 7 1/2 month old son. I gained 40 lbs with my pregnancy (yikes!) - the first 20 lbs went without too much effort, between delivery, getting rid of all the extra fluid, and breastfeeding. But then I stalled out at 170 and decided I needed to actually take a more deliberate, active approach.

    I joined MFP in the middle of September, and I've been quite happy with my results so far! I have taken things rather slowly...I started off with just one friend, and just tracking what I did (without making any actual changes to my lifestyle). Slowly, I started to make adjustments - drink more water - try to be under calorie goal - work in some walking every day...

    It seems with each passing week, I continue to improve my habits. I also am getting more involved with the MFP community. I started adding more friends and opened my food diary to them. I decided to start a group for post-partum moms (The Post-Partum Pack). I started trying to make adjustments to my eating habits to try to reduce my sugar intake (my great love and nemesis...haha!). I started the 30 Day Shred (though with a much further into the future view than just 30 days...) I even posted a blog! Joining this challenge is just another chapter in the evolution of the "Carolina taking control of her health" campaign!

    I will be returning to work in February, and would really like to be able to fit into my work clothes! I am a high school teacher (science, ESL, and visual arts), and so I will have a lot of work to take home...I am a little worried about how the transition will be. Being away from my son, the return of "work stress", the marking...I hope that I can continue to use MFP daily and stay on track, and still feel good about myself and the job I am doing as a mother, teacher, wife, etc...

    Although I would REALLY like us to win this challenge (I have a bit of a competitive streak...), the most important thing for me is to use this challenge to stay motivated, to continue to improve my overall well-being, and hopefully to be a support to all of you!

    Losing 10 lbs by Christmas (and perhaps treating myself to a hot little dress for New Year's??) wouldn't hurt either!!

    Thanks for reading my story - looking forward to reading yours!

  • harley_rose
    This is my first Challenge as well...

    I joined MFP back in June of this year, record maybe two days and gave up..Then in September I went out riding with my girlfriends and I got my picture taken with them..it was then and there I knew I need to lose weight. I was at my highest weight even higher then what I was pregnant .

    I used to be an anorexic (sp?) back in 2000, my lowest weight was 93lbs.. my doctor told me to start gaining weight. I gain enough weight were I was healthy.. which was 127 at 5'6" stayed there until 2007 which then I found that I enjoyed drinking and drinking everyday.. Needless to say I balloon out in 6 years time at 180lb. I knew I couldn't go back to staving myself like I did before...

    Off I searched to find somewhere I could lose this weight in a healthy way.. I came across MFP and here I am now 15lbs lighter since September and on my first challenge
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Hello Team 3 ! I am Tracey ... and live in Lauderdale By The Sea, FL ( USA ). I am a beachbum by nature and love the outdoors ! I made a brief move to the North and froze my *kitten* off and gained ALOT of weight ! Soooooo ... the wake up call for me was a picture taken at a work event ... I woke up that day and swore my life would change ... starting now !

    2 Years later I have lost over 127 lbs according to MFP ... but with the ups and downs it is more like 200+ ! Ha ! I am a self motivated ... inspirational Nomad whom loves to travel and explore ! I have taken nutrition, exercise and healthy living to the extreme and made it my life ! I absolutely LOVE food ... as much as I LOVE to exercise ! It's a win, win for me I suppose. I offer alot of support and hope ... I will answer any questions you have and if I don't have the answer I will get it for you !

    I have a page on Facebook called " Once upon a Pebble " ... it is not only about weight issues, but mostly inspirational and positive influence with posts that include healthy life styles and plenty of food ideas to be added. The page officially got up and running today .... so it is a work in progress. Feel free to check it out ! :)

    Looking forward to winning this challenge with each and every one of you ! We got this ... Why ? Cause we're WINNERS !
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    HI everyone. Glad I found the thread.

    I'm Nichole,
    (SouLThinking) is my poetry pen name. I just use it for all online accounts.

    I'll be 38 next week yikes!

    I'm probably the oldest 38 yr old you know though because I have 3 boys., The oldest is get this about to be 22 yrs old! Yes I was 16.
    But the best thing is I raised him..and he became a US Marine. He just got back from Afghanistan and is getting married 11/11/11
    I was hoping to be at goal by then .My goal is 135. I'm 143 last weigh in. So anyway I'm married to Jeff and he and I have 2 more boys ages 6 and 10 and they keep me busy and now that I've lost 95 lbs I can run after them and keep them busy! I work full time over 40 hours...completely on my feet. I am dead tired usually but I've been making myself walk or play with the kids or ride bikes or whatever. I'm currently calorie cycling ..this is mid of week 2 for me and I've already lost almost 4 lbs. It was taking me over a month to lose that before I started this, I think it's the upping the calories some days that does the trick. I love it. I definitely am not bored. I am on the pre-maintenance phase of Atkins also. I have done 3 phases completely. I do eat healthy carbs and occasionally have treats. I have learned moderation and have learned my body's carb level. I am losing steadily on 120 to 150 gms of carbs a day but 90% of my carbs are from whole grains. I have to steer clear of white rice if I can because it's like crack to me LOL.
    So anyway, I'm excited to join this challenge and hope to post a loss next week. I'll weigh in ..the a.m. and hope to learn more about all of you.

