Team UK - November 2011, new members welcome :)



  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Are you still letting in new members? I'd love to join some fellow brits!
    The more the merrier... it's not a closed club or a fitness-challenge... just a bunch of folks living in the UK that can relate to all things British.. like shopping in Tesco, Morrison, Asda etc ... so no cups and tasty whip :laugh:
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    I'd love to join too please - it's always great to have friends in the same timezone! Feel free to add me,
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I should have done some ironing tonight, but the hubster lit the fire and so I just sat in front of it and watched Strictly instead :bigsmile:

    I need to get to bed, but still feel restless. Might go have another drink (non-alcoholic) :drinker:
  • Juleeroch
    Juleeroch Posts: 98 Member
    Morning everyone

    I've got the Monday blues.......
    Really didnt want to get out of bed today...........and I mean I REALLY didnt. So dark outside, felt really depressed cos I'd gone right off track foodwise over the weekend, and felt nothing to look forward to at work - boring job.... Got to work (eventually - but quite late). Weigh time with the other girls in the office and suprise - I hadnt gained any weight, (I hadnt lost any either). I seem to be at a mexican standoff at the moment. The scales dont want to shift if I'm really really good or really really bad..........Tried to go walking at lunchtimes, last week, for half a hour or so to see if that would help, managed to do three days but then the rain came and spoilt it. May have a go on the exercise bike for 20 mins or so while watching TV when i get home.

    Still dark and gloomy outside.... I need some sunshine......

  • peacheywoo
    peacheywoo Posts: 52 Member
    Hi All - Southwest calling!

    All this talk of Christmas - its easy in our house - no kids and we're probably both working! Easy!!

    Good to know there are UK folks on here - working in kilos and pounds doesn't always work for me - thank heavens for conversion apps on the iphone!!
  • CanadianScot
    CanadianScot Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am Canadian but live in Glasgow and would love to join this thread! It is always great to meet people from the same neck of the woods! I have been lacking the motivation to stay focused but woke up this morning realising that I really have to get my act together and commit myself to losing weight. Fee free to add me!
  • cathoult
    Hello all,

    Not weighed myself in a while, s'pose I should really! But I know I've definitely lost jeans fit me nicely yesterday..BONUS! They had been cutting off the circulation round my middle for quite sometime :laugh:

    But I may need extra support in the next few weeks.............redundancy is looming and in good old food addict style, any bad news & I head for the carbs...I'm determined not to but will need to do something in place of eating so you might see some random posts from me lol

    Did you all have a good weekend?? Anyone go to any bonfires or fireworks displays?? We were supposed to take little one to her 1st bonfire but hubby & baby are both ill again so had to give it a miss:sad: But we'll be doing a bonfire at our house for babies 1st bday on Friday so she hasn't missed out too much :smile:

  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi Cat,
    Not weighed myself in a while, s'pose I should really! But I know I've definitely lost jeans fit me nicely yesterday..BONUS! They had been cutting off the circulation round my middle for quite sometime :laugh:
    WOW, great NSV... yes get on the scales pronto, but remember... it's only a number and it's how you look and feel that's WAY more important!
    But I may need extra support in the next few weeks.............redundancy is looming and in good old food addict style, any bad news & I head for the carbs...I'm determined not to but will need to do something in place of eating so you might see some random posts from me lol
    That's a bummer and there's not much I can say except hope everything works out for you.

    However, instead of hitting the biccies... why don't you channel that energy into doing more exercise. I know that you may need to cut back on a few luxuries, but you can exercise a hope with tins of beans, do step in the comfort of your own home with a few rudimentary items and walk more which is not only great exercise, but a great opportunity to save on bus-fare/petrol and gives you time to think and mull things over.

    Take care and good luck :flowerforyou:
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    Weigh time with the other girls in the office and suprise - I hadnt gained any weight, (I hadnt lost any either). I seem to be at a mexican standoff at the moment. The scales dont want to shift if I'm really really good or really really bad..........

    Hi I've been having the same problem. I had weeks of losing and gaining the same 4lbs and now my weights just staying the same. I might not weigh myself for a while and just go by how my clothes fit
  • rdpixie
    Hi everyone!

    Been 2 weeks since I've been on - stupid life got in the way! But I've been eating good again (started tracking today) and I went back to teaching spin class today - so much fun! I always work harder when I pick the songs :)

    (not so) unfortunately I'm heading to Bodeans tonight! Londoners might know this place its all about BBQ! MEAT FEST! I'm gonna be good and go for a chicken option so although it still won't be good for me it won't be quite as bad! Hehe!

    These dark mornings are killing my run to work but I'm still gonna get up and do it tomorrow!
  • lucysarah93
    I'd love to join my fellow brits!

    Been bad this past month, started off with a horrible chest infection which is still lingering and that on top of my new job means I haven't been to the gym for about 3 weeks! Managed to maintain though, so that's something. Definitely starting weight loss phase 2 this week, I still have a chance of entering 2012 2 stone lighter so I'm going to push for that.

  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hey everyone!

    There are now Groups in MFP and there is a group for us British People! already up and running.

  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Hey everyone!

    There are now Groups in MFP and there is a group for us British People! already up and running.


    Aww, I feel a bit left out on account of I'm not British :sad:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Hi guys,

    Head on over to the groups section and join the Team UK group :)
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    Is this group UK members open to USA?