Valentine's Day Challenge

Who wants to do a Valentine's Day Challenge with me???? If you do post your current weight and the weight you want to be as of Feb. 14, 2012 also tell everyone a little bit about yourself. The challenge will start Nov. 1, 2011.
I will start with myself---
My name is Martina aka. Viruetwife2012, I am 5ft 2in and currently weigh 197lbs, my goal for Feb 14, 2012 is to weigh 171 lbs. :happy: I have 2 little girls, ages 11 months and 6 years and am engaged to be married on June 16, 2012. My weight loss journey started January 2011 when I weighed in at 220 lbs, I joined MFP July 2011, weighing 213 lbs, my ultimate goal it to weigh 135 lbs by my wedding. I am going to achieve this goal by exercising and eating healthy, correctly portioned meals. Oh, and I am a super friendly, super fun person!
I am excited to see who joins me in this challenge!!!!


  • aimeezingone
    aimeezingone Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in :)

    My name is Aimee (ah-may),.....I had VSG Sept. 6th 2011......I'd like to shed 60 lbs by Valentines.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I'm in!

    My name is Elisa Nataly -EliNa-, I'm 22 years old, 5.5", 140 pounds.
    I would love to be 125 pounds by Valentine's day.
    I work every day, but am still making time to get healthier.
  • kaybillie

    yes please l would like to join this challenge!!!

    My name is Kay otherwise known as kaybillie.
    I currently weigh 170lbs and choosing to make my goal for February 14th 2012 to weigh 150lbs.
    I have a 12 year old son who is just great and want to be the best l can mainly for him (but also for myself of course!!!!).
    I want to exercise (getting a buzz already!), eat healthy and feel better, look better, to be more confident in myself.
    I like to think that l am friendly and a fun person to know!!!

    Kay :smile:
  • chrissy198727
    chrissy198727 Posts: 75 Member
    I am in. SW: 280.
    GW: 240

    That's 40 pounds by Feb. 15.

    Anyways, I'm christina. I am ready to drop this weight. Be healthy and beach ready next summer.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I'd love to join!

    I'm 23 years old, 5'3" and 150 lbs.

    I'd like to be 135 by Valentine's Day. I wouldn't mind less, but I'm getting closer to goal and I know my weight loss will slow down a little bit!

    I'm a full time student (20 hrs a week) and I also work, so I'm a very, very busy girl!
  • RunningMyButtOff
    RunningMyButtOff Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, my name is Cassie

    I'm 5'2" and currently weight 127.5 lbs. I'd like to weight closer to 120, but weight is only secondary to feeling more toned and leaner. Therefore, my goal is more focused on decreasing body fat percentage. I have big plans to pick up a tape measure to figure this out!
  • momof2boysvn

    My name is Christina. I just started MFP last week. My current weight is 185lbs. My goal for Feb 14 is to lose 25 lbs. I am a SAHM to 3 kids, ages 12, 3, and 2 months. I am excited to feel happy, healthy and sexy again!
  • nothingisred
    Hello, my name is Jade and I'd like to join. I'm 5'2" and currently 169lbs. My 22nd birthday is the day before Valentine's Day and originally I wanted to get to my goal weight of 135lbs by then but I think 145lbs is probably more realistic.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    Love to!

    My name is Megan, 29 years old, two little ones 2, and 8mo old. I run a licenced childcare center from my home during the day. I can't wait to feel "normal" again :)
    I'm 5'9, and Currently 269, but hoping my weigh in tomorrow will bring that down a bit.
    By February 14th I would like to be 230, so 39lbs lighter than I am right now (Fingers Crossed)

    ETA: Also wanted to mention that a huge motivation is my 30th birthday coming up next year. My goal for that is to be in onederland!!
  • ashleighjoy2007
    ashleighjoy2007 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm in. My name is Ashleigh, I'm 20 years old and I am eating ice cream as I type! (Its my cheat day lol.) Currently working 2 jobs with very flexible hours so I have a lot of time to workout.

    Starting weight is 190.2lbs as of a week ago. I'd like to be down to 176 by Valentines day, that's within 16lbs of my original goal weight =]

    I'm doing the 30 Day Shred right now, then giving myself a week off from Jillian Michaels so I'll be doing Turbo Jam which I love! Then I'll be back on the Jillian train with the Ripped in 30 DVD. After that I'll probably go back to Turbo Jam for a week and then I think I'll be doing Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown. After that I should be doing a mix of Turbo Jam and Zumba =]

