Barbie and Tattoos!



  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I think Barbie is a hussy.

    Let's just have Pole Dancer Barbie wearing clear heels and be done with it... think she's a 'hussy' based on....her having a long-term loving relationship with one person? Raising her sisters? Her tattoos, in this model?

    Or is it that, because the character is always presented as an exaggeratedly attractive woman she MUST be selling her body?

    Jesus christ, what is wrong with you?

    Whoa Nellie! Easy There Sprout! I think it was a joke.....Considering he was talking about pole dancing right afterwards.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think Barbie is a hussy.

    Let's just have Pole Dancer Barbie wearing clear heels and be done with it... think she's a 'hussy' based on....her having a long-term loving relationship with one person? Raising her sisters? Her tattoos, in this model?

    Or is it that, because the character is always presented as an exaggeratedly attractive woman she MUST be selling her body?

    Jesus christ, what is wrong with you?

    Whoa Nellie! Easy There Sprout! I think it was a joke.....Considering he was talking about pole dancing right afterwards.

    I don't really think Ken is a drug dealer either ;) Who would have thunked it?
  • hsk11270
    I think it's sick...would never buy it

    I doubt you can afford it.

    What's sick about it? O_O
    Let me clarify that's not all you began with a personal insult
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I firmly believe that there are Barbies marketed to children and Barbies marketed to collectors. Tattooed Barbie would be one of the later. Plus let's face it, there are probably as many tattooed parents of children as non-tattooed ones these days.

    Yes this was made in limited supply and has already sold out. It's not like your kid is going to see it on the shelf in Walmart any time soon. LOL

    And it's not like this is Track Marks Barbie or Meth Mouth Barbie. Tattoos are a form of personal expression and are not in themselves harmful. I'm not a big fan of tattoos for myself but I think this Barbie is a cool item for collectors who want some variety in their collection.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I like it but am glad to see they aren't selling it in regular stores. I think it's more of a collectors item. I'd buy it, but not for my kid.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I think it's sick...would never buy it

    I doubt you can afford it.

    What's sick about it? O_O
    Let me clarify that's not all you began with a personal insult

    What on earth are you talking about? <i.Most</i> people aren't willing to spend $50 on a barbie doll, let alone one they don't approve of. <i>Especially</i> since they've all been sold to people who do want them, as collectors items, raising the price to god knows what. I highly doubt that anyone in this thread has any chance of actually getting ahold of one of these barbies.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I think Barbie is a hussy.

    Let's just have Pole Dancer Barbie wearing clear heels and be done with it... think she's a 'hussy' based on....her having a long-term loving relationship with one person? Raising her sisters? Her tattoos, in this model?

    Or is it that, because the character is always presented as an exaggeratedly attractive woman she MUST be selling her body?

    Jesus christ, what is wrong with you?

    Whoa Nellie! Easy There Sprout! I think it was a joke.....Considering he was talking about pole dancing right afterwards.

    It was the pole-dancing bit I was referring to.

    What's the joke here? All female characters, presented as attractive, regardless of actual activity or personality, are assumed to be pole-dancers?
  • barbi1281
    I hated Barbies as a kid. I remeber I took one once burnt of all its hair and hung it from a tree infront of the house of a little girl i didnt get along with.Then my parents took me to therapy:grumble:

    OMG That is too funny!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I'm going to add her to my collection. I'm so excited. I heard a rumor. OMG!!

    It's only a matter of time. Jersey Shore Barbie. **fist pump**
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i think there are plenty of tattooed folks walking around to the point where what barbie has going on will not affect them any differently. i don't have kids yet, but i have a gang of tattoos and piercings. my boyfriend has tattoos. our kids will know they can't get anything until they're 18. i think people need to start raising their children and stop letting barbie have this much power. it's really not that serious.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Can I just point out that they've changed how they make Barbies from a measurement side of things...

    The new barbies have wider waists, smaller hips and smaller busts. I think they look very ideal nowadays compared to barbies of the past. Is she thin? Yep. But lets be honest....would overweight Barbie send any better of a message? I think not.

    I loved Barbies as a kid and even now that my daughter is getting into them, I love looking at all of her cool *kitten* *kitten*!
    I really don't care if Barbie has a tattoo...I have tattoos and piercings...whatever
    Thankfully my daughter is scared and I mean TERRIFIED of needles...I hope that sticks ;)
    However, once she's older, and maybe wants one I will tell her to think about it long and hard. I regret my first tattoo and may keep it just as something to show my daughter how you don't rush into putting something so permanent on your body.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I think parents need to step up to the effing plate and parent their children. Stop blaming all of society's problems on outside influences. Its called accountability and very few parents have it anymore.

    Im so sick of this mentality.

    And second, whats wrong with tattoos?

    I have tattoos and my 2 yr old son walks over every other day with his stick on play tattoos and says "want tattoo" and I GLADLY put them on. So what? What does that say about me? That I dont takle care of him? That he is a drug user? WTF?

  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm going to add her to my collection. I'm so excited. I heard a rumor. OMG!!

    It's only a matter of time. Jersey Shore Barbie. **fist pump**

  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    She will be the first barbie i have ever owned....i wasn't allowed to have them as a kid because of the whole body image thing
  • Cakepiebeer
    I'd like to see the 80yr version, where those neck tattoos become belly tattoos
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
  • TheReese1206
    I think people are making something that's not a big deal....into something terrible. I honestly don't see a problem with the Barbie.
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    i'd buy TWO lol... I have 2 daughters..and I'm also covered in tattoos.
  • branflake5
    i want one! and i agree if you are concerned with barbies tattoos then you should also be concerned with her body, her clothing (um barbie tends to dress a bit provocatively) but really i don't care how she dresses, what her body looks like or how tatt'd she is. she is a doll
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I never played with Barbie's as a kid but I did start to collect them as an adult and honestly I am so tired of parents getting up in arms over dolls that specifically for "the adult collector." Actually this phrase is printed right on the box and is noted on the website as well. The exact same thing happened when Mattel did the ligerie line of Barbies that were made out of silkstone (which is a material you don't want your kids playing with anyway because it is so fragile). There are so many people out there who just assume all Barbies are made and marketed towards kids and don't do the actual research or even bother to read the stinkin' label. Would I let anyone play with the Barbies I have that cost $200? Hell NO! It's the same for the ones that I have that only cost me $20 as well. They are collectors editions. People have to stop blaming everyone else for everything and realize that there are some things in life that are meant and marketed for kids and some that are meant and marketed for adults.