Sixers Love Yourself Challenge - Week 4



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    friday check in....i am down....hope it will stay. begining to eat again, slowly. body still adjusting to it's missing part. much easier to get out of bed this morning.

    pedal....hope you feel better soon.
    tamm...glad to here things pulling together, meant to be than, don't stress, it will fine when all said and done.
    strawberry... how's you end going.
    lauryn.. i agree with tamm baby steps in the right direction are better than none. as long as things are working out well for the both of you, and you get what want.
    deb and amylou....must be working hard at the school books again. amylou how's the boy trouble going?
    amy....where are you at.
    shanell....start posting again, you know you need us.:wink:
    robin...i love eggs, as long as the white is cooked. have to make me some egg salad.
    kistin....hope you are doing well....

    well, off to get a piece of toast, see how that goes. than pay some bills. told DH he was taking me out somewhere today to get me out of the house.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies! I'm down .4 from tuesday, so that's pretty exciting, especially because its TOM. which is probably why I inhaled a box of Dots last night. :sick: Not going to lie, I enjoyed it though. :blushing:

    Tamm - Safe Travels!!! Sounds like the job is gong well, that is so exciting! And I agree, I love this group and look forward to at least reading every day even if i don't have time to post.

    And as for the man, explanation would be that I was supposed to have a date last night (yipppeeeee!!!! yeah, it's been a while) but it got "postponed" (at least that's not cancelled right?) his friends from undergrad are coming to town this weekend and he wanted to get homework done. At least I know he's the studious type? bah, it was just frustrating when everything is up in the air. I'm kind of a scheduled person. :happy:

    Rhiannon - Feel better dear!!! Glad the birthday celebrations for Leith are going well!!

    Cathy - yay for being down this morning!! Keep resting!!

    Lauryn - I am SOOO proud of you!! I can't even believe I'm complaining about one lousy date when there are such strong women around me getting through so much more!! My parents have been divorced for almost 9 years now but it still is hard because they weren't able to work through it together like you and your husband are. VERY proud of you. :heart:

    And I know I'm missing people, but need to get to work. My :heart: for the day is kind of weird, but I love how I look in pencil skirts!! I dressed up for work today and put on a pencil skirt in a size 8 that I haven't worn in a while and fits like a dream!! yay!!!! :drinker:

    Be back later! Going out for lunch with a few classmates so hoping I can be good!!!
  • strawberryblonde1
    hey ladies i did my friday am weigh in and.... yeay! still @ 149... i think i may be under 150 for good now... anyways...

    tamm. the puppy is great!!!! he gets the last of his puppy shots sat. and then we are done for awhile:bigsmile: (thank goodness... it is soooo expensive)

    amylou, boysboysboys. but hey he has good freinds and studies? i think you found a good one :smile:

    chipper. i'm good still dealing with the up-down around 150.... but hey im on the good end today :bigsmile: glad to hear you are feeling better!!!

    pedal. im glad the b-day was fun... and feel better, :flowerforyou: there is alot of this going around :grumble:

    bunny. glad to here you are feeling better!!! :flowerforyou:

    everyone else, have a great day!!!! i'll check in with more later if i can get some work done! :bigsmile:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi All,

    Sorry about missing a couple of days there. My weight is up from Tue. almost 2 whole pounds, which was unexpected. Now I feel kind of down about it. Add to that the worrying about DH job and our financial situation and boy I just don't feel like exercising or watching calories. I should exercise though, because I know that will elevate my mood. :ohwell:

    Cathy- Yes, I am hitting the books pretty hard right now and that's keeping me behind in my housework. Ugg It's hard to keep a good balance. Hope your pain is gone.

    Pedal- It was nice to see that you were able to get some information regarding your son's teeth from someone in our group (Thanks to Tamm) . Hopefully all is well now.

    Amylou- Yes it's just postponed not cancelled. Hope he really goes all out to make it up to you. I know what you mean when you are a planner and have everything scheduled just so then someone messes up your plan. My family gets frustrated with me sometimes about always having a plan or schedule to go by, so I have had to loosen up a little to apease them.

    Tamm- Glad to hear we are your favorite:love:

    Have a great day all:happy:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    deb....keep up with your exercising and good eating habits, it helps to know that you have control over something in your life right now. when other things you can't control. i know this helps me get through the tough parts of life. hang in there. you will get through this, it's just a stepping stone to build you up.

    strawberry...i think animals are almost more expensive than kids. LOL., yes, just a postponement. at least you know what his friends mean to him and he is wanting an education.....

    pedal...PARTY....i like b-day parties.

    well, off to find something to do.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    can't beleive no one has posted here for almost 24 hours.
    hey anyone.....???????:ohwell:
  • pdxmomof2
    Cathy- Hello. I popped on here this morning and noticed no one had been here. busy weekend for all! I am out the door myself to go with a girlfriend for a movie, dinner and some window shopping.

