[GROUP FULL] SPARTANS: No Excuses November Chat - Wk 1



  • ahaar1
    ahaar1 Posts: 80 Member
    Yesterday I was able to get in 90oz of water ( I fell asleep with only 10oz left that I was planning on drinking... :smile: ) and I completed the 100 calf raises. I can feel them today!

    I love todays challenge because before kids I used to do yoga all the time. I have a 4 and 3 year old boys and have not been able to get back into it. This will give me the motivation to slow down and take time for myself (after I put the boys to bed).
  • Fitconfidence
    Day 1: Only consumed about 32 oz of H20

    Day 2: Totally forget out the calf raises :( I'll catch up on them today!

    Day 3: Today I actually plan on going to the gym and working out so I will definitely burn a lot of calories and actually double the calf raises for day 2. I plan on drinking more water as well.
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Sittingduck has just volunteered to do another 100 calf raises today of INTENSE quality! WOW WHAT A SPARTAN! (lmao)
    That is AWSOME - Way To GO Sittingduck! ;o)

    OMG, me and my BIG mouth ;-o
    Okay, I will do them this evening and report back with the results!

    Mission Complete: 4 sets of 25 reps done... all thrillers, no fillers!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Wow, I am already so pumped by the success of this group! Go Spartans!

    I have been ridiculously busy and haven't been able to check in but the reminders from kateland on the Home helped!

    Day 1: I generally drink 150 ounces of water so that's not a problem.
    Day 2: Calf Raises - I want to cry after 10 so I'll keep working on that throughout the next couple of days.
    Day 3: I needed an excuse to do some yoga after 30DS tonight - I have to, the Spartan training commands it!

    Woo! Keep going y'all!

    In preparing for Day 4, maybe someone can offer advice. I have some soreness in my right oblique - I think I pushed too hard on the oblique twists in 30DS. What's the best way to stretch it so it doesn't get worse doing the ab workout. I want Super Intense Abs but not the pain. Thanks!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Ok water check , Calf raises check...so far so good feeling good - got weighed in at my gym last night and since the last weigh in which was a little over a month ago ...-6.5 lbs and inch on hips and waist. :happy:

    Anyways hoope to keep going ...Good luck on meeting your goals today :heart:

    WTG on your pounds and inches loss!!
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Check it out, sexy Spartans, a great article (with pics!) of the proper lower back and core stretches! (From a chiropractor!)

  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Itsallbs15 - Awesome! Thank you for the link. The stretching did help today.

    I'm not sure what i'm going to do today, my body is telling me to take a rest, but I feel like I already did. What do you Spartans think...rest today or push through.
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Did my stretching, following that YT link - felt good :) A successful day, all-in-all so am off to bed for some well earned kip!
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Great job everyone. Still working on getting up to 8 cups of water each day (not a huge fan of water)....did some additional stretching today also (in addition to finishing off week 1 of C25K).......so not bad at all....the next couple of days are going to be crazy busy for me...but will try to do some of the challenges....Keep up the great work everyone :-)
  • bdmom3
    bdmom3 Posts: 21
    Great work everyone!!!! I have done well so far with all of my goals and I am very motivated to be the best I can. I'm excited to be part of this challenge with all of you,this is going to be soooo worth it. Keep up the fantastic work!!!
  • spasticlulu
    todays goal was very relaxing, .. who would have thought though that those calf exercises could set me legs on fire so soon, I am going to make it a goal to do more of those everyday!!
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    Loved todays goal of stretching! Fit in perfect after being on the treadmill. Had to finish up the last 20 calf raises today though. :S I completely forgot about them yesterday. Drank a lot today. I feel much better!
  • sharpei65
    sharpei65 Posts: 167 Member
    Its 11:45 here in the UK and I'm eagerly awaiting today's daily challenge. I guess the problem for us peeps east of the US is that we don't get the full day to complete the challenges!!

    Still going well though on staying on track!!

    Happy Friday!!

  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Hey group. Sorry I wasn't around yesterday. Didn't have any time, and don't have time to catch up on all these posts either!! I did run another 3.1 miles yesterday, putting me at 9.7 miles towards my 100 mile goal. I'm buying myself a pair of real running shoes this weekend, so I'm pretty excited about that. I've been under my calorie goal every day. But I haven't been doing the extra challenges. I just can't manage to work them in. There just isn't time. I wasn't expecting those, and while I thought they were a great idea, I just plain don't have the time to do them. The only one I did do was drink the 100 oz of water on day 1. :)

    Hopefully I'll have time to check in again later tonight. :)
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member

    ==== DAY FOUR CHALLENGE ====

    CORE. Super intense abs! Not just ANY sit up or crunches - Spartan Style! This circuit will BLAST your obliques, lower abs, and then crush the entire core.

