November Challenge - 30 Day Shred! - Starting today!!



  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    L1D2 done!! My legs are feeling it, but I know it's working!
  • mkath4
    mkath4 Posts: 85 Member
    Just joining today, but really need something to help motivate me. I hope checking in with you all is what I need to keep me on top of this. I am getting so frustrated. Will be starting this evening.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L1D9 more day of Level1...yay!
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    L1D4 done today! I'm definitely feeling it. My legs feel so much better than 2 days ago. My shoulders also are feeling much more flexible and strong! Looking forward to getting through all 10 days of Level 1 - HERE WE GO!!!

    Feel free to friend me if you are also doing the 30 day shred and need some mutual encouragement : )
  • Jennabon
    I am on Day 9!! Feeling great so far:) Looking forward to level 2!! Are you guys measuring in between and how often? I don't want to discourage myself...
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am on Day 9!! Feeling great so far:) Looking forward to level 2!! Are you guys measuring in between and how often? I don't want to discourage myself...

    I am also done with day 9 today! This is my 2nd go at the "Shred" and I am measuring at halfway point (day 15) like I did before so I don't get too discouraged! And ignore the scale cuz it goes up at first!
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    Just found this thread, but I started 30DS on November 1st too. Today was D3L2....can I just say....I hate planks?! I am not noticing any results yet, shouldn't I be seeing something by now? I mean, I feel stronger and really good, but I was expecting some sort of noticable difference too. I haven't measured since the first, am not planning on measuring again until the end, but thought by now my clothes would at least feel/fit different. Oh well, 2 1/2 weeks left!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L1D10 completed this morning....onto level 2!!!
  • wendrz
    wendrz Posts: 118
    OK...... who in the heck inventived the walking push ups........They are not my favorite and I dread it when whe says "lets do some Walking Push ups" no fun
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    My least favorite move is now the last ab one...the plank twist or whatever she calls it. After 6 days it's the only one that still kills me. Yuck!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L2D1.....done 346 calories burned! Man....I hate this level! I REALLY hate the plank pushups and plank jumping jacks! For some reason I just struggle with plank moves...maybe because I am doing it on hardwood floor with just a flat rug under me. But dang it hurts my hands!
  • wendrz
    wendrz Posts: 118
    L2D1.....done 346 calories burned! Man....I hate this level! I REALLY hate the plank pushups and plank jumping jacks! For some reason I just struggle with plank moves...maybe because I am doing it on hardwood floor with just a flat rug under me. But dang it hurts my hands!
    OMG!! The plank jumping jacks crack me up.... first of all I my shirt starts to "ride up" and my daughter is like, "ummmm mom your shirt" so then I have to tuck it in like a total nerd!! LMAO then when you get to bouncin around, it is a firm reminder of why I need to lose weight as all my fat jiggles around. I always laugh to myself when that move comes around, too funny. Lord helps the person who ever walks in the room when I am doing those!! LOL
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    OMG!! The plank jumping jacks crack me up.... first of all I my shirt starts to "ride up" and my daughter is like, "ummmm mom your shirt" so then I have to tuck it in like a total nerd!! LMAO then when you get to bouncin around, it is a firm reminder of why I need to lose weight as all my fat jiggles around. I always laugh to myself when that move comes around, too funny. Lord helps the person who ever walks in the room when I am doing those!! LOL

    Yes...this happens to me too.....even rides up doing regular jumping jacks! Yea, and the jumping jiggly fat......yup, got that too!

    Today.....L2D2....325calories burned! I hate this level!
  • wendrz
    wendrz Posts: 118
    just checking in and saying "Hi" to all the shredders!! I have fallen off the Level 2 so tonight I am back on. I can't believe I let myself slide thou, somehow my motivation left my body. Hope everyone is geared up and ready for Thanksgiving with family and friends, enjoy!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well....not sure how many of you are still tackling the "Shred" but I made it to L2D5 ready for level 3.....this is 15 days halfway point so I measure just to see where I am at.....

    Upper waist at smallest part: - 1/4 inch
    Middle waist at belly button: - 1 1/2, I can't wait until my waist is under 30inches....ughhh!
    Hips: - 1/2 inch
    Legs: - one thigh stayed the same and other grew a 1/4 inch
    Arms: one stayed the same and other arm - 1/4 inch
    Chest: grew 1/2 inch? I think this may be wrong cuz measuring 10/25 I was a whole inch smaller and when I started 11/2 I was up 1/2 in from 10/25.......not sure what is accurate but the boobs can't be getting bigger!
    Calves: one down 1/2 inch other down 1/4 inch

    Can't wait until end results!!
  • wendrz
    wendrz Posts: 118
    Well....not sure how many of you are still tackling the "Shred" but I made it to L2D5 ready for level 3.....this is 15 days halfway point so I measure just to see where I am at.....

    Upper waist at smallest part: - 1/4 inch
    Middle waist at belly button: - 1 1/2, I can't wait until my waist is under 30inches....ughhh!
    Hips: - 1/2 inch
    Legs: - one thigh stayed the same and other grew a 1/4 inch
    Arms: one stayed the same and other arm - 1/4 inch
    Chest: grew 1/2 inch? I think this may be wrong cuz measuring 10/25 I was a whole inch smaller and when I started 11/2 I was up 1/2 in from 10/25.......not sure what is accurate but the boobs can't be getting bigger!
    Calves: one down 1/2 inch other down 1/4 inch

    Can't wait until end results!!

    That is rewarding!! I love measuring as when it seems you are battling with the scale you can always look to the measurments and see things totally different! You have done an amazing job of sticking with it and keeping Jillian busy with the workouts! Have a great Turkey Day with your family!