    Super excited for this journey!
  • marye2
    marye2 Posts: 25
    I am in! Just started my new lifestyle today and what a great challenge to start with. I am 37 years old, 5'4" and 167lbs. My goal is to lose 15lbs by Valentine's Day. Let's do it!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I'd like to join!! My name is Des, my 20th birthday is a week before Valentine's day so I like how this works out :) I'm a University student, my current weight is 135 lbs and my ultimate goal is to be between 120-125. My goal for February 14 is 128 lbs, so only 2 lbs a month...that should be doable! My weight loss has slowed down so much lately now that I'm getting closer.
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    Okay everyone today is the day we start the Valentines Day challenge! Today's challenge, drink 100 oz of water and do 30 minutes of cardio. We can do this! Valentines Day will be here before we know it! I'm exited yo see the transformations take place!
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Hi, I'm Trish. I had lap band surgery on 8/4/2011 and have lost 50# as of the other day. Currently I am at 330 pounds and would like to be out of the 300's by Valentines day. That's 31 pounds that I have set for my goal. I am 46 years old and have 3 boys, 26, 21 and 19. I decided to do the lap band after years of yo-yo dieting and multiple medical issues. Since the surgery I have been able to get my A1C level back to normal (5.8 from 7.4 just 4 months ago) and cut my diabetes meds to less than 1/3 of what I was taking. Also my thyroid levels are now normal for the first time in multiple years and I am working on my blood pressure. Anywho....Thanks for the invitation. I look forward to this challenge.
  • skump425
    skump425 Posts: 166 Member
    I'm in.

    I am Stacy, 23 years old, 5'5'' currently 130.
    I want to be 115 or lower by Feb 14th so I can get my new tattoo in time for Ultra. So I need to drop 15+ lbs in 3 months! I graduated Georgia Tech a year ago and still live in Atlanta and work as a Business Analyst.

    I'm taking on the challenge today. I've had 32 oz of water so far and will be doing 55 minutes of cardio!
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Sounds great!
    I usually take my dog on a walk for 15 Minutes in the morning, and then I'm off to work! ( I work Mon-Sun) but today I didn't go to work, so I'll go ahead and walk for 30 mins.

    My brother also got me some sort of work out machine for my birthday (In september) I guess today is a good day to see what it does... XD
    PS. I weighed in at 139 on monday, so I guess that's my new starting weight.
  • celeste_xo
    I like this idea!!
    My name is Celeste, I'm 20 years old (soon to be 21, which I'm sure won't really help my weight loss goals LOL). I'm currently a pharmacy school student and I've kind of fallen off the wagon in the past couple months since school's started so I'm trying my best to hop back on! I ran 2 miles today, and I'm training for a 10k so I'll definitely be keeping up with my running in the coming couple of months. I weigh 151 as of this morning (boo, I gained like 2 pounds since last week.. bad Halloween treats!) and my goal for Valentine's day isn't super ambitious - I want to lose 11 pounds by then and be down to 140. I figure since I'm nearing my goal weight the weight loss will be slower so I'm trying to keep it realistic at a little under a pound a week, lol.

    ACTUALLY! Valentine's day will be 2 weeks before my 1 year anniversary here at MFP so if I can say that I've lost 40 pounds at that point I'll be super proud of myself. This is such great motivation!! :)
  • misty5976
    misty5976 Posts: 45 Member
    I'd like to join :)
    As of my weigh-in yesterday I was at 187. Valentines is what? 15 weeks away? Id like to have lost 25 pounds by then. Which would put my Valentines Goal @ 162 pounds.

    My name's Misty, I live in Missouri in the same tiny little town I grew up. It may not be much to alot of people, but it's home to me and I love it here. I work full time at a hospital helping patients who are under-insured or un-insured to see what programs they may quailify for. This involves in-house screenings for Medicaid and applying them if they meet the criteria, or helping them to obtain other forms of financial assistance when available. I work closely with Family Support Divisions and the hospital Social Workers... and it's been a very eye-opening job for me. Some people just truly have nothing, and it's not always their fault. Its very rewarding when you're able to get health insurance for someone who is in desperate need of medical care.

    I've been married for 10 years, and I have a little boy who will be 9 on February 15. So this challenge gives me motivation to be MUCH lighter in those birthday party pictures!! His birthday last year I weighed around 195, so it would be a 30+ lbs difference! I decided to start this journey after feeling completely disgusted with myself lately - and watching my pant size get bigger and bigger. I was a size 8 when I got married, now im squeezing into 14's and that is just NOT ok with me anymore. I've been thinking of losing weight for a long time, but about 2 weeks ago a co-worker came in telling about a sermon at church, titled "i have decided...". It really made me think and realize that *I* am the only one who can change my circumstances. I have to DECIDE to do it, and then follow through. Not long after that, my son asked me to do something with him... and asked if I was sure I could do it "because it would be a lot of walking". Really opened my eyes to just HOW out of shape I was.

    Therefore .... I HAVE DECIDED... :) to become a happier, healthier person, no matter how hard it is! I'm a good, caring, loving, intelligent person, and I am WORTH the effort it takes to change my body and my health.

    Im excited to have found this website, what a great support system. If you need a friend or some extra support, feel free to add me. Im ready to make my goals happen!
  • DannyA0130
    DannyA0130 Posts: 55 Member
    I would love to join.

    My name is Danny. I'm from California. I am currently at 204.5, And would like to be 190 by Valentines day. We will see what happens. should be fun !!! Good Luck Everyone.
  • gingerOHsnap
    Count me in. :]

    My name is Kayla, 20 year old college student. 5'5" currently weighing a whopping 254 pounds. YIKES. My 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend is March 24, and I'm wanting to lose 40-50 pounds by then. Valentine's day I want to be down to about 220. :]

    I know, super ambitious but even if I get near that by my goal date then I will be super happy.