1000 Minutes in November!



  • Any exercise counts? Strength training or cardio?
    I'm IN!!!
    Love this and I need the motivation....
  • I'm very interested! How can I join?
    Are we counting cardio and weight lift?

    You're in! No special way of joining, I'll add you to our list of participants. We're just counting cardio rather than strength, I hope this is okay.

    You can post your minutes on a daily or weekly basis, or even at the of the month if that's what you'd prefer. I'm keeping track of everyone's posted minutes, but it may be beneficial for you to keep a record too, in case I miss some minutes out etc. Good luck with it!
  • Any exercise counts? Strength training or cardio?
    I'm IN!!!
    Love this and I need the motivation....

    Cardio only but yes, any exercise counts! From walking to swimming, as long as you log the minutes here it counts.
  • OK, I just signed up for 100 miles in November too!

    It ALL adds up!!!
    Good luck everyone!!!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    OK, I just signed up for 100 miles in November too!

    It ALL adds up!!!
    Good luck everyone!!!

    Me too! :)
  • Im in :)!
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    yours is getting waaaay more replies, so I'm telling everyone in my thread (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/post/new/382028-1000-minutes-in-november) to come here!

    peeps! feel free to add this to your sig if you are like me and just aren't a ticker person.

    also, if you want to join the challenges on endomondo and/or fleetly. they are here:
    the fleetly group: http://www.fleetly.com/challenges/197/
    the endomondo challenge: http://www.endomondo.com/challenges/2845304

    I logged 50 minutes today as a start :)

    BUT. I was under the impression it wasn't only cardio, but all exercise. if we can't do strength training, I may have to put this off to another month, or be doing a different challenge than everyone else that allows me to work in strength training. it's pretty much all I'm going to be able to work in thanksgiving week, between retail employee hell, having everyone in the family over (which means I can't use the workout room super early or late in the day, and that's where my elliptical is), and college homework. plus that was kind of part of the challenge for me--I always do cardio, but I really need to start toning up. I'm just too lazy to.

    so maybe I shouldn't have cleared out my thread, ha.
  • Welcome to everyone who has joined.

    I hope you kick start November with a great amount of exercise which will make a great start to the month and the challenge.

    Remember, I am asking you to be responsible for the record-keeping of how many minutes you have achieve. You can post your minutes here and I can attempt to keep track of them, but with 25 participants in this challenge (and growing), I worry that I will miss out figures when scrolling through the posts, miscalculate figures and with the time difference between myself and a lot of you, incorrectly log your figures, which is why I am asking you all to take responsibility for the main record keeping of the minutes. However, this doesn't mean you can't post your results in here and it doesn't mean I won't try to keep track of them, I just wouldn't want there to be any errors in the record keeping of the minutes you've all worked hard for. I hope this makes sense and is okay for everyone.
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    molly, would it be easier to make a google doc speadsheet where we can log our own progress?
  • Hey!!! You don't have to worry about logging me if you prefer not to... we'll be in touch on mfp as we have already. I logged 55 minutes of cardio today, and i will be updating a ticker!
  • Slight change, but minutes from strength training can now be included! I hope this is better for some people.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Im in! Lets do it!!
  • molly, would it be easier to make a google doc speadsheet where we can log our own progress?

    I've just created one and to share it, I'd need everyone's email addresses. I'm not sure if everyone would be comfortable sharing their email addresses. Do you know if I can share it (perhaps through a URL link) without needing their email?
  • Slight change, but minutes from strength training can now be included! I hope this is better for some people.

    that's good... but for personal reasons i'm going to strive for cardio only... it'll make me work harder! :)
  • Count me in! I need the extra motivation!!
  • jennajosephine
    jennajosephine Posts: 85 Member
    do we just post on the thread how many minutes we did each day?
  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
  • Sorry for yet another change! I feel bad for messing everyone around but with the help of the lovely Merry, I've created a document we can all access and can all edit to add in our minutes. Providing this works, this will be the main method of keeping track of everyone's minutes. Sorry for another change.

  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    I'd like to join if it's not too late.
  • Sorry for yet another change! I feel bad for messing everyone around but with the help of the lovely Merry, I've created a document we can all access and can all edit to add in our minutes. Providing this works, this will be the main method of keeping track of everyone's minutes. Sorry for another change.


    thats pretty awesome. i updated mine!