Lets explore "bulky" women...



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Except the muscles in photo A. That is rank.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    And I would definitely most like to look like the Victoria's Secret model, which annoyingly is almost exactly what my little sister looks like.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Stacy is a rock star. I would love to have that body. I just keep working at it. I really love lifting weights, my work will pay off eventually. :)
  • wannababyH
    On the topic of Jamie Eason's boobs, she only has implants due to asymmetry after a lumpectomy. And she hates them.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    The only reason I pointed out her breasts is that it not all that natural to have large breasts while being that low body fat. I know I'd have none left. Many fitness models get implants for this reason.
  • determinedcrystal
    determinedcrystal Posts: 75 Member
    wheres stacy i want to add her
  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    Wooooaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, Stacy is my hero! Thanks for sharing!
  • tcpowell25
    This is great. I just started lifting myself and you are such an inspiration.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I remembered the point i was going to make (I was distracted by small children).

    None of us are ever going to look like A. We are probably not going to look like B unless we try REALLY hard and go through several cycles of bulking and cutting. Most of us are NOT going to look like C either, becuase it's mostly genetic not over all hard work. We might look like D or F again if we try really hard, lift a ton and eat a ton. We might get close to E but again, that's not easy.... Looking like any of these women isn't going to happen on accident.

    Women B-F are all beautiful, strong healthy women and it annoys the piss out of me that women don't want "muscle" or "bulk" and only want to "tone.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    And to quote myself from another post, the one that fueled this one...
    Muscles are beautiful!!!! I wish all women would embrace this.

    We are real women. We can be healthy, fit, strong and beautiful. Muscles show are commitment to a healthy live. Or desire to be fit and healthy. I can pick up my small children and throw them around. I can play sports with ease, ride mountain bikes, go on hikes, have fun. I can load 45lb bags of dog food all by myself, lift my heavy carry on into the over head bin on a air plane and I can rock a *kitten* bikini in a hot tub full of 23 year-olds and be healthiest there. I am proud of my strong fit, MUSCULAR body.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Woman A: This is a female body builder. She took steroids and diuretics to achieve this look.


    Woman B: This is Jamie Eason. I'm going to assume she is not on 'roids. Her body fat percentage is probably around 18%. she probably has fake boobs. I am annoyed that such tiny bar bells were used as props...

    ETA: 15%?


    Woman C: This is a Victoria Secret model. She is "soft" and has skinny arms. She is probably naturally skinny, doesn't eat a lot and doesn't work out. She is also probably 18 and has never had children. Her body fat percentage is also probably 18%.

    ETA: Nevermind, she's 28 and does have a kid. This proves she is even more of a genetic freak than originally thought. :wink: Also, might be 15% body fat....


    Woman D: This is Stacy, a powerlifter mentioned in a blog linked here on the board. She eats 3000-4000 calories a day and can deadlift over 300lbs:


    I forgot my point already... Oh wait, MUSCLES ARE BEAUTIFUL.

    I think Victoria Secret models work out. Or maybe they're just photographed in workout gear near gyms... That is entirely possible. ;P
  • eliotta
    eliotta Posts: 15
    Women B-F are all beautiful, strong healthy women and it annoys the piss out of me that women don't want "muscle" or "bulk" and only want to "tone.

    Can I ask why? I think it's all about personal preferences. I want to look toned and small, you want to look strong and fit. I think we both have the goal to be healthy, which can be attained by looking many different ways. So why are you annoyed by people who have slightly different goals than you?
  • mcintyrekn
    mcintyrekn Posts: 55 Member
    See, I think all of these women are gorgeous ( with the exception of the Roids woman). But I tend to like a more fuller figure. Larger breasts, larger stomach, big thighs, etc. Not so muscular.. what most would call "fat". Sometimes I wish that these women were appreciated a little more. But yes, I think muscles can totally be beautiful!
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Let's add one more. This is millerll, she's a MFP member, 49 years old and can dead lift 225lbs.



    Awww........thanks for the shout out! :flowerforyou:

    My profile pic is from 2 weeks ago when I upped my PR to a 275-pound deadlift. Yay! Next goal: 300 pounds!

    Way to go, girl!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Women B-F are all beautiful, strong healthy women and it annoys the piss out of me that women don't want "muscle" or "bulk" and only want to "tone.

    Can I ask why? I think it's all about personal preferences. I want to look toned and small, you want to look strong and fit. I think we both have the goal to be healthy, which can be attained by looking many different ways. So why are you annoyed by people who have slightly different goals than you?

    I don't know. You are right. It shouldn't annoy me. Maybe I'm taking it personally.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The other thing... women like that Jamie Eason don't walk around all flexed and oiled all the time. Her "pythons" probably look like normal (gorgeous, enviable, incredible, but normal) arms when she's not pumped.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    The other thing... women like that Jamie Eason don't walk around all flexed and oiled all the time.

    They don't? I totally would. :wink:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The other thing... women like that Jamie Eason don't walk around all flexed and oiled all the time.

    They don't? I totally would. :wink:

    It messes up the bedsheets, and makes the bottom of the shower really slippery. :wink:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think the Jamie person has horrid legs. They aren't sexy at all, they are just weird. Her waist is amazing, but I wouldn't choose to look like her.