    Side Jackknife Crunch
    The side jackknife crunch is the most intense oblique exercise there is, but once again, the majority of the resistance is isometric. To perform a side jackknife crunch, lie on your right side on an exercise mat. Place your right hand palm-down out in front of yourself for balance. Place your left fingertips behind your ear. Lift your left leg, performing a side leg-lift. At the same time, perform a side crunch. At the top of the movement, contract your left oblique abdominal muscle as hard as you can. Hold for a moment, then release back down. Perform in sets of 10 to 20 reps.

    Reverse Crunch
    There is argument over whether it's possible to work the lower abs more intensely during an exercise, or if the entire rectus abdominis acts as one muscle. Still, it's good to perform abdominal exercises that are intended to target the lower abs, if only to add some variety to your routine that will shock your abs into growth. The "Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding" explains that you should lie on your back, lift your legs and point your toes toward the ceiling, keeping a slight bend in your knees. Keep your hands on the ground at your sides for stability. Crunch your abs, lifting your butt of the ground and tilting your pelvis toward your ribcage. Hold the contraction. Release back to the ground. Perform in sets of 10 to 20 reps.

    Abdominal hold
    The abdominal hold doesn't look like a crunch, but it's a *very* intense one. To keep your body from rotating, your entire core contracts, and your rectus abdominis crunches very hard. To perform an abdominal hold, you need a weight bench or a very sturdy wooden chair. Sit with your hands solidly on the seat and your fingertips gripping the edge. Press down through your palms and raise your butt off the seat and your feet off the ground. Fitness Magazine explains that you should hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds before lowering yourself. Repeat for a full minute.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/136948-the-best-kinds-crunches-abs/#ixzz1cdYbK9rP
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Hey group. Sorry I wasn't around yesterday. Didn't have any time, and don't have time to catch up on all these posts either!! I did run another 3.1 miles yesterday, putting me at 9.7 miles towards my 100 mile goal. I'm buying myself a pair of real running shoes this weekend, so I'm pretty excited about that. I've been under my calorie goal every day. But I haven't been doing the extra challenges. I just can't manage to work them in. There just isn't time. I wasn't expecting those, and while I thought they were a great idea, I just plain don't have the time to do them. The only one I did do was drink the 100 oz of water on day 1. :)

    Hopefully I'll have time to check in again later tonight. :)

    Great to hear from you. WOO HOO almost a 10th of the way there! Let us know how the shoe thing turns out. I've heard of companies that custom fit you but I've never gone to a place...am thinking about it.

    Don't worry about the challenges, they're there for oomph. If you find you have time one day, check my blog. I'm keeping the master list there - do them any time!
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Its 11:45 here in the UK and I'm eagerly awaiting today's daily challenge. I guess the problem for us peeps east of the US is that we don't get the full day to complete the challenges!!

    Still going well though on staying on track!!

    Happy Friday!!


    Hi Kay! Day four was posted with Day three on page 3, I believe. Also, I just put up a blog that will have the challenges listed. I don't know how much my blog is allowed to hold, so it may break into multiple posts :) Anyway, I hear you, we have a few international people! I'll post the new challenge the night before in the US so you're all ready to go in the morning.
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Loved todays goal of stretching! Fit in perfect after being on the treadmill. Had to finish up the last 20 calf raises today though. :S I completely forgot about them yesterday. Drank a lot today. I feel much better!

    GREAT JOB Nichole! Way to BRING IT and push!!!
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    Okay...yesterday's water was much better, I got in 96oz's. I've decided to do the daily challenges on my days off. I go to the gym 6 days a week and I have more time on my days off to do more exercises. Today I see my doctor and get my lab results back. I'm hoping she'll take me off most if not all of my meds or at least decrease the dosage.

    Today is my day off so I plan on completing the daily challenges and I have to go clothes shopping. Have a great weekend everyone and I'll check in later.
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    Just got done working out. I ran another 3/4 mile and walked 1 3/4 for the 3rd time this week. I am so happy that I was able to do that. I told one of my closest army friends about this challenge and I think I talked her into meeting me for the 5k in december. I hope she can make it we have not run together since we were in Iraq.

    I did not do today's challenge as I found out that I have a pt test on sunday. If I did today's core workout I know I would be to sore to do my sit-ups and that would mean a failed pt test which I can not afford to do. BUT I am keeping today's workout in mind to do with my monday workout. I am up to 48 oz of water so far this morning. Should have no trouble finishing the 100 oz today.

    I am going try try my best to check in throughout the weekend but if I can't I will be back on monday. Have a GREAT weekend!