    I'm looking forward to this wedding ...it's the first time in 38 yrs I'm not afraid of the camera. My son has made me so proud and most recently told me how proud of me he is.

    God bless.
  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Wow ladies some very inspirational stories there.

    My name is Jackie and I am 42 today(Yikes!!!), I don't feel it though. I have twin boys who were 4 yesterday and I live in Ireland.

    I am not using the site very long and this too is my first challenge.

    I have struggled with the same 20lbs or so for the last 30 years and keep gaining and losing it. I was really lucky during my pregnancy and didn't gain much weight but once they came out I started to comfort eat to abate the tiredness. I was up nearly 30lbs that time. I lost this through diet and exercise two years ago and kept it off until I went back to work last November. The exercise stopped as we all tried to cope with me not being home full time any more and I also sit all day at a desk. The pounds slowly crept back on, so before going on our first foreign holiday with the boys in September I decided it had to go, or I would never be able to get in the pool with the boys.

    I am finding it very hard to loose the weight this time as fitting in exercise is really difficult. A colleague told me about this wonderful sight and I track every day. It really shows me where I go wrong.

    I love love sweet things and this week might be a problem as I will be celebrating with Indian food tonight and probably cake tomorrow, and of course the obligatory beverages.

    Hopefully I will find the time to get in the exercise which burn off those extra calories, otherwise lettuce for lunch for the rest of the weekend.

    Onwards and Up(down)wards!!

  • LouLouUK
    LouLouUK Posts: 136 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Wow ladies some very inspirational stories there.

    My name is Jackie and I am 42 today(Yikes!!!), I don't feel it though. I have twin boys who were 4 yesterday and I live in Ireland.

    I am not using the site very long and this too is my first challenge.

    I have struggled with the same 20lbs or so for the last 30 years and keep gaining and losing it. I was really lucky during my pregnancy and didn't gain much weight but once they came out I started to comfort eat to abate the tiredness. I was up nearly 30lbs that time. I lost this through diet and exercise two years ago and kept it off until I went back to work last November. The exercise stopped as we all tried to cope with me not being home full time any more and I also sit all day at a desk. The pounds slowly crept back on, so before going on our first foreign holiday with the boys in September I decided it had to go, or I would never be able to get in the pool with the boys.

    I am finding it very hard to loose the weight this time as fitting in exercise is really difficult. A colleague told me about this wonderful sight and I track every day. It really shows me where I go wrong.

    I love love sweet things and this week might be a problem as I will be celebrating with Indian food tonight and probably cake tomorrow, and of course the obligatory beverages.

    Hopefully I will find the time to get in the exercise which burn off those extra calories, otherwise lettuce for lunch for the rest of the weekend.

    Onwards and Up(down)wards!!


    Happy Birthday Jackie!! Hope you enjoy your celebrations :)

    Hello everyone, it's friday (in the UK anyway) and its weigh in time! Good luck!

    It's great to hear everyone's stories. For me the weight really piled on during my 4 years at uni - the stress just did it for me. I then left uni and got a great job straight away, started to get back control of my life then 8 months later was made redundant! Food became my friend :cry: That was 3 and a bit years ago. Since then i have taken control of my health again.

    I now work with my sister who runs a business. Its only a small business but we are just about to launch our brand new site which is really exciting, but scary and stressful at the same time! Making sure stay on top of eating has sometimes been a struggle, but exercise is something i live and breath by! It's been a great stress relief. I go to classes mainly so exercise is already scheduled into my day. The guys also make you feel accountable too as they notice when you don't go! :tongue:

    Was really happy with my weigh in, 3lbs loss in 2 and a half weeks - which does not sound much but the last 4 months have been a real struggle. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come, but going on holiday next week does worry me a little... we will see i suppose! :smile:

    Have a good day one and all,

  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member

    I have been losing 1-1.5 lbs per week since I started on MFP, but this week it has finally happened...my first plateau! Advice? Suggestions? How have you overcome plateaus in the past? I really want to make sure that I pull my weight (off??), so to speak!!:ohwell:
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    Hello everyone -

    My first MFP challenge as well, but looking forward to it!