    I hope you are feeling better now that your gall bladder is gone. I am going in Monday to see my doc myself and chat with her about mine. I have alot of your symptoms and have always thought it was my acid reflux. Better to make sure than to suffer all the time. I have had 3 attacs in the last 4 days in which one kept me up for a full 24 hours! No sleep, lots of tears. We will see how it all turns out.

    Well, I am out the door. Have a good night!

  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good evening ladies. Sorry I haven't been around been working late and my schedule was all messed up this week. Plus the stress of more lay offs at work. They laid off 2 people and asked for voluntary layoffs this week. Hubby and I both work at the same place so it get sort of stressful. We just had a lay off in October.:ohwell:

    Plus was suposed to meet my daughter's teacher for a conference on Friday, which was the reason for my work schedule being all arranged for the week. She calls 30 minutes before I'm supposed to be at school and tells me that she can't meet because they were having a 100th day at school celebration. Kinda ticked me off.:mad:

    Me and hubby had a double date night with some good friends of ours and went to see a movie. Boy, I now that I have matured. Those teenagers were driving me nuts. They are so rude. I had a girl sitting next to me that was half my size practically sitting in my lap like she didn't have any room in her seat and then flipping her cell phone open all through the movie and passing food and drinks behind her. Gosh how rood!:explode:

    Pedal- have a great birthday party. I love kid's birthday parties.
    Tamm- glad your finally getting your life in order. You'll feel great once you get settled in.
    Mom- glad your feeling better. Your a tough chick, that's were I get it from.:laugh:
    Amy- hope you had fun with your friend today and good luck at the doctors. I've only had to deal with the acid reflux when I was prego and boy did it suck!! There were many nights I fell asleep in the bathtub becuase it was the only way it didn't hurt.
    Deb- hang in there girl. I am, and it sounds like you and I are in the same boat of these blah moods, we need to snap out of it girl.
    Amylou- boys only get worse, hehehe. Good luck.
    Strawberry blonde- good job. I know I keep fighting to get under 210. The scale teases and says now you see now you don't.:laugh:

    Anyone else I may have missed, hope ya'll are having a busy active weekend and that's why no one is on here.

    Later, I'm kidless tonight. Just me and hubby. Girls are at MIL's tonight.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    can finally sleep somewhat normal. pain is there, but, just letting me not overdo. DH is having work problems again. son got another speech from me again. this one wasn't yelling just it's time to grow up and pick your battles with better care. going to try the treadmill for a few today. need to begin to build back up again. i already told DH probaly won't be able to do the gym for about a month. don't want to push that. can't push, pull, lift for about two weeks anyway. he said i could walk, it's good anyway helps with the air. getting taxes done tomorrow. hope it brings a nice number.
    i hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    pedal...have a fun party.
    strawberry...i too with shanell keep peeking into under 210, but, now it's under and i won't let it go back up.
    tamm...have a safe weekend and hope you get all moved in soon.
    deb....don't let the housework, keep you away from what you want. my new year saying to myself is "will it matter a year from now?" if the dust bunnies get an extra week, it really won't matter a year from now....keep up the strength, and dermination. you are doing great.
    amylou...keep your studing.
    amy...good luck with the doctors. they say i will feel better. i felt good before, when i didn't have attacts, so can't wait for that to happen. maybe when all the pain is gone. LOL.

  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Ladies- oh how I have enjoyed catching up this morning! I am finally back home in Iowa. Had a great visit with my family, though the circumstances surrounding the visit were not ideal :cry: We drove down Wednesday and ran into the ice in Missouri, however, it was only on the trees and power lines, the road was clear, PRAISE THE LORD!

    Tamm- I agree, I LOVE this group! I am glad to hear that you will be able to get settled in soon!

    Lauryn- I think baby steps are the best way. Though you can grow impatient, by taking baby steps, you are ensuring that things are done the way they should be, rather than rushing through. Feel better!

    Amy- I am glad you are taking the time to get to the doc and take care of yourself. Good luck!

    AmyLou- I look forward to hearing how the date goes when you guys can make it happen and congrats on the size 8 skirt, YAY!

    Robin- so glad you are starting to feel better!

    Cathy- so glad the surgery is behind you and you are beginning to feel better. Take it easy on that treadmill.

    Shanell- sorry so stressful with the job situation right now. I think the whole country is feeling it. I pray it all works out.

    Deb- was it you saying that DH was laid off or about to be laid off. I don't know what to say other than I am so sorry and I am really praying our leaders find a solution soon.

