Sexy in Six ***closed group*** Week Five



  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    personal question here....improve my emotions, stress levels, relationships

    would also like to get masters in music ed
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    I want to change the world!!!! So, in terms of self-improvement I want to develop the skills in order to be able to do that...... When I say change the world, I mean be brave enough to stand up to injustices. I have so much to learn, but at least I am willing!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: So, when you see a gain on the scale (or even just have a really bad day) how do you get back on track and not let it take you into a downward spiral?

    Well, I've been dealing with the up and down of the same 2 lbs for a month....and I try to ust it to get ultra motivated. idk what is going on, but I was SO SO close to a downward spiral yesterday. I was seriously ready to give up. But I've lost 60 lbs. It's possible, I just have to play around with things to figure out how to break this craziness!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    QOTD Thursday:

    Do you think stress makes it easier or harder to stick to your goals, and how do you cope with stress?

    I am a stress eater! I had such good intentions yesterday...but I couldn't stop eating. It was munching, so it was not like I was binging (improvement, I suppose....a year ago I would have ordered a pizza and eaten the whole damn thing!) But I was sooo stressed with work (doing my reports and everyone else's...which is why my responses are delayed this wk...sorry!!) I was so disgusted with myself last night that I seriously cried myself to sleep and felt like such a failure. VERY close to giving it up. I've been seeing the same 2 lbs go up and down for a month and I just wasn't dealing well at all. But, I watched what i ate today and only ate when hungry and worked out...not a hard core day, but I'm trying :(
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    FRIDAY QOTD- We all know that dieting and becoming more healthy is one of mankind's greatest forms of self improvement. What types of self improvement things do you do or would like to do that are completely unrelated to diet/health?

    Good question...I have no clue! LOL. I guess just being much more organized in all areas of my life....not my strong suit! New Year's Resolution??? lol
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Friday QOTD:

    I've started running a mantra in my head..."Let it go...let it go...let it go." I let too many things get to me...things I have no control over. So I'm trying to let it all go. The mantra helps relax me, and keeps me from stressing about things that just waste my energy and sap my happiness. It may sound stupid, but it provides almost instantaneous long as I remember to do it :)

    I'm also trying to become more independent. I've realized I have become almost completely reliant on my OH. And since things may not always be smooth there, I need to re-establish my independence.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    i like the post about changing the world!!! go for it!!

    and it's ok to eat fries from time to time!!!

    for Friday QOTD, i want to finish this freaking master's degree!!! getting closer but so much work to be done still!!!

    sleep tight!!
  • Magic_Girl
    Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    My challenge is the unhealthy foods my family will buy/make during this time of year. Even though I can't stop them from buying/ or making bad foods, I still have the ability to choose what I want to eat. It's just harder to resist the comfort foods when they are so easily in reach. To not fall off track I will be watching my portions, making sure that whatever I eat stays within my calorie goal and I will be working harder at the gym.

    Wednesday QOTD:

    So, when you see a gain on the scale (or even just have a really bad day) how do you get back on track and not let it take you into a downward spiral?

    That is a difficult one. I'm usually really hard on myself if I have a gain. To get back on track I really need my biggest support system, which is my boyfriend. He really helps me out a lot and encourages me to work harder. He wants me to reach my goal as much as he wants to reach his goal. We always motivate each other, I don't think I would stay on track if it wasn't for him AND MFP of course! :)

    QOTD Thursday:

    Do you think stress makes it easier or harder to stick to your goals, and how do you cope with stress?

    Stress makes it harder for me. Especially when I'm stressing over school; that's when I tend to overeat and it starts to become a habit. I'm a big time emotional eater... I eat a lot when I'm stressed, sad, angry, and bored. I don't know how I really cope with stress... I usually try to just focus on what I'm doing (like school work/ studying) and force myself to NOT snack. Doesn't really work though. :-/

    FRIDAY QOTD- We all know that dieting and becoming more healthy is one of mankind's greatest forms of self improvement. What types of self improvement things do you do or would like to do that are completely unrelated to diet/health?

    Do better in school, become more organized, and less forgetful. I have ADD and I am always out of order, forgetting everything, and just doing "okay" in school. I'd like to have myself more put together and not all over the place.... like with the QOTD's... completely forgot about them this week cuz I've been stressing over school, like always!!!! :(
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    FRIDAY QOTD- We all know that dieting and becoming more healthy is one of mankind's greatest forms of self improvement. What types of self improvement things do you do or would like to do that are completely unrelated to diet/health?

    Well, I've started feeling better about myself, so I've been doing more to fix myself up. I would like to be more organized, and I was doing a great job with that, but then school started back and my stress level went through the roof.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    FRIDAY QOTD- We all know that dieting and becoming more healthy is one of mankind's greatest forms of self improvement. What types of self improvement things do you do or would like to do that are completely unrelated to diet/health?

    Hey guys...sorry this is late. Spent yesterday in airports!!

    I think there are so many things...the first, though, is to get my life organized. I tend to have "piles" of things...not so much that things don't look neat, but enough so that it's hard to find important things sometimes. My husband is the same/worse. If I could get our lives organized and decluttered, I think I'd feel so much better.

    I'd also love to get better at doing my hair/makeup. I've NEVER done this, but it would be fun to have the ability to really doll myself up.