No real friends and depressed about it...........



  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    Everyones replies have been so helpful and really heartfelt. I feel better knowing I am not the only one that has ever felt this way. I am going to start jotting down my interests and ideas for clubs or groups or other activities to join to get the ball rolling.

    I also know that I am ultra sensitive and I need to relax. I know I need to get past my insecurities and initiate the contact/conversation.

    I feel like I can breathe a little bit now. Thank you
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Tha'ts me! Life just got so busy with the kids, being married, working, home repairs, etc... Now I have 1 friend. I had 2, but one passed away suddenly last year (that's sad and very depressing). People I work with are nice and all, but not anyone that I could have a "let's get together and hit the mall" type if you know what I mean. Wondering about how to go about making friends again. Just want someone to sit and chat with once in a while (ok....probably weekly). Someone to have a girls night out or a movie or catching a bite to eat while we catch up.

    Don't want to post on a website because I don't know if there are any reliable ones out there. Any suggestions I would be happy to take too!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    It's definitely harder to meet people as you get older and life gets super busy. Why don't you use the MFP message board to get a group together in your area for coffee or a hike? Or try a site like that has lots of local interest groups you could join?
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I never thought I'd feel so validated seeing a post like this. I totally struggle with this. I am 32, married, no kids. I have had friends off and on through out the years. All but one of my high school friends gravitated away, mostly after I got back together with my husband after we were separated for four months. I have made friends at work, and we used to get together once a month to play poker, but due to economy and the state of the mental health field in NY, they all got down-sized, laid off, or transfered and moved. The coworkers who still work with me are people I have nothing in common with! I have a hard time getting to know people-I feel very uncomfortable initiating conversation and keeping it going. And I REALLY hate using the phone or asking people to do stuff.
    My husband initiates the majority of our socialization, and when he goes out without me (I really hate bars), I am nervous something will happen and can't relax till he gets home safe.
    I would LOVE to find people who enjoy what I enjoy. Going to hang at a coffee house, not a bar. Playing goofy board games or sports, not video games or fighting to have a conversation in btw text messages or tweets! Ugh.
  • Terriann7
    I know how you Feel. I've been at my job 6 years and I dont see any of them outside of work. Though MFP friends are always willing to talk. I want to get out of the house and go out for drinks or anything
    Though my boyfriend is in the same Spot. he has no friends either. so we stay at home together... Its kind of sad. And When I'm the most stressed. I have no one to turn to except my boyfriend and if hes the one stressing me. its even worse

    Girls- always remember to have good friends you have to be a good gossip, no judging, etc. I am so blessed with 2 very best friends and two great friends and 1 friend that is like a sister that I could wring her neck at times and I love at other times... with this one I don't always follow my advice about gossip and judging but I love her anyway. LOL

    Join a club or a church group or something, there will be a golden friend in there if you keep an open mind. One of my very best friends and I met at church and when we shared a room at a womens retreat and after the service we snuck out to the bar I knew she was a keeper.

    Best of luck - Terriann
  • Terriann7
    Another idea is to volunteer your time to something that you are passionate about. If you don't find a pal out of it you will certainly feel some fullfullment.

    If you girls lived closer we could all hang out and drink skinny peppermint lattes. Hang in there.