Loss For Xmas - 1st November - End DEC



  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    Im in. Total slump here, but I want to be 165 bu christmas..I am 181 now.
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    Checking in! Still at 156.8. Same as last week. Hoping to do better this week!
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    I need a massive boot up my behind. Last night I didn't make it to the gym as I felt bleurgh. But I am determined to go to Body Combat tonight.

    We have a stepper in my office now so I can get some exercise at work. Plus I have downloaded some office exercises to keep me moving whilst sat at my desk.

    How is everyone else getting on?
  • I am in. I would love to lose 5 lbs by Christmas!! I am trying to make myself get out today and exercise. I am also working really hard at staying on my target calorie count but seem to keep going over here and there. Just wish I could stick to it, maybe everyone can help me. :wink:

    I am starting out at 140 lbs
  • oops
  • Shabambam
    Shabambam Posts: 36 Member
    I would like to join...my goal is to lose 20 pounds by New Years Eve.
  • perfect! I am in! I am heading home for Christmas and would love to look like I did the last time my family and friends saw me! (two years ago and 25lb differance but a beautiful baby girl to show for it :-) I am also looking for extra motivation and inspiration from other people who are changing their lives for the better, getting healthy, getting slim and feeling great. Good luck to everyone and their individual goals. I am looking forward to hearing from you all.
  • to qoute Nike "Just do it!" Make a pact with youself that you are going fpor a walk. Just 30 min. If you want to walk longer when your out "just do it"if you've had enough after 15 minutes turn around and go home and congratulate yourself for completeing your commitment! enjoy.
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    Hey, Welcome.

    The more the merrier. It's great for motivation to see so many wishing to reach the same goal as me. Am off to Body Combat tonight. Who else enjoys fitness classes?
  • losing4baby
    losing4baby Posts: 28 Member
    sorry to hear that. I found this http://planetgreen.discovery.com/food-health/leg-injury-upper-body-cardio-workout-in-bed.html not sure if that will be any help to you. To be honest i haven't checked the page throughly as I'm at work. Hope it does help.

    Thanks for the link! I need to commit to trying something like that instead of using my foot as an excuse as to why I have to just sit on my tush and watch dancing with the stars at night! ;)
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    S W 11/2/11 227
    W 1 11/9/11 225
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    S W 11/2/11 227
    W 1 11/9/11 225

    WOO fantastic way to go!!
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    How's everyone doing? Anyone seen any losses so far?
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    No loss for me this week with TOM, but I am trying to get the scales to change for next week.
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    I had an early weigh in as my usual day is tomorrow. But I was curious and I am glad I did as I've lost 2lbs. YAY
  • Weekly check in - 158.8 - NO LOSS, actually a .6 gain but TOM is just starting to breath down my neck so my feelings aren't too hurt this week. Next week will be worse if i don't go HAM at getting some work out time in.

    Great job to all you who stayed at it since last week and saw improvements (or even for those of us who didn't see improvement but are still sticking with it!)
  • surveying
    surveying Posts: 25 Member
    Managed to lose 3lb this week. Not too bad as I gained 1lb last week.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    SW: 222
    Week 1: 219
    Week 2: 220

    Gained a lb this week, TOM decided to visit plus a couple of binge days = a gain. Next week I'm a little scared, my fiance and I have set our quit smoking date on Thursday and I'm notorious for gaining 6 lbs like a rocket.
  • domi09
    domi09 Posts: 24 Member
    Weighing In...
    SW - 211
    CW -208

    8 More to go... Would love to be out of the 2s by Christmas. :smile: Good luck everyone!
  • Angelgrl86
    Angelgrl86 Posts: 74 Member
    10/31 - 226.2
    11/07 - 222.2
    11/14 - 225.6

    Grrr! Probably doesn't help I wasn't very good about my eating this weekend due to TOM, but still very aggravating.
    Heading to the Dr. this morning for a physical. Fun fun fun