    My story: Started losing weight about four years ago (with some breaks thrown in). Lost a total of 109.5 and hit goal. Then decided to tackle my lifelong addiction to cigarettes and quit smoking in August. I put 14lbs back on. Now that I feel like I'm finally in control of THAT addiction, time to get these added pounds back off.

    I'm 43, and from southeast Pennsylvania (USA), about an hour outside of Philadelphia in a rural area. I'm married with one daughter (12 next month) and three dogs - my walking buddies. I had become an avid runner through this journey, but now need a knee replacement (due to something else) so that is no more :( Puppies and I try to hit the streets for a long walk as often as possible after work.

    Love the water, and my favorite hobby is my Sea-Doos (hence the screen name). Ride as much as I can from about April to October (weather permitting).

    I'm looking forward to this challenge and seeing everyone getting closer and closer to goal every week! We will all be totally hot by Christmas!!

  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member

    I have been losing 1-1.5 lbs per week since I started on MFP, but this week it has finally happened...my first plateau! Advice? Suggestions? How have you overcome plateaus in the past? I really want to make sure that I pull my weight (off??), so to speak!!:ohwell:

    I always changed things up and that worked for me. Add calories, remove calories, cycle calories, or just change food if you tend to eat the same thing every day (that was usually my problem). Exercise more or less, at different times of the day, with different exercises. I'd say change as many things as you can, but then you can't tell what worked.

    Good luck - you'll break it!!
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    Hey Team 3!!!!

    My name is Trudie and I am 24. I have a 6 yr old daughter and a 7 month old son.My long story kinda short :indifferent: ??! lol My weigh problems started when i got preggo ith my daughter I gained about 75lbs!:grumble: I was 17 when I had her then I lost a good amount of weigh I wasnt at a healthy weight but I was just over weigh. Well in 08 I hurt my back and I put on a lot of weight. I started eating healthy and walking a lot then the holidays came and I gave up :frown: I then started up again in 2010 and I lost about 45lbs but of course a couple months later I got pregnant with my son!!!:laugh: Now I am down to my pre pregnancy weight finally! I started here in Sept I stopped logging for about a week and then said the hell with it Im gonna do this for real this time! Today is day 55 I have logged every single thing I put into my moutha nd I'm down a little over 13lbs. I am from around Philadelphia Pa.(USA) Theres not much to do here this time of the year it's pretty cold out! I started the 30 day shred and I just finished day 4 today and i feel amazing! I also have been walking a ton and doing a lot of cardio. Next week I am changing my schedule so that I do my 30 day shred before my kids wake up and then after taking my daughter to school I'll hit the gym! Well if there is anything else you'd like to know just ask :)

    I know we can do this!!!! Lets kick some Butt!!!:tongue:
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    Hello everyone -

    My first MFP challenge as well, but looking forward to it!

    My story: Started losing weight about four years ago (with some breaks thrown in). Lost a total of 109.5 and hit goal. Then decided to tackle my lifelong addiction to cigarettes and quit smoking in August. I put 14lbs back on. Now that I feel like I'm finally in control of THAT addiction, time to get these added pounds back off.

    I'm 43, and from southeast Pennsylvania (USA), about an hour outside of Philadelphia in a rural area. I'm married with one daughter (12 next month) and three dogs - my walking buddies. I had become an avid runner through this journey, but now need a knee replacement (due to something else) so that is no more :( Puppies and I try to hit the streets for a long walk as often as possible after work.

    Love the water, and my favorite hobby is my Sea-Doos (hence the screen name). Ride as much as I can from about April to October (weather permitting).

    I'm looking forward to this challenge and seeing everyone getting closer and closer to goal every week! We will all be totally hot by Christmas!!


    Lol so I just wanted to point out that we live near each other :smile:
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    Hello everyone -

    My first MFP challenge as well, but looking forward to it!

    My story: Started losing weight about four years ago (with some breaks thrown in). Lost a total of 109.5 and hit goal. Then decided to tackle my lifelong addiction to cigarettes and quit smoking in August. I put 14lbs back on. Now that I feel like I'm finally in control of THAT addiction, time to get these added pounds back off.

    I'm 43, and from southeast Pennsylvania (USA), about an hour outside of Philadelphia in a rural area. I'm married with one daughter (12 next month) and three dogs - my walking buddies. I had become an avid runner through this journey, but now need a knee replacement (due to something else) so that is no more :( Puppies and I try to hit the streets for a long walk as often as possible after work.

    Love the water, and my favorite hobby is my Sea-Doos (hence the screen name). Ride as much as I can from about April to October (weather permitting).

    I'm looking forward to this challenge and seeing everyone getting closer and closer to goal every week! We will all be totally hot by Christmas!!


