Pet owners



  • Salamanda425
    4 dogs (2 Rat Terriers Buster and Ellie, 1 Chihuahua Chico, and one Bernese Mountain Dog (pictured) Max)
    3 cats (Izzy, Shiya, and Newman)
    4 Rats (Tippy, Pip, Squeak, and Snake Bait)........Turns out that Pip is preggers though, so we'll have some babies if anyone is local and wants a rattie baby. (They're super them much better than hamsters or gerbils)
    3 snakes (Anery Motley Corn Snake - Cloud, Caramel Corn Snake - Amber, and an Okeetee Corn Snake - Sol)

    oh....and a husband! That's an exotic pet, right?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I'm a rabbit lover -- proud momma to MacGyver (gray mini-Rex, the softest breed there is) and Phoenix (white Dwarf mix).

    MacGyver has an attitude to match his name; no table is too high, no couch left unexplored. If there is a way to squeeze on, under, or around, he will find it. Phoenix thinks she's a princess and spends her time posing. They're both addicted to blueberry yogurt chips.

    They're bonded buns and live in the same cage, cuddle with each other, and all that. Disgustingly cute.

    one of my son's guinea pigs is quite the daredevil, he will jump off of any furniture, I have never had that with any of the guinea pigs i have owned. My son will have him out in the other room on the couch, take his attention from him for one sec and guess who is marching through the dining room.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I have two dogs from pit bull rescues. They are both great, though one is at least half pointer and I'm not sure what else is mixed in there.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Nope *sigh*

    I used to raise tree frogs and dwarf mice, though :)

    And I'm currently the foster mom to a Cockateil which is fun...
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    :heart: Chinchilla :heart:
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Options double posted. Sorry.
  • ellisalockwood
    I have 4 dogs and did have 2 rats (teddy bear hampsters, but we call them rats) but they had a disagreement and apparently the one felt very strongly about her opionion and so she just killed the other one.

    Pit Bull - Shyza
    Lab - Ryggz
    Yorkie/Maltese - Zayden
    Shiz Tsu - Gypzie

    Rat - Zayla
    RIP Rat - Zylee

    All the animals have to have a Z and a Y in their names, don't really know how that came about, but we stick with it.

    I have always had pits, Shy is my 3rd, one died, one we had to give away because he was too aggressive with the other male, who died of natural causes. He was also the best dog in the world, such a baby but so protective of the kids, I loved him, miss him so much.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    :heart: Chinchilla :heart:

    love chinchillas , used to have a pair, did i list them?

    does yours use 'chinlepethy " on you to make you bring it raisons?
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    Two dogs - Boxers - one is deaf, she's the sweetest, funniest, loyalest and most destructive dog ever! The other dog is good too, but if a dog could be a human, it would be him. We love them, they keep us entertained and happy.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    1 huge tuxedo cat from a neighbour's cat. Also nursed a raccoon back to health after a car almost killed him.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    FairyMiss: She definitely has a pout face. I have read so many contradicting articles though on raisins being good or bad that she only gets one once a week now. She loves shredded wheat though. :)
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    FairyMiss: She definitely has a pout face. I have read so many contradicting articles though on raisins being good or bad that she only gets one once a week now. She loves shredded wheat though. :)

    mine had a habit of standing at the front of their cage , one fore paw on a bar and just staring......staring..
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I have 2dogs and 4 rats :):):)
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    Chuchip and Anoki


  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    Not too exotic… but my family and I have a Congo African Grey named Spike (we thought Spike was a boy until she laid an egg!) She just had her 31st birthday. My mom picked her egg out back in 1980 and took her home as soon as she hatched!




    Aw! I love her!!!! (him, it...haha) - my old roommate has custody of my African Grey, Mustard. :)


    Soo cute!! Aren't they the sweetest? They just love the love =) Love that picture!
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    FairyMiss: She definitely has a pout face. I have read so many contradicting articles though on raisins being good or bad that she only gets one once a week now. She loves shredded wheat though. :)

    mine had a habit of standing at the front of their cage , one fore paw on a bar and just staring......staring..

    Mine is both paws on cage, one ear up one ear down, and the stare.
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    3 cats

    King Jasper - a grey Tuxedo
    Tobis - black long haired boy who wants to be King!!
    Daisy - black and white short hair - very small but very determined (won't pick up this girl unless she wants - otherwise you die!!)

    1 dog

    Jessica - grey and white border collie (people have said her colour is Blue..)

    All the cats and the dog are rescues.

    3 horses

    Eclipse - aka The Sexy Mare - Irish Draught now 21 yrs old
    Solly - Eclipse's son - 5yrs old
    Calisto - Eclipse's daughter - 2 yrs old..

    Could do with a few more cats, but not sure I can persuade the family...