November Day by Day Challenge--OPEN GROUP!!!



  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    " Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day."

    Yesterday my 3 goals were:
    1. to get a great hike in this morning and socialize my dog.
    2. to eat the best I can during the day, pack the best snacks I can & survive bus ride & football game tonight.
    3. To avoid the "Oh it's the weekend" throw-in-the-towel mentality!!

    I completed 1 of these goals. Failed miserably on the other 2!! But today is a new day!

    Today my 3 goals are:
    1. Clean 3 of my bathrooms. YUK!!
    2. put away laundry
    3. stay on track with food as I will be having a spectacular Feast for breakfast tomorrow!!

    I really hope to post first thing in the morning & set my goals for the day!!
    Hope everyone else did well!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member
    Sorry. Been neglectful again! RRRR That is what got me where I am. This week really was a success in many aspects. I am pleased with the .9 weight loss in spite of spending two days sitting on my butt in conferences and eating out so much. I have very specific goals for today as I want to set up for success this next week. It really is no wonder we have a hard time concentrating on us with so much going on in our lives! Have a great Sunday everyone!

    November 13
    1. Clean, purge and organize closet!
    2. Clean rest of house
    3. Drink water!

    See you in the AM!
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 242 Member
    Well, I missed a few days again. One day it will stick, right?!?

    So, I think yesterday I didn't come on, because I knew I was going to be naughty last night. Kids spent the night at my parents and Hubby and I had a very nice romantic evening at home. So, I'll pretend that was my goal, since it actually was :smile:

    Goals for Sunday 11/13
    1. Drink lots of water!
    2. Get the last of the summer stuff packed away in the shed. It snowed once already, we need to stop pushing our luck before we really get dumped on
    3. Don't go food crazy at my parents tonight

    Have a great Sunday everyone!!!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 12:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices. --Yes on MOST of it.
    2. WATER!!! --Not bad.

    We had a good time at my brother's home. Super barbecued salmon with rice and salad. A really good but bad for me drink (alcohol--not something I do very often) and just a nice time hanging out.

    Today it is pouring rain again so I have some videos out and will do at least one--hopefully more.

    Goals for November 13:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.
    2. WATER!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member

    November 13
    1. Clean, purge and organize closet!-DONE
    2. Clean rest of house-Done
    3. Drink water!- only 6 glasses

    See you in the AM!

    Feels good to have organized office and closet and clean house! Have laundry going already this morning and have gone through one pile of magazines. Progress! Goals today:

    1. Get caught up at work
    2. Read insurance stuffs

    Have a wonderful day!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    " Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day."

    Saturday my 3 goals were:
    1. Clean 3 of my bathrooms. YUK!!
    2. put away laundry
    3. stay on track with food as I will be having a spectacular Feast for breakfast tomorrow!!

    I completed 2 of these goals. Failed miserably on the other 1!! But today is a new day!

    Today my 3 goals are:
    1. recover from the weekend with lots of water & not so much calories.
    2. get laundry folded & put away.
    3. Make a goal with my husband whether it's regarding clean-up/garage or Christmas shopping. (He's on his 7 day break)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 13:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices. --Yes
    2. WATER!!! --Yes.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.No. (did get some walking in, though.)

    It is going to be a busy (and WET) week.

    Goals for November 14:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.
    2. WATER!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member

    November 14

    1. Get caught up at work
    2. Read insurance stuffs

    Well, didn't do so well on goals yesterday. Spoke with sick family members (3) in different states, finished laundry, and waited on customers all day at work, ate really badly, so.....

    November 15th
    1. Eat with better choices in mind!
    2. Water
    3. Catch up on paperwork for work!
    4. Smile lots (makes them wonder what you have been up too!)

    Have a wonderful day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 14:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices. --Yes.
    2. WATER!!! --Doing better.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum. --Yes. Got out before the rain started!

    kymarai--LOVE your 4th goal for today!

    Goals for November 15:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.
    2. WATER!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    " Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day."

    Yesterday my 3 goals were:
    1. recover from the weekend with lots of water & not so much calories.
    2. get laundry folded & put away.
    3. Make a goal with my husband whether it's regarding clean-up/garage or Christmas shopping.

    I completed 1 of these goals. I guess I shouldn't be making goals that include my husband.

    Today my 3 goals are:
    1. to somehow get to the gym for a Kick *kitten* workout.
    2. to do 1 thing in my garage cleanup-don't know what yet.
    3. to go through my frames & buy pictures to go inside them.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member

    November 15th
    1. Eat with better choices in mind!
    2. Water
    3. Catch up on paperwork for work!
    4. Smile lots (makes them wonder what you have been up too!)

    SO...What is keeping me from this paperwork! Anyway, internet crash at work, first thing threw the whole day off! Eating was rotten at times, way over on calories and low on water. I did smile!

    lstnlondry- I love your goals!

    November 16
    1. NO CHOCOLATE! Had more than my share this week already!
    2. Water- 10 glasses!
    3. DO PAPERWORK! Have plans this weekend and don't want to cancel due to work!!
    4. Dance a little dance for one song- something fast!

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 15:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices. --Yes.
    2. WATER!!! --No. (Forgot my water bottle)
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--Just barely but, yes.

    I had meetings all afternoon yesterday so didn't do as well as I would have liked. I forgot my water bottle and didn't get as much exercise in as I thought I would.
    Today is a nice new day, though, so I plan on doing better.

    Goals for November 16:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.
    2. WATER!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Same goals today!