    Lol so I just wanted to point out that we live near each other :smile:

    So can you come over and kick my *kitten* when necessary?
  • gemmie_c
    gemmie_c Posts: 129 Member
    I just thought I’d take the time to introduce myself.

    I am Gem, I’m 27 and I live just outside London. I am well on my way in my weightloss journey, having lost about 40 lbs so far.

    I started my journey at 222lbs (I’m 5’7”) and currently weigh in (on Friday) at 184lbs. I have mostly lost this weight though diet and exercise but seem to have got stuck at this point. For the last 18 months I have been hovering between 176lbs and 186lbs. I started to get unwell around about this time and have since found out I have a rare form of genetic liver disease called Primary Schlerosing Cholangitis (PSC). Having had a diagnosis in June I have decided that it is time to kick my own *kitten*, be a lot more healthy and get this final 30lbs off. Basically-I will probably need a transplant later on in life-so I’m trying to make every bite I take count. I don’t drink alcohol anymore (apart from the odd tipple once in a blue moon) but I do eat a lot. I think I am a borderline compulsive eater. I don’t even know why I do it and it seems to be really bad at the moment-hence my reason for signing up to this challenge. It’s time to change, it’s time to become the person I deserve to be.

    I think that this challenge will be really good for me-I need something to focus on and to have a goal. 10lbs is achievable in that period of time-it would be the best Christmas present in the world to lose 10lbs. I have been promising my lovely boyfriend a babe of a girlfriend for about a year now….it’s about time I stuck true to my world. He is travelling around Indonesia for a month in December-I’d love to have lost a significant amount of weight so that he notices a real difference when he returns in January. This means minimal scoffing over Christmas (apart from Christmas Day) and getting lots of exercise.

    I am happy to add any of you guys as friends, I haven’t got this far without support of sympathetic and supportive people. It’s amazing how many people don’t support weight loss and sabotage at any opportunity. So called friends hey.

    Always here to lend an ear or advice. Go team 3!! Whoooop whooooop!

    Gem x
  • harley_rose
    Sunday was my first day of getting the extra 15min in... I know we are to give our body a day of rest, was thinking I should do it today but yet I am feeling lazy if I do.. I was bad this weekend, I had a total of 13 drinks from Friday thru Sunday... I am really bloated and gain 2lbs but lost one this morning due to my water intake yesterday...

    Don't want to disappoint team 3 by having a weight gain so I think I will just be walking today but it will help with the over indulging this week...

  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    Well girls, had a badish weekend. Between the birthday meal, birthday cake for the boys, chinese take-out and some (not too much) halloween sweets I gained a lbs or so. Also didn;t drink enough water and drank too much wine.

    Back on the wagon for me today gym this morning before work and must get my extra 15 in today at lunchtime. It was horrible weather here all weekend so didn't manage to get out for exercise at all.

    Hope everyone else did better than me. Still aiming for a 1 lb loss if I work really hard for the rest of this week.

    Oh why do I love sweet things so much???? :ohwell:
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    Well girls, had a badish weekend. Between the birthday meal, birthday cake for the boys, chinese take-out and some (not too much) halloween sweets I gained a lbs or so. Also didn;t drink enough water and drank too much wine.

    Back on the wagon for me today gym this morning before work and must get my extra 15 in today at lunchtime. It was horrible weather here all weekend so didn't manage to get out for exercise at all.

    Hope everyone else did better than me. Still aiming for a 1 lb loss if I work really hard for the rest of this week.

    Oh why do I love sweet things so much???? :ohwell:

    Don't sweat it - all you can do is better today. :bigsmile:
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Hey everybody ... it's November 1st .... the perfect month to get up and get moving ! The party is over, the candy all passed out ( hopefully ) and better days lie ahead ! It's the perfect month to get outside and walk those extra 15 min while taking in nature ! Hope you all have a splendid day and ....

    Let's do this TEAM 3 .... We got it ! :)
  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    ~ Hey everybody ... it's November 1st .... the perfect month to get up and get moving ! The party is over, the candy all passed out ( hopefully ) and better days lie ahead ! It's the perfect month to get outside and walk those extra 15 min while taking in nature ! Hope you all have a splendid day and ....

    Let's do this TEAM 3 .... We got it ! :)

    Yes a new week for me even got my extra 15 in at lunchtime.
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    ey Everyone! I think I did pretty good this weekend I had 1 wine cooler Friday night I didnt realize there was 180 calories in 1! I did ok yesterday was my day off and I relaxed as my baody was screaming at me to chill out! I had a couple candys but I didnt go over my calories and I drank so much water I was extra thirsty all day! Well I got in my 2 workouts today adn now going to the mall with my son and do some walking. It's to cold to walk out side with him today so i figure if I keep it moving in the mall it'll walk out the same Good Luck Team 3! We can do it!