Sixers Love Yourself Challenge - Week 4



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    it's 11 pm my time (east coast). just now woke up. been sleeping since noon. i skimmed over posts to see if shanell posted. yes, lots of stones. still in pain. just took another pain pill. should put me back out here in a few. they said to walk around to help get the gas out. son just told me that when the doctor started to take it out in just started falling apart and he was rushing to get it out and mop up all the bile that was leaking. said it was close to exploding. all doctors didn't realize how bad it was...glad this thing is out.
    well, off to walk a little more again. on clear fluids 24 hrs. than back to bed.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Well glad to hear it all went well! Hope you feel like yourself soon! Good thing you were on top of things and went to the doc to get that checked on!

    Get well soon! Take it easy! Let your wonderful family wait on you hand and foot! I am sure they planned on it anyways!

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Sixers!

    Cathy- glad you are doing well. Rest well
    Rhiannon- I hope your son's visits went well. :)
    Amy lou- proud of your losses

    To everyone else.... hope you continue to stay focused on your main goals. Being healthy and weight loss.

    :heart: my love for today- I love that I didn't panic today. I was the only doctor in the office and everything ran smoothly. Just day two. I guess one day of training. LOL. No complaints. I must apologize. I dont have a scale. I will weigh when I find one. I am doing workouts daily though.

    SW 153.4/GW 147lbs/CW149.6/Progress - 3.8 lbs.
    SW 209 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 209.2/ PROGRESS +.2 .
    SW 179 lbs/GW 169 lbs/CW 173 lbs/Progress -6 lbs
    SW 151.2 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 150.0 lbs / Progress -1.2 lbs
    SW 172.8/ GW 164.8/ CW 168.4/ PROGRESS -4.4 lbs
    RHIANNON ----SW 172.6 lbs / GW 165lbs / CW 168lbs / PROGRESS -4.6lbs
    SW202.4/GW 194.4 lbs/CW 202.8/Progress +0.4 lbs.
    SW 212.5 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 210.5/ PROGRESS - 2lbs
    SW 220lbs/GW 213lbs/CW 219.5 /Progress - .5 lbs

    SW 198lbs/GW 188lbs/CW 200 /Progress+/- +2.0lbs
    SW 193 lbs / GW 185 lbs / CW 189.5 lbs / PROGRESS -3.5
    SW 159 / GW 155 / CW 159 / PROGRESS -0lbs
    SW 264 lbs / GW 258/ CW 261/ PROGRESS -3 lbs
    SW 238 lbs/ GW 226/ CW 235/ PROGRESS -3 lbs
    SW165lbs / GW 155 lbs / CW 165 / Progress +/- 0lbs
    SW146.2lbs/GW 140lbs/CW 146.4/Progress+/- .2lbs
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Tamm, Leith's appointment has caused a very stressful day for me :cry: He needs to have all 4 of his front top teeth capped and 4 1st molars filled. Mineralization that shows they won't last for their life span. Intramuscular sedation (SO nervous about this... are you able to tell me anything about how "out" a person is under this?) and very nervous about the aesthetic of his teeth after. I ADORE his front teeth - one of my favourite features of his face. I love their shape and I'm so worried he'll look different. It's been a really really hard day :cry:

    More later..

  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    So sorry about your stressful day, Rhiannon. I hate that the poor little man has to go through that. I really hope you have a better day today.

    Tamm-good for you continuing on with your workouts. Well done! And awesome that you didn't collapse under pressure and stress yesterday. WTG!

    I am headed to the gym, ladies. More personals later.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Good Morning!!

    Quick check in just to say hi and Cathy I am so glad you are doing well!!! Get some rest and I will say my prayers for a speedy recovery to get you back on your feet soon!!!

    Off to class here soon, hope everyone is well! Be back later!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    afternoon all......feeling better.....still having pain. got on scale this morning up 2#s. all that gas and bloading. DH says you can see it in my tummy. yucky

    pedal...hope things go well for you little man

    glad to see everyone slowly working their way back into the groove.

    kistin...i know you are doing well, you are very strong person. keep up your great work.

    katie...sorry to hear about your uncle, my prayers are with you and yours.

    hope people are feeling better today.

    off to watch some more shows that were tivo.

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, glad you're doing okay but sorry you're not feeling well! Good thing they got that out of you!!!

