This is really disappointing so far.



  • claire_mant
    I hear ya. But seriously, it takes time. The scales show the weight loss before you see it - in my case anyway. Keep it going, and sooner rather than later you will notice a difference. Or someone else will comment, and then you will start to see what they do. Once it happens, you will notice more and more every day, then you'll be on a roll - and that's where it gets dangerous!

    LOL, once I started to see results for myself I started to have cheat days. This was about 7kgs away from my goal weight. Then, this is the dangerous bit, I noticed the scales were still going down which made me feel as if the cheats were ok (like a ****, as if I could cheat the system!) , encouraged me to keep cheating and now I'm nearly back to where I started.

    My point is, keep the faith. I promise you will see a difference soon. The scales seem to show before you actually see anything. But when you do, don't stop! Keep recording your intake and don't get lazy! Otherwise you'll be kicking yourself like I am and having to find the motivation to get back on the wagon.

    Last word, how amazing that your scales are showing 45 pounds lighter, big up yourself!!!
    Beleive me, much harder once you start putting naughties back in your body again. Good luck, I'll be interested to see if you start to see the results for yourself soon!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I think this is a mental issue. You're so used to being 45 pounds heavier and looking 45 pounds heavier that you just haven't come to terms with being 45 pounds lighter. If you have lost 45 pounds then there will be a difference. There should be a big difference in the way your body looks and the way your clothes fit.

    I like the idea of carrying around bags of flour equalling how much weight you have lost. That's a really good idea.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    I did notice a difference until I'd lost at LEAST 60 lbs. It WILL happen for you if you continue to do such an amazing job - if you give up, those pounds will come right back plus an extra few (that happened to me several times over the years). Be determined, be focused and you WILL succeed!! Good luck to you...success is JUST around the corner! :flowerforyou:
  • LadyLalaFord
    You guys are right, Just got to keep moving forward and it will show eventually. I have a lot to go, but anything is better than nothing.