    1. Workout 5 to 6 days a week the time frame will need to be at least an hour at a time to get the calorie burn needed.
    2. WATER WATER WATER- I want to drink CONSISTANTLY 8-12 glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under my required numbers for the day.
    4. Log it ALL wether I make it or not ADMIT it to myself.

    I have started to lack on getting here so I need to focus. NO EXCUSES!

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!!!!:happy:

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member
    November 16

    1. NO CHOCOLATE! Had more than my share this week already!- Managed!
    2. Water- 10 glasses!- Done!
    3. DO PAPERWORK! Have plans this weekend and don't want to cancel due to work!!- Got lots done!
    4. Dance a little dance for one song- something fast!-Did while getting ready for work!

    Good Morning!

    Shanae- You have been doing wonderfully even if not setting goals on here daily. That is the lovely part about this topic! You set when you need to and we miss you when you don't! Great job!

    November 17

    1. Water-10 glasses. It is cold again and I don't drink well when chilled.
    2. Total all invoices at work
    3. Decide what to do about new car.........
    4. No Chocolate again today!
    5. Remember to take 5 deep breaths sometime during the day!

    I know only three goals but felt I needed a few more today. Really feeling stressed and weepy. Trying to smile! Might even put on Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean this morning to just move.

    Have a good one!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 16:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices. --Yes.
    2. WATER!!! --Yes.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--No.

    The weather is cold and wet here and I want to hibernate! Doing well with my food and with drinking water but not so good with the exercise part. I am finding it very hard to get motivated!

    Hang in there, everyone! We can do this!

    Goals for November 17:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.
    2. WATER!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    How did I NOT post on Wednesday??

    " Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day."

    Tuesday my 3 goals were:
    1. to somehow get to the gym for a Kick *kitten* workout.
    2. to do 1 thing in my garage cleanup-don't know what yet.
    3. to go through my frames & buy pictures to go inside them

    I completed one of these goals. But did a very rewarding #2!! Our garage is on it's way to being clean!!

    Today my 3 goals are:
    1. to somehow get to the gym for a Kick *kitten* workout.
    2. get a handle on laundry
    3. to go through my frames & buy pictures to go inside them.
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member

    Same goals today!

    Update: I did 30 min of Yoga, Drank 14 cups of water and was over in my numbers on Carbs but logged it all.


    1. Workout 5 to 6 days a week the time frame will need to be at least an hour at a time to get the calorie burn needed.
    2. WATER WATER WATER- I want to drink CONSISTANTLY 8-12 glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under my required numbers for the day.
    4. Log it ALL wether I make it or not ADMIT it to myself.

    I have started to lack on getting here so I need to focus. NO EXCUSES!

    Thanks Kymarai I am doing my best. My goals as before me I want to see them so badly....:ohwell:

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!!!!:happy:

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member

    November 17

    1. Water-10 glasses. It is cold again and I don't drink well when chilled.- Yeah! Done
    2. Total all invoices at work- FINALLY!
    3. Decide what to do about new car.........Decided to keep! Love my FLEX
    4. No Chocolate again today!- SO hard! but managed
    5. Remember to take 5 deep breaths sometime during the day! Smiled and laughed lots so all is good!

    SO cold again! Have to shop for Thanksgiving dinner tonight as will be busy weekend and week. I need to learn to like the cold, but really don't see it happening since I have lived here for 24 years! Anyway! Feeling better today.

    pmjsmom- I could so join you in hibernation! That would be why I gain 5-10 lbs in the winter though! We must not hibernate!~

    lstnlondry- Great job on the garage! It is a wonderful feeling to get something organized. As for pictures, I still have a couple of wedding pics to pic out and display. (been married 2 years) It will happen!

    Shanaedunn- You did wonderfully on goals yesterday. May have been over on carbs, but you logged which is wonderful. It does help you see where you can make changes or if you have set the level too low. Set up for success not failure! A challenge is okay.

    So my goals for November 18
    1. Water- 10 glasses
    2. shop for thanksgiving day meal
    3.Stay focused at work to stay caught up
    4. Play wii for 30 min!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    How did I NOT post on Wednesday??

    " Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day."

    Yesterday my 3 goals were:
    1. to somehow get to the gym for a Kick *kitten* workout.
    2. get a handle on laundry
    3. to go through my frames & buy pictures to go inside them.

    One goal completed! I went to the gym late lastnight. Think I'm going to have to give up on the frames for a while.

    Today my 3 goals are:
    1. get a handle on laundry .
    2. walk my dog 2 times today (we are leaving for the weekend)
    3. spend a quality day with my husband as he has been a great help to me around the house this week!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 17 (and 18):
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices. --Yes. on the 17th, not as good on the 18th.
    2. WATER!!! --Yes to both days.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--Also yes (walking) both days.

    I didn't make it here yesterday but it wasn't too bad of a day. I did have some brownies but they were a healthier version and I stopped after a couple!

    It is snowing for the first time this season today. It's supposed to warm up again tomorrow and melt so I hope to get a walk in--I LOVE walking in the snow--just so long as I don't actually have to get somewhere!

    lstnlondry--Good job getting the garage off to a good start (I HATE cleaning the garage!).

    Shanae--It's great that your are tracking everything! I try to do the same (I use MobiCoach on my phone so NO excuses!). You are doing SO well!

    kymarai--I did the main Thanksgiving dinner shopping. Have a couple more things to pick up, though! I hope to get that done today.

    Have a great day, everyone! Keep up the good work!

    Goals for November 19:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.
    2. WATER!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.