    Oh ladies, BAD day today and yesterday evening. Didn't get to the gym last night (Leith was really upset after his poking and prodding yesterday and he just needed me) and today I've totally medicated my emotions with food (copious amounts of chocolate to be precise) and retail therapy. The retail therapy part kind of brought my emotions back to a positive place after my binge though which is nice. Once again I bought clothes I can fit now but are snug so that they'll last. The jeans I would have bought smaller but they didn't have the same style so I just bought ones that fit right now but they're a size 29 which I can't wrap my head around! And they're comfortable and non-muffin-top :laugh: There was a huge sidewalk sale. Do you guys remember when I bought all those clothes a while back and it was $223 worth of clothes for $37? Well today I did not quite that well but still very well! I got the jeans, 3 tank tops, a pink cable-knit v-neck sweater, a beige cowl neck sweater with a big wooden button, a hip-length button-up really light weight sweater with a waist tie (something I've NEVER owned before because I didn't have a "waist" around which to tie it!) and a scoup necked black shirt with a tie at the front of the collar. Add on a dress for my daughter (for dress-up right now) and it all came in under $68!!! :noway: :bigsmile: :glasses: The shirts were all either mediums or larges that looked like they were a smaller cut. I'm still not even a LITTLE bit used to the idea that I can go into these mainstream stores and try things on that fit like they're supposed to and look nice, but to get mediums and pants that aren't even close to the biggest size in the store... what a buzz!
    So I've had only 3 cups of water today, hundreds and hundreds more calories than I meant to by this time, and very poor quality calories at that but I absolutely know how to get past one crappy day and not let it get to me and I realize that I'm feeling incredibly sad about yesterday, food didn't fix it, and one day won't kill me.

    Slow times around here! Are we losing people?? I hope not :heart:

    My love for today is that I have a great relationship with my Nana. I just got skype and we talked today. But we talk several times a week because I make it happen. :heart:

    I'll be back later but not tomorrow. It's Leiths SECOND birthday tomorrow!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: We're going to have SO much fun!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Rhiannon,

    Let me help you w/ Leith's situation. Unfortunately, primary teeth (baby) have less minerals in each layer. So if at any time the mouth's bacteria levels and sugars get to high it is easy to break day. I don't know his age but by 6 his 1st adult tooth will come in too. So, first things first, we MUST figure out what may be causing him to have such breakdown so soon. Does he drink bottle water only? Or how about did he ever drink juice before sleeping or milk for that matter? This can be the first step to baby teeth breakdown. Milk and juice before bed or in a bottle can decay the teeth.

    The doctors want him to be under anesthesia so they can get it all done at one time, instead of constant long visits at the dentist. He will be out, but not too long. They have great monitoring systems. He will be fine. I will pray for you two. He's mouth may be a little sore at first but the mouth has the fastest healing tissue in the whole body. IM is better than IV. Works better on kids. :) Luckily, he will lose those teeth and the battle becomes the fight to keep his permanent teeth healthy. Oral hygiene can be repaired by first learning what is needed. Ask them for fluoride supplements or a rinse for him every night. This will help slow the process on his other teeth. Also, get sealants on his permanent teeth as soooooon as they erupt. :)

    Take care Girlie.

    Hope everyone else is well. :) Miss you all. Work is going well. I actually did some stainless steel crowns today on some kids. They just make sure the kids tooth will last long enough to hold the space for the permanent teeth. Oh yeah, Rhiannon, are they giving him the tooth colored front teeth. They can offer that.

    :heart: I hope this helped.

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Katy sorry to hear about your uncle. I wish you and the family safe travels. I lived in memphis for 9 yrs. take care

    Cathy- glad you are doing well

    Leith's b-day.... have fun and try to forget the troubles

    Take care!!!

    Amy and Amylou- keep up the motivation! :)

    Lauryn- how are things...
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    PM'd you :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning all..... are in my prayers. i am sure your little guy will do well. i think it hurts us mothers more than anyone.
    tamm...glad the new job is going well, how is the house hunting going?
    everyone else....hope all is good with you. hope the sick ones are getting better, and the well ones are doing well on their programs..
    i am doing better today, allot of lower cramping. like having bad period cramps. still can't hold solid foods. i do want a soda, maybe later i will try that.
    well, off to rest some more
  • strawberryblonde1
    hey ladies. chipper i am so glad to here that all went well and you are doing better! :flowerforyou: pedal, no worries one bad day is OKAY, it is not going to take away from all the hard work you put in, drink lots of water and get back to it! :smile: (ps. retail therapy is the BEST kind :happy:... and i need to know how you get all those cute things for less than 70$ OMG!!!! ... I can't find a pair of jeans for less than that :laugh: ... I have a jean problem...:blushing: :flowerforyou: ) Anyways ladies keep up the great work... ps. tamm how is the new job? :smile:

    ps. i am back down under 150... 149 this morning!:bigsmile:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    hey ladies!!!

    sorry no time to chat, lots going on. Hopefully I can explain later but I just have to see how things pan out. Don't worry, nothing serious, just your typical men driving women crazy just because they can. :grumble:

    My :heart: for today however is that I love that i have wonderful friends with whom I can always share my gripes and my joys. it really makes it all worth it!

    love you all!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Lauryn- how are things...

