Are we really that bad?



  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I think it is fine to set boundaries. Why are you taking it personal?:huh:

    It's sexism :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
    I will only friend blondes from now on :angry: thou shalt change your hair color to be my friend from now on! :smooched:

    PS: Just being random, :flowerforyou:

    LMAO Blondes rule! Just sayin' :laugh:
    Oh well, i do not look good as a blonde! Your loss! :tongue:
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Here's a thought....WHY DOES IT MATTER?
    Are your insecurities that people wont like you greater than theirs, whatever it may be, for not wanting to you to FR them?'s their own loss.

    So, I say to you bigboy...Suck it up buttercup!

    And to the person who wrote this..."because heaven forbid a woman doesn't want to have to deal with a man. I'm floored by how annoying/borderline offensive I find this topic/question to be."

    Are you guys just reading what you want to into the discussion or are you just wanting to stir up trouble. I was only making an observation and asking for input. People are entitled to only request goldfish as friends if they want to. I was only saying that I noticed it twoce today which was unusual for me to see in the 5 months I have been on MFP. That's all. I rarely make FR as I only have about 80 people on my list, and do not care to add many more. And if you find this question to be annoying/borderline offensive, use the back button and leave the discussion. Funny how you are the only one to see it like that...or do what you need it as offensive and see if the MODs agree with you.
  • stresco
    stresco Posts: 354 Member
    Yes we are! And worse. I cringe whenever I see a freind request in my GF mailbox from a guy.
  • stampede55
    My other half is very jealous to the point I can't have a Facebook account so to save hassle the only male I have on here is my brother.
    My wife and I eventually combined our facebook because we were both getting flooded with past mistakes and bs. It was getting to the point that cops were getting called. Drinking was always involved. We just decided to delete our mutual page due to all of the drama other people were bringing into our marriage. Social networking can seriously screw up a relationship.
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I would probably say they are just looking for support from women. I have had a bad experience on here from a man so from here on out I will be selective about the men I would accept as friends here.

    I agree with my girl Angie.. I have ran across a few Pervs ect.... :wink:
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    Yes we are! And worse. I cringe whenever I see a freind request in my GF mailbox from a guy.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    OK...Today whilst reading forum stuff, I noticed that there were two ladies who stated in their profile that they do not accept FR from men. I know we hve been given the titles of pigs, dogs, trashy, *kitten*, sluts, cheaters, liars... but are we really that bad that you have decided that all of us come from the same mold?

    Yup! i was denied by a female recently. She just didn't like to add guys. She said if she did she definitely would add me based on how sexy I am. Ok i made that last part up!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I don't take it personally. There are a lot of different kinds of people on this website and I'm not going to get along with everyone. If someone wants to limit their friends list for whatever reason, that's their prerogative. Personally, I'm thankful for the little disclaimers people put on their profile. It tells me from the beginning whether they are worth my time or not.

    Really? "Worth your time"?
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    I don't take it personally. There are a lot of different kinds of people on this website and I'm not going to get along with everyone. If someone wants to limit their friends list for whatever reason, that's their prerogative. Personally, I'm thankful for the little disclaimers people put on their profile. It tells me from the beginning whether they are worth my time or not.

    Really? "Worth your time"?
    Your comment isn't worth my time.

    P.S this isn't directed toward macpatti.
  • shiggyshane
    if your significant other is gna get jelous of friends of the opposite sex on a fitness website then shes got some real trust issues with herself/himself that they need to deal with.


    couldnt agree more..
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    I have both male and female friends on here and sometimes the men are better than the women. Although I've had a few creepy creepers that I've had to let go of. I'm much more selective now and keep less people on my list. Sort of like my FB, I don't literally know 500 people so why should I have 500 FB friends. I keep that list around 50 and plan on keeping this one around 30.

    There could be various reasons why they don't accept friend requests from men and don't plan on having men as fitness pals.
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Yup! i was denied by a female recently. She just didn't like to add guys. She said if she did she definitely would add me based on how sexy I am. Ok i made that last part up!

    +1!! I get that message quite often!! Everyone LOVES pancakes! :heart:
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    I think that some ladies just might feel more comfortable being open about weight issues with other women. I do not think that it is an us against them deal.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I don't take it personally. There are a lot of different kinds of people on this website and I'm not going to get along with everyone. If someone wants to limit their friends list for whatever reason, that's their prerogative. Personally, I'm thankful for the little disclaimers people put on their profile. It tells me from the beginning whether they are worth my time or not.

    Really? "Worth your time"?

    Yep. I stay pretty busy and I when I have time to spend on MFP, I like to support my friends. If someone has some sort of exclusion policy on their profile page that includes me, why should I spend my time trying to befriend or support them? It doesn't make any sense to me. They do what they need to do, I do what I need to do.
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    I accept both male and female friend request. But personally, i notice the guys here make more creepy comments to me. Only had a few creepy girl comments. And when a 50 year old dude is hitting on me, an 18 year old college student, i tend to shy away from male friend requests.

    But i do have a lot of great male friends on my list that can give nice compliments without being creepy about it. I accept most friend requests and if they get to creepy i just delete them. I give everyone a chance:)

    Its just some women's personal preference.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I don't take it personally. There are a lot of different kinds of people on this website and I'm not going to get along with everyone. If someone wants to limit their friends list for whatever reason, that's their prerogative. Personally, I'm thankful for the little disclaimers people put on their profile. It tells me from the beginning whether they are worth my time or not.

    Really? "Worth your time"?

    Yep. I stay pretty busy and I when I have time to spend on MFP, I like to support my friends. If someone has some sort of exclusion policy on their profile page that includes me, why should I spend my time trying to befriend or support them? It doesn't make any sense to me. They do what they need to do, I do what I need to do.

    Oh, I agree that by giving the disclaimer on their page, they save others time from sending a friend request. My point of contention is suggesting that they are not "worthy". Just sounded a bit arrogant. But, I get what you're saying.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Boys have cooties didn't you know that :noway:

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    if your significant other is gna get jelous of friends of the opposite sex on a fitness website then shes got some real trust issues with herself/himself that they need to deal with.


    OR it COULD be that they are doing it out of respect for their significant other... maybe.

    Exactly. The jealousy card is way overplayed around here. Sometimes I think it really is true that you are what you accuse other people of being.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I put that under the same category as women who won't be friends with other women because we're "all" catty backstabbers and drama queens.

    All women aren't catty backstabbers and drama queens? Good to know!

    Shocking revelation, isn't it?
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    If my boyfriend couldnt RESPECT that I have male friends then he wouldnt be my boyfriend. Lol.
    I dont know why it would be a respect factor to have a friend of the opposite sex if there wasnt a trust issue.

    There's a monumental difference between having male friends in real life whom your boyfriend knows all about and having male "friends" on the Internet whom he knows nothing about and whom YOU don't know much about yourself.