    Katy- hope you are doing well

    SBB- I know how expensive those shots for the pup can be, glad he is almost done for a while to help out your pocketbook.

    Kristin-hope you are doing well. I see it warmed up a bit in Iowa while I was away, hope you were able to appreciate it!

    Pedal- hope you have a fabulous bday party today for Leith. Also, I hope talking with Tamm helped ease some of your apprehension about Leith's dental woes. And wow, do I want to go shopping with you :happy:

    wow, I am sure I am missing someone and I apologize if I am. I have so missed being on this weekend. I did OK, not great while I was away. I only had access to dial up internet, so didn't really get anything as far as food or exercise logged. Also, I forgot to take my paper food diary. I did, however, jog for 30 minutes on Wed. morning before leaving, jog for 30 mins. Thursday night, after the funeral and family time. I was lazy on Friday, though I pretty much just sat at my parent's house all day with the fam. On Sat. morning I got up early and went for a jog outside, this is much different than the treadmill. I jogged for about 10 minutes and walked for about 20 minutes. But, the important thing is, I got it in! On Monday of last week I bought a new outfit for the funeral from some sale racks and when I put it on, I LOVED how it looked! I felt so good about myself. And AmyLou, the skirt was almost a pencil skirt, it had the same feel, just not quite long enough to qualify, and I agree, I LOVE THEM. I can't wait until I lose a bit more weight and can wear some! I weighed on Friday morning at my parents house, and the scale said 170.6, WOW! However, this morning, still 173 on my scale. I didn't trust the other scale as I like to stick with the same one. But hey, considering how I have eaten this weekend, I will take maintaining! Have a fabulous day, ladies!
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Ladies, I forgot to share the new haiku:

    In the checkout line
    I hear the chocolate bars
    calling to me. "Yes!"

    I love sharing these with you guys, so glad you are enjoying them.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    so glad to hear you had a safe trip. sorry again it wasn't a trip pleasure.
    yes, i love these sayings. i need to go bad and copy some to send to my sister. she loves these things. she makes signs and puts them all around her house. she lost over 150#s over a year ago. going to get ready for a walk around the neighborhood instead of the treadmill. it's rather nice out. than maybe this afternoon will make another trip. just been watching old movies on tv. RV, clueless, legally blonde. the old girly ones. DH and son are just as wrapped up in them.
    well, off to dress and take a walk. gosh it's almost noon.....still have to gather rest of tax stuff for tax man tomorrow.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Ladies, I forgot to share the new haiku:

    In the checkout line
    I hear the chocolate bars
    calling to me. "Yes!"

    I love sharing these with you guys, so glad you are enjoying them.

    This has to be the best and most appropriate female poetry in the world!:laugh:
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Ladies, I forgot to share the new haiku:

    In the checkout line
    I hear the chocolate bars
    calling to me. "Yes!"

    I love sharing these with you guys, so glad you are enjoying them.

    This has to be the best and most appropriate female poetry in the world!:laugh:

    Lauryn, I thought so too! Just wait, they get even better!
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Oooh, Cathy, I am jealous that you get to walk outside. Sadly, it is just too cold for me today. Not to mention that I am extremely clumsy and with the snow and possibly ice on the sidewalks, I am sure to fall on my butt. Ah, can't wait for spring!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    katie....i just ordered that book off amazon. if really good i will order another one for my sister in canada. thanks.
    the walk was really nice. DH and i needed to do some talking anyway. he's having a hard time with new boss, and co-workers right now. he seems to be the red headed step child.
    off to get a snack, tummy making noises.....
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    I know you will enjoy it, Cathy. I am glad you and DH got to have some chat time. That is always nice!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi ladies!!

    Sorry I was so absent this weekend, it was pretty busy. LOVING the haikus!! Personals later, gotta get going for 8 am class. :noway:
  • strawberryblonde1
    morning ladies! just a quick hello :flowerforyou: i hope everyone had a great weekend! I was okay with the food... but i found out the BF has fit tv .... YEAY!!!! i played with the pup all weekend too... so I guess i was active :smile: anyways i'm off to class. (hopefully the pup will behave today :grumble:) too cute to get mad @ though :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    everyone up and dressed and breakfast ate and off to school or work.......

    i am sitting here playing on the computer and listening to jillian michaels from BL on a podcast someone posted on another thread. very interesting. going to try to find radio station and see if i can't hear her on sunday mornings.
    doing a mile on treadmill this morning. need to get back into the swing of things again. slowly adding this back in. doctor said i just can't lift, push, pull. so no weights, he wants me to walk, so good think, just can't walk super fast.

    well, going to do some surfing on internet.
