really? logging "standing" as a calorie burn?



  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    Why do we repeatedly get threads about people complaining about what other people log? Why do you care? How does it affect you in any way? If you're really "friends" then you shouldn't be judging, and if you're judging them negatively, you need to remove yourself from their friend list because you're not being a friend, and you're not being supportive. What they log only affects them, so I'm not really sure why you give a crap.

    Valid points!!! lol :bigsmile:
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    because it is human nature to think or assume you are better than everyone else "out there" but it takes maturity to filter it...
  • katyclev
    katyclev Posts: 41 Member
    I know soooo many people who do this! But whatevs, they are only hurting themselves.

    I dont log daily activities like cleaning unless Im doing a deep clean and it gives me a good sweat.

    I will log things like walking if I'm going out for a long walk intentionally for cardio. But things like walking around the grocery store? no
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I think most people don't understand the "Sedentary" activity level. Sedentary means you spend the majority of your time sitting, as in a desk job. It does not mean you are a sloth that never stands up, or moves around, or does things. A sedentary activity level puts your maintenance calories at about 20% over your BMR. That accounts for daily activities, and movement, and standing, etc. If you spend a couple hours cleaning once a week, that's accounted for.
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    I've seen people post laughing as a calorie burn...they may have been joking around...but really?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I find it interesting when people say 'they are only hurting themselves', um, it's working just fine for me. 21 lbs in 3 months, halfway to my ultimate goal. I do 'real' exercise too, but some days I really need to clean for a few hours to un-do the damage my 2 kids and DH do to the house, so yeah sometimes I count that as my exercise if that's what I spent time doing to get my heartrate up that day. No it's not like doing Insanity or 30DS, but yo it still burns calories as long as I'm putting a vigorous effort into it.

    If you don't want to log those things in your activity, fine, that's your decision on what's best for you. Some people that are just getting started or not fit at all to begin with may see victory in every extra bit of activity they do. It may feel good for them to officially log that they did *anything* that day. I was a complete and total couch potato before I started and now I specifically clean the house far more frequently, longer, and harder than I used to, b/c it gets me moving and the more weight I lose and more of *any* activity I do, the easier it gets. I don't count every time I take a trip up or down the stairs and log that, that would be silly, but if I do something that takes me awhile and takes a decent amount of effort then yes often times it gets logged. Not always, but often.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    CMmrsfloyd, what you are describing is something that you do not do all the time so it would count. But, if you picked up after your kids and DH ALL the time then it would not be something that would burn a lot of calories. Your body would become accustom to it. So, you should add your picking up as you are burning extra calories.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't log my daily cleaning, but if I do something more intense (like steam cleaning, moving furniture, scrubbing floors on my hands and knees, etc) then I DO log it. I may or may not eat back the calories, but if my heart is pounding and sweat is rolling off me? I'm counting that! LOL

    This mentality doesn't make sense to me, the only reason on this site to log exercise is to know how many exercise calories to eat back, otherwise there's no reason to track it, it doesn't mean anything.

    Well, it doesn't have to make sense to you. It is what *I* do and it works for me, so really? That's what matters right? (And to be honest, I rarely log anything - food or exercise - on here anymore (though I will sometimes log my exercise just so I know what days I went to the gym, what I did, for how long, etc... not so much focusing on the calorie count as simply a way for me to track what I'm doing there). I'm happily maintaining my weight and I've learned my calorie limits, etc in order to continue to maintain -- so really? I don't worry about any of it)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You burn more calories standing and moving around (even if it's light) than you do sitting down at a desk all day. I was told by a dietician (granted she could have been lying to me) that you burn about 100 extra calories an hour standing. So it's not completely ridiculous to bump up the activity a little bit to not sedentary. Standing for 8 hours isn't part of life if you live a sedentary lifestyle.

    If you're standing for 8 hours, you aren't sedentary.

    Also, burning an 100 calories extra an hour is totally bogus. That would mean a person who stands burns an extra 800-1000 calories a day than a person with a desk job, and that's not even close to accurate.

    How do you know it isn't accurate? It could very well be accurate for someone. I work on my feet and I burn a lot of calories considering I maintain my weight while consuming around 2500 NET calories a day (I usually range between 2200-2500, but am always closer to 2500 on days I work). If a person who works a desk job can only consume 1500 net calories a day to maintain their weight - it could be said that me working on my feet is burning those extra 1000 calories.

    Don't be so quick to judge. Everyone is different and to say "something isn't accurate" when in reality it may very well BE accurate for someone makes you look very unwilling to accept that others may be different.
  • randomartisrgirl
    Well, I know someone who logs sitting. As in, sitting down studying. I don't even say anything, comment or ANYTHING...
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Just want to mention that everyone who is complaining about people who complain about what other people log are...well..doing the same damn thing. I'm just sayin'.