How often do you weigh in?



  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    Every morning, but only log when there is a loss. That gives me the drive to keep it there or less.

    I do this as well.
  • aimeezingone
    aimeezingone Posts: 28 Member
    I weigh myself every morning.........not too consistent about recording here
    working on it tho LOL
    MCSCA Posts: 2
    I am weighing in once a day, first thing in the morning.:smile:
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    Daily while losing
    Once a week if trying to maintain
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    The first day of every month.
  • crasherjo
    crasherjo Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh myself naked on the Wii most mornings. I would do every morning before I go to work but I currently live with my Mother in law and the wii is in the living room, so I can't always strip off! I only record losses though.
  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    Once a week. Same time (pretty much) every Friday morning first thing after a wee and with nothing on!

    Me too!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Every 2nd Monday morning on the same set of Boots (the chemist) scales. This way I get a more even result but at the same time can identify if I am slipping up. I would leave it longer, but I need to log my weight on MFP.
  • saturn2002
    saturn2002 Posts: 12 Member
    I weigh in every day 1st thing in the morning, but record every Friday. For me weighing in let me know where I am and what has to be done . I know not to freak out if I see a gain because the body goes through different changes with water, salt or just stress.
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    I weigh once a week on a tuesday at a weight watchers meeting . . . I dont own a set of scales anymore (the last set I broke by booting them around the bathroom in temper because I didn't like the numbers I was seeing lol!!) . . . .everyones different but when I own scales I weigh everyday at least twice and I start to obsess . . .so once a week is best for me :bigsmile:
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    once a week is the best. i weigh in every sunday morning around 8am, when im fully awake been to the loo etc :wink:

    last few months, ive been obsessing over my scales and was weighing like after every meal! soo i got my mum to hide my scales for the week, and then she would give them to me sunday morning when im ready to weigh in. its alot better that way, and it motivates me to more off my bum a bit more as me and the scales only meet once a week.

    hope this has helped!
  • saralynn594
    Every morning, but only log when there is a loss. That gives me the drive to keep it there or less.

    I do this too!!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Once a week, every Monday, keeps me in check over the weekend b/c I know that I will be weighing on Monday!!

    Ditto, this is what I do!
  • seehawkmomma
    I weigh every day. I'm OCD about it though. Its like routine for me.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Totally obssessed, will weigh morning and night too, every single day. I record when I think it is a "real" lose....
  • barbiebarkley
    every week and after i go big potty,i strip dom to undies and weigh!!!!
  • V_Zanoudakis
    V_Zanoudakis Posts: 36 Member
    i weigh myself every other morning or so. i always log too just because it keeps me motivated. like if i find i gained instead of lost i have that to motivate me that day or if i lost i have more reason to keep going.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    every single morning! i just cant help it! i want to know about every lb i lose or gain lol
  • atiffany1
    I have fought the urge to weigh in everyday because my body fluctuates about a lb. up or down all the time no matter what weight I am at so I weigh myself every Thursday, because I started mfp on a Thursday.
  • lunakitty21
    On Fridays, sometimes Wednesday if i want to peek