    Hi Tamm :flowerforyou:

    Things are going. Having productive talks with my husband about what he needs and wants in life. Talking about the next steps in dissolving our marriage. Taking baby steps. I told him I wanted a separation 6 weeks ago. Nothing has been done other than talking since then. Baby steps, working through all the emotions from the both of us. I mean seriously, what is the rush? It's not like I'm rushing out of a marriage and SUDDENLY happiness will appear. So we are working through this. In the meantime, I am night-time binge-eating fiercely. I'm logging it, mostly. It's bad. I have got to get a grip on that. I eat more calories in a night-time binge than I eat all day long. It's baaaaaad. I eat even when my stomach is complaining that it's full. Again... gotta get a check on this. I realize the problem, now I have to work to correct it.

    Went to the doctor yesterday. Keep having asthma attacks. Turns out it's bronchitis. Booo but yay -- because that is something short term that antibiotics will cure. I didn't want to hear that I had to go back on daily preventive meds for the asthma. Short term dose of Prednisone for my asthma to help lessen my attacks while I get over the bronchitis. No fun -- side effect is WEIGHT GAIN. lol. OH WELL. However, Prednisone actually makes my best friend's appetite decrease and I haven't been ravenous today, so let's hope for the same results with me!

    Other than that mess, life is still progressing. The sun finally shone here today, so I'm in a brighter mood.

    Today's :heart: : I have two great best friends from college, one an official roomie and the other an honorary roomie. We get together twice a year with our significant others and kids and go to the zoo or museums. We are planning our spring gathering now. I am so excited. These are the girls I run to with all my problems and worries and they have never failed me yet. I am blessed to have two true and dear friends. (I actually have two other dear and true friends. Talking about super duper blessings!)
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello ladies! I am feeling much better today, although I did still take a couple hours nap after only working a half day today. I had a hard boiled egg today for lunch (not just that, lol) and for some reason, it tasted so good! Bizzarroooo. I mean I like h.b. eggs, but normally I'm not all about the egg. Today, I just can't stop raving about it. DH thinks that the it isn't boogies I'm blowing out my nose, but brains. He thinks I've gone off the deep end :laugh:

    Cathy, glad you got things taken care of, hope the pain goes away soon for you!

    Rhiannon, hopefully things go ok with Leith's teeth. Congrat's on the great shopping experience, you are my hero!

    Lauryn, hang in there girl. I'm glad steps are being taken in the right direction finally. Take care of you.

    SBB, yeah on down below 150. I remember the days...

    Amylou, hang in there. Friends are good.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    evening ladies.....
    thanks for all the well wishes....i am feeling much better today. having little aches and pains where it was, said it was to be expected.
    just checking in. took pain pill, so should be out for the night soon.
    later girls.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    well, Leith has had a WONDERFUL birthday today and he gets to keep looking forward to his party on Sunday with friends. Sadly, I've suddenly come down with a big cold :sick: Hope it goes soon!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :wink: :flowerforyou: I love this group!!! I am a member of 3 weight loss sites and this one is my favorite because of the bonds I have formed w/ this group. I can't believe it is my 3rd rotation w/ this group. I truly appreciate it! :blushing: Work is going great. I like working w/ kids. They are so amazing. I don't want any on my own but I do like to play w/ them and listen to their views of the world. lol. Boy do they have more to learn. :heart: - my love of the day is my ability to adapt to new environments. Though I know my job is stressful, I am doing workouts each day that I go to work to counteract the high cortisol levels and stress.

    Strawberry- glad to see you back. How's the puppy?

    Cathy- glad you are feeling better. I did find a townhouse and it is lovely. My mom loved it too. It is a perfect fit and its in a safe neighborhood.

    Amylou- Men can be a handful, just a different breed... that "Y" chromosome did some serious damage..... lol Hang in there.

    Lauryn- baby steps are sometimes the only way. Any step forward is wonderful. I'm glad its working out for you. I used to be a night refrigerator stalker too!!! I mean as late as 3 am. How I conquered it.... I mentally told myself I didn't need the food AND I put a notebook on my frig.... and whenever I went in to get food, I wrote down what it was AND why I got it? You get tired of writing things like bored, because and I don't know..... it keeps you honest and helps the mind deal w/ the issue. I'm glad you are still logging. Good luck I know you can do it.

    Well ladies.... I am flying to Memphis tomorrow to prepare for the moving company on Saturday. Then I fly back late Sunday night and then back to work. :wink: :wink: Busy busy .... then I return to stay in the hotel until next weekend probably until Sunday. Then back to work THEN.... hopefully unpack before Feb 14 Busy but I want to keep my fitness up to conquer the stress. Its almost over. OH yeah, today I worked out in the morning and evening! Yay....2 hrs.

    Love ya all!!! Take care
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Oh I forgot these others...

    Shanell- how are you doing?

    Amy- Are you trying anything new? How is the new weight watchers program?

    Robin- glad you are feeling better.

    Pedal- get well

    And to all I missed.... best wishes. Its almost time for our feb goals. Keep working hard.