Diet Sodas



  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    There's so much controversy over diet sodas, that I've given them up for now. I like Coke Zero, but I've switched to an occasional 1/2 can of Pepsi Throwback (with real sugar, not high fructose corn syrup). I also drink fresh-brewed iced tea and hot teas, year round, with Stevia. When the soda companies begin to use Stevia vs. Aspartame or Sucralose, I'll give the diet sodas another try.
  • carey1932
    carey1932 Posts: 55 Member
    Dr told me to knock off the diet sodas because of the aspertame. He said if I needed an artificial sweetner to use "the yellow one - Splenda".

    I was drinking about 2 per day and have switched to water. I"ll be honest........I miss it. Has been about 2 weeks now.

    His other suggestion after looking at my food diary was to switch from my salad dressing from fat free ranch to Newman's dressings, peferably the one with olive oil & balsamic vinegar.
    He said when I get near my goal, he'll start tweaking it further, but for now to just maintain the discipline.
  • judykritikos
    Actually - you know hey're bad for you - what you really want to do is cut them out of your life. I KNOW THE FEELING. My DDS tells me how bad the phosphorous is for teeth and bones. The aspartame is horrible. And yet - it's that carbination I love! I have one a day - usually at lunch, and have tea's or other flavored drinks during the day or at night. But MAN - that is one great lunch when I get my Diet Dr Pepper in my hand! As for sweetener - Stevia is the most natural, and the sweetest. It comes from a plant, and I've tasted the leaves - it's all sugar! (the good kind, tho).
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Google aspartame. I dumped out my last soda with aspartame in it after reading about two articles about it. I haven't had a diet soda since. I also just found out my Light and Fit yogurt has aspartame in it and I won't eat that now either. Soda is horrible for you all around. There is not one thing that soda does for you except cure a craving. There is no nutritional benefits to it.

    I did, and i found no proof in the slightest saying that a moderate amount of Aspartame is bad for you.
    How much aspartame may people consume?

    The FDA uses the concept of an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for many food additives, including aspartame. The ADI represents an intake level that if maintained each day throughout a person's lifetime would be considered very safe. The ADI for aspartame has been set at 50 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of body weight.

    How much aspartame are people actually consuming today?

    The FDA monitors the amount of aspartame that Americans consume through ongoing dietary surveys. The average daily intake of Americans is less than 2 percent of the FDA guideline for acceptable consumption. The most frequent consumers of aspartame are consuming only 4 percent to 7 percent of the ADI.

    Seems pretty safe to me.

    Soda quenches thirst, and tastes nice.

    Who said EVERYTHING we eat has to have an nutrient benefit? How about that other nutrient...y'know...TASTE?

    Remember, the more things you cut out, the harder it will be sticking with it. :)
  • wannababyH
    Eh, diet soda keeps me from drinking regular soda.

    I know for a fact that high fructose corn syrup is worse for me than "fake" sweeteners. (Which is a weird thing to call them as many are made from natural plants.)

    To each their own.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I've cut down to 2 cans a day. (though I had a blowout this weekend. Eek!) They're bad for you and of course water is better but if you're only drinking one or two a day it's not toooo bad.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I talked to my nutritionist about diet sodas - she said there is research to suggest its harmful and research to suggest its fine. In her opinion, she thinks its fine to have a few a week if you want. She suggested not having one on an empty stomach, though, because the sugary taste can trigger your bodys response that you're hungry. There's more to it than that, obviously, but I can't retype enough of the technical stuff she said. I have one when I want one (usually 1-2 per week) and don't worry about it. Just my two cents, though.
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    I totally have a diet soda addiction!!! I think that is the main thing i struggle with. I am really good about making sure i excersise just not very good with the diet portion and diet soda is totally my weakness. I wouldn't even say weakness I CANNOT say no to it!!!