Lets explore "bulky" women...



  • LOVE jamie eason! and while the victoria secret models do have nice bodies, i prefer more muscle for myself. stacy has the body i'm looking to achieve =) love this post.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I'm usually much more of an arm/shoulder girl, but this is a lower half to die for.

  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Wow. Look at that as5. I mean her calves. Look at her calves...
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Woman A - puke! Almost literally. Rarely have I ever seen anything so grotesque! Definitely not something to aspire to imo.

    Woman B - wow, amazing body. Too fake and shiny looking for my taste though.

    Woman C - my idea of perfection. I would give anything to look like that but never will

    Woman D - a little bigger than my ideal but a great body.

    My order of preference would be C,B,D ... many many ranges of body skinny to obese ...... long range of awful bodies ..... oh, and A.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    Wow. Look at that as5. I mean her calves. Look at her calves...

    Great calves... you could bounce a quarter off them :happy:
  • CAlexRose
    CAlexRose Posts: 33 Member
    Women B-F are all beautiful, strong healthy women and it annoys the piss out of me that women don't want "muscle" or "bulk" and only want to "tone.

    Can I ask why? I think it's all about personal preferences. I want to look toned and small, you want to look strong and fit. I think we both have the goal to be healthy, which can be attained by looking many different ways. So why are you annoyed by people who have slightly different goals than you?

    I don't know. You are right. It shouldn't annoy me. Maybe I'm taking it personally.

    I think for me, because I've been called a "boy" because of my muscles, I never felt feminine because of my tone. Like I said in a previous post, I wanted to be super thin since I was in my teens. Now that I'm going on 33, thankfully I've gotten over that and thankfully I can *walk*, let alone lift.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Hooray Miranda Kerr! She drinks 4 tablespoons of coconut oil per day. Oh of the fatiest oils there is.

    She is living, breathing, beautiful proof that fat does not make someone fat
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    My preferences would be B, D, C a distant third, and D not in the running. I like my women athletic, not weak.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I am another one who prefers Miranda Kerr. I would kill to have her stomach. Women A and B are too athletic looking for my personal preference, but Woman D looks awesome.
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    I want to look like the last girl
  • nickydp
    nickydp Posts: 29 Member
    I wouldn't say no to any of them.

    Woman A because, well, you'd just do whatever she told you. Not gonna argue with her!

    Woman B, C and D because they are all very sexy.

    Great Post, love it. This comment is too funny.
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I want stacys body <3

    Me too!
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I want stacys body <3

    Me too!
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think women should look muscular. I think being "soft" and curvy is much sexier than having such defined muscle mass. I don't think it looks natural. But I'm also not at all attracted to "bulky" men... anything more than slight muscle definition looks gross to me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's all in the body fat percentage.

    Jamie Eason, for example, when she's not at a low body fat for competitions, looks soft and feminine:


    I think I look soft and feminine, too. But I just moved all the dining room furniture into the front room, and moved the couch into the dining room to make it more of a den, and moved a 36" older model tv (not a flatscreen - weighs a ton) onto different higher tv stand, etc. by myself before my husband got home from work. I can't see that little VS model doing that. Then again, she could have movers come in and do that for her. :tongue:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I would like to look feminine but not "soft". Pretty sure it's possible. And women "shouldn't" be anything. They CAN be whatever they want.
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member

    She does eat 3000-4000 calories a day when she was building muscle, but NOT just ANY calories. All food is not created equal. I believe she went paleo... but that pretty much just means eat real food (minus grain and dairy for paleo), but you get the point.

    Other strong women:

  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    One more who looks a bit "softer" relatively speaking


    Body fat percentage can make a difference.

    The truth is, that muscles don't make you bulky. Fat does. The "tone" look that a lot of women want (not all, and that's fine!) is created by TWO things
    1. Strong muscle
    2. Little fat covering those muscles

    The degree of fat can make a difference - you need to get down to a low percentage to even look like the woman above, but the other women you are seeing that seem more muscular than you may prefer have an even lower amount of fat. ALSO it depends on how you train. To get the larger legs like some of the women posted (I don't mean like woman A, but just the fit/strong females with the larger legs) trained in a VERY SPECIFIC manner to get there following some sort of body building routine. It doesn't just happen. It takes strategic planning and a lot of time!
  • MThurs
    MThurs Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing this!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Awesome thread. Thanks.