Losing the last 15-20 lbs?



  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    As promised...some ways to make Thanksgiving a tad bit healthier:

    For the person that makes the turkey-day meal (which is NOT me :tongue: )

    For some simple ways to be good:

    What food is better than what (at the bottom it has a healthy option link you can click on)

    Anyone else have ways they make turkeyday healthier?
  • My name is Sarah and I am struggling to reach the 135lb goal. I am currently at 143lbs and I weigh in every Monday. I had my son 8 months ago and I am trying to get down. After I reach my 135 goal my next goal is to drop to 125lbs. I work out every day and make healthy decisions but sometimes I get that craving as if I was still pregnant...lol.
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    I'm interested. I have a total of 20lbs I need to lose.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    I'm interested. I have a total of 20lbs I need to lose.

    Awesome! :smile: Glad you joined!! feel free to introduce yourself and your goals!
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    Me too!! I have 10 to go
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for the Thanksgiving tips! I always say try to load up on veggies and have less stuff like mac & cheese or mashed potatoes. If my Mom takes care of Thanksgiving, she is a very healthy person so I know she will cook diet-friendly things. But, if there are green things on a buffet line at other family gatherings, I try to load up on that (brussel sprouts, broccoli, green bean casserole, even though that has some creamy stuff in it). And I try to stick with drinking lots of water that day.

    Getting a little walk in with family and friends can be lots of fun, and don't feel like you have to deny yourself dessert or an indulgent dish. Just indulge in moderation!
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    Me too!! I have 10 to go

    Glad you decided to join :happy:
  • Robes
    Robes Posts: 17 Member
    I'd like to get in!
    I'm sitting at 160 and can't break through to the 150's... I've plateaued after dropping 15 no problem. This might help kick start my bod into overdrive for the next 15!
  • pvtnick
    pvtnick Posts: 18 Member
    I'd love to get it on this. I lost actually about 22 lbs (5 more than my tracker says) and I hit a a temporary plateau after having to go off diet for two weeks. (Ironically enough, I lost 4 lbs during two weeks of stuffing my face, but don't try this lol). Since I have gotten back home and back in, it's been slow going. I am currently trying to get down to 170 or lower by the end of the month, even factoring in Thanksgiving. Right now I weigh in at 177 from a HW of 201.
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    Hi I'm Emely, I have two kids ages 5 and 2. I was at my highest weight of 155 after I had my first child. I had my second child and after the pregnancy stayed at 155. Which was a plus. I gained 30lbs with my first and gained nothing with my second. yay!

    After my second child turned 1, I started to take my weight lost semi-serious In march of 2010, and lost 5lbs. I stoped for a few months. Then I heard about INSANITY and decided to stick to it, to see if it actually did worked. And it did. That's when I really took my weight lost serious (July, 2010) With in the 1st 60 days I lost 12 lbs. Then took 2 months break, went back to it and lost another 10lbs.

    Since then I've platue. I've worked out with very expensive PT, gone to the gym long and crazy hours and nothing seemed to work.

    I just weighted myself a few weeks ago and it seemed like I broke the platue, but going the wrong direction. I've gain 5lbs back. I'm now working out with a bootcamp training group which is awesome and local. I work out 4 days a week with them, and 2 days on my own. I have my 30 day assesment on NOV 23, and I'm hoping for good results.

    Good luck to all!
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    I'd like to get in!
    I'm sitting at 160 and can't break through to the 150's... I've plateaued after dropping 15 no problem. This might help kick start my bod into overdrive for the next 15!

    Plateau's are hard...hope we can help you work through it!
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    I'd love to get it on this. I lost actually about 22 lbs (5 more than my tracker says) and I hit a a temporary plateau after having to go off diet for two weeks. (Ironically enough, I lost 4 lbs during two weeks of stuffing my face, but don't try this lol). Since I have gotten back home and back in, it's been slow going. I am currently trying to get down to 170 or lower by the end of the month, even factoring in Thanksgiving. Right now I weigh in at 177 from a HW of 201.

    Glad to have you with us! :smile:
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member

    For Friday-Sunday lets get in at least 5 hours of working out. Come back Sunday/Monday and share your total hours, cals burned (if possible), and what workout(s) you did!

    Good luck to all!!:drinker:
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I'd like to join in if you don't mind. I have to run out the door right now but I'll be back later to check in again.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    I'd like to join in if you don't mind. I have to run out the door right now but I'll be back later to check in again.

    Sounds great :smile:
  • tracyg86
    tracyg86 Posts: 51 Member

    For Friday-Sunday lets get in at least 5 hours of working out. Come back Sunday/Monday and share your total hours, cals burned (if possible), and what workout(s) you did!

    Good luck to all!!:drinker:

    That sounds great! Ill have to give it a go. Thanks!!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I would like to be somewhere in the 130s so I have 25 to 30 pounds to go. I will be out of town this weekend visiting my son in college. Hopefully will get some walking in then.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Hi again! I have about 20 lbs to lose right now b/c my weight went up while I was taking prednisone. But I'm done with the pred now and I hope those pounds that I gained come off as quickly as they just went on. I can hope, right??

    Almost all of the weight I have left to lose is in my stomach area--ugh. I'm an apple shape and I still have this huge tire around my middle. I feel sort of stuck with my weight right now.

    I like to run but that's going to get really challenging soon with the time change and snow coming soon (in MN). I also do a few Jillian Michaels dvds but I'm looking for some new (fairly inexpensive) ideas to mix it up. I think I might join a gym for the winter months even though we don't really have a lot of extra money. I think it will help my sanity getting through the MN winter.

    That's a little about me. :) I could use a good group for motivation for these last pounds. I'm going to need it!
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    I have about 15 pounds left! I would love to knock it out in a month, but I'm losing weight much slower now that I'm almost at my goal weight. I will certainly give it a try though!
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    I would love to join in.

    I'm a stay at home mom. I have a 6 year old little girl and a 17 month old little girl. I gained a little extra weight after my first daughter, but never felt motivated to lose it. Then, after my second daughter was born and I started staying home, I got up to about 160 lbs. Since around January I've lost around 30 lbs through myfitnesspal.com, 30 Day Shred, and Insanity. However, I've kind of stalled at about 127, and actually have gone back up to about 130 over the last few days. My goal right now is to lose about 10-15 more pounds, but that will depend on how I look and feel once I get even closer to my goal.