For the Married or Previously Married..



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Married twice.

    The last wedding was like the perfect day, of course there was drama, but it kicked major @ss and we partied 'till about 2am. The marriage has been good, I am content 98% of the time. But it isn't easy and takes a *kitten* ton of work. And I am a lazy person, so yeah. Don't ever get complacent in a marriage. Things start to go down hill fast if you do. My husband and I both had a wake up sh!tstorm last December and it took some counceling to get through. But we had our 6 years last month and still going strong..communication better than ever actually.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    We got married on the beach in Jamaica five years ago and it was great. The last five years have been great.

    My opinion is that if this is even a question you probably are placing far too much importance on the wedding. The wedding is one day, a marriage is supposed to be a life time. Both can be equally great in their own respect.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    The marriage. I barely remember the wedding.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My wedding was one day of beautiful perfection. My marriage is real and is imperfect and is a lot of work.

    I'm going with wedding.

  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    wedding rocked. marriage rocks! both great.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    looking at it like weight loss sure its great when you loose all the water weight (the wedding) But its so much sweeter to see the journey unfold, the daily changes and struggles, successes, and even the plateaus. Eventually hitting the goal of growing old together.

    The Marriage is

    14 years in March
    Love the analogy, I completely agree!! Wedding was great, as we had tons of family & friends from boths sides attend, but the marriage by far has been even better - going on 6.5 years in Nov :happy:
  • faithfulrose
    faithfulrose Posts: 18 Member
    By far being married! I barely remember my wedding. Marriage is the hardest thing I've ever done, but so rewarding! I love being married to my best friend!
  • twowheelhooligan
    The divorce! not kidding!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I used to be married years ago. It lasted 5 years. Both the wedding and the marriage were crappy.

    Edited for grammar.
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Also married to my best friend,so marriage for sure! We had a small ceremony,which will always be a great memory,but our marriage always brings different memories n laughter!We've been friends for 5 yrs n been married for 1 yr:)
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Previously married.
    Both were equally ---- um well they both rated up there as sucking big time!

    That was my experience as well~:indifferent:
  • beeny83
    beeny83 Posts: 61
    I have been married twice, first time both sucked I didnt want to get married but was 18 and stupid so did it and the marriage lasted 3 months so the best part of that was the divorce. Second wedding was perfect and now many years later our marriage is just as strong as it ever was, had some rough times in between but our relationship is perfect and I will me married for the rest of my life to my fantastic husband. :)
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Lots of great answers and insights, thanks for the replys.

    As the original poster I feel an explanation is in order...
    I have been married 26+ years to my 'first wife' and completely enjoy it. For the wedding we took a half day off work and went to the courthouse.

    I've seen so many people get tied up in planning the perfect wedding for a year or more and spending tens of thousands of dollars, only to have the actual marriage fall apart within a short span of years.

    My stepson had a gorgeous wedding, a combination of his scottish heritage and his bride's mexican heritage. A great time was had by all as these families blended together. 5 years and 1 kid later it ended in divorce. HIs second wedding was similar, a huge and expensive affair, but this one lasted 10 yrs. Divorce was final last month. Thank goodness no kids to tear apart.

    My stepdaughter had pretty much the traditional all-American wedding, big $$ dress, classic car limo ride to the reception, party all night. It lasted 7 years and 2 kids. Her second marriage a few years later was a bit more understated and so far looks to be a perfect match.

    I think too many people get caught up in the idea of having a wedding and don't think about what comes afterwards..

    I propose the new tradition be a simple ceremony, no party, no gifts, and for the 7th anniversary, if you make it that far, have the party of a lifetime, gifts galore, and cash in all that money that was saved from the original wedding not happening.
    No 7 years, no party!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    The wedding was a fun day. The marriage is worth the effort. It can be hard, but it can be absolutely wonderful, too.
    18 years and counting.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I've been married just over three years, we've been together a little over four. We have two wonderful children, Audrey just turned 3 and Harrison is 18 months, and we have another little girl due the day after Christmas.

    My marriage has had it's difficulties, stressful times and hilarious moments. For the most part, it has been filled with love. It has been exactly like our wedding day! That said, my marriage has been a million times better than my wedding. It's a long, frustrating and sad story and it's honestly not something I like to think about. I have some regrets and a lot of unhappy memories surrounding my wedding. If I could do it over again I definitely would. But, while it was the start of our marriage, it was just one day. The memories may bum me out a little but it's almost like it was just a little blip on the radar for us. Our relationship was strong before we got married and it's grown and has gotten stronger since.
  • anwscott
    We got married really young and the wedding was thrown together in a week. We barely had money for a cake and my wedding dress came from a yard sale. The wedding still brings me smiles for how comically screwed up it was. Most people only gave us six months and even more thought it would fail when he went into the military. This summer we celebrated our very Happy 12th anniversary. So I agree with all who said their marriage is hard work but totally worth it!
  • Iwillshyne
    The marriage. A very happy 10 years in Dec... it has taken a lot of work but its been worth it all!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Lots of great answers and insights, thanks for the replys.

    As the original poster I feel an explanation is in order...
    I have been married 26+ years to my 'first wife' and completely enjoy it. For the wedding we took a half day off work and went to the courthouse.

    I've seen so many people get tied up in planning the perfect wedding for a year or more and spending tens of thousands of dollars, only to have the actual marriage fall apart within a short span of years.

    My stepson had a gorgeous wedding, a combination of his scottish heritage and his bride's mexican heritage. A great time was had by all as these families blended together. 5 years and 1 kid later it ended in divorce. HIs second wedding was similar, a huge and expensive affair, but this one lasted 10 yrs. Divorce was final last month. Thank goodness no kids to tear apart.

    My stepdaughter had pretty much the traditional all-American wedding, big $$ dress, classic car limo ride to the reception, party all night. It lasted 7 years and 2 kids. Her second marriage a few years later was a bit more understated and so far looks to be a perfect match.

    I think too many people get caught up in the idea of having a wedding and don't think about what comes afterwards..

    I propose the new tradition be a simple ceremony, no party, no gifts, and for the 7th anniversary, if you make it that far, have the party of a lifetime, gifts galore, and cash in all that money that was saved from the original wedding not happening.
    No 7 years, no party!

    I agree with you about how weddings seem to have exploded in grandeur and expense (although that probably has some roots in the current trend of wedding/dress/cake programs clogging up the airwaves, and the advent of the "it's all about me, I deserve my big day" mentality).

    I like your idea about no party until you've put in some serious time!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    They both sucked. Same guy was in both.
  • SoMotivated
    SoMotivated Posts: 11 Member
    awwwwwwww ; )