Losing the last 15-20 lbs?



  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    hi, my name is Chris. i'm 23 and i'm always promising myself I will reach my goal but I tend to lose track. i really need a challenge that there is constant communication to keep me focused. I'm 5'7 and my ugw is 135. This month I want to lose 10 pounds. That would mean 145. I haven't been in 140s since last spring and I would love to see that number!

  • tracyg86
    tracyg86 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Chris. Welcome to the group!
  • ready for those situps!
  • Oh my gosh I have been a slacker this weekend! I worked all day Friday and a half day Saturday, at a job where I am on my feet the whole day and walking back and forth a lot. It's a retail store and during the school year (it's a teacher supply store) I am by myself so I do everything. I did go for a 30 minute walk yesterday. I've been slack with exercise the past several weeks so last week I started walking 30 minutes/day. I didn't do this Friday and Saturday because of work.

    I am down with the sit-ups! Can we do crunches as well? I am doing mine as soon as I am done with this post.

    I also started a HEALTHY cleanse today. You actually end up eating about 1500 calories (you can adjust if needed for your height and weight). The recommendation is to do it for 3 days to kick start weight loss but I am going to do it for at least 4 days. I need to shed some toxins and be unbloated and ready for my bridal portraits next weekend! I probably will do it 4 days this week and 4 days next week. I actually don't know if I will be able to eat all of the food! Here is the plan:

    • 8 oz water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice
    • Scrambled egg whites with chopped fresh herbs (such as basil or oregano), topped with a dollop of salsa, and 1 slice whole-wheat toast, dry
    OR 1 cup cooked oats or cooked oatmeal topped with ½ cup berries or 2 Tbsp nuts
    • 8 oz decaffeinated green or herbal tea

    • Sliced apple with 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter
    OR 1/3 cup natural trail mix

    • 1 cup fresh spinach or lightly sautéed spinach or kale, squeezed with fresh lemon or orange juice
    OR 1 cup asparagus with 1 tsp olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice
    • 4 oz grilled, baked, OR broiled salmon, chicken, OR pork tenderloin, seasoned with spices such as lemon pepper
    • 1/2 cup edamame beans, steamed
    • 8 oz water or decaffeinated green or herbal tea
    • 8 pecan halves

    • 1/2 sweet potato OR one citrus fruit (orange or grapefruit)
    • 4 oz low-fat yogurt

    • Large spinach or romaine salad with vegetables. Dress with 1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil mixed with lemon juice or vinegar (any variety)
    • ½ cup to 1 cup asparagus OR artichoke hearts, steamed
    • 4 oz lean chicken with spices, baked or grilled
    • ½ cup brown rice, barley, bulgur, or quinoa
    • 8 oz water or decaffeinated green or herbal tea

    • ¾ cup to 1 cup blueberries
    OR ½ cup pomegranate seeds
    • 4 oz nonfat Greek yogurt
    OR low-fat organic yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese

    I am modifying this just slightly because of what I did/did not have available in my grocery store. Basically you eat all of the bullet points, except where you see the OR, then you choose one thing in that bullet point. I'll let everyone know how it goes!! I have been hovering at about 177 so I would love to drop a couple pounds by next weekend.

    Let me know how this works for you and the results you get!
  • **NEW Challenge****
    How about we get some sit-ups in this week?
    This challenge will start tomorrow and go through Friday. Monday, start with doing 30 sit ups. For each day after that add 5 or10 (depending on how comftorable you are). By Friday you will be up to 50 or 70 depending on how many you choose to add each day :smile: Feel free to post how many you add and how many you get done each day!
    Who's ready to see some ABS?!?! :wink:

    I do Insanity's Cardio abs 4 days a week, but I'm game to add this. I'm in. :)

    I need to step up to the plate and start insanity again! I did this workout after i had my son 8 months ago and dropped 40lbs. Now I'm hanging on to the last 10lbs! it won't go away i tell you!
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I'd be interested
  • Almost done w/ my 5 hrs! I've been walking, running/jogging, and on the elliptical...going to finish it with just over an hour on the Kinect later.
    How is everyone else doing?

    PS: I'll have a new challenge posted tomorrow :smile:

    Friday: 30 minutes of post natal boot camp week 4 and 30 minutes of butt bible level 2.
    Saturday: I did not feel to good
    Sunday: lawn work for 30 minutes and 10 minutes of butt bible level 2.

    I failed the challenge :(. Its hard to workout when I'm out of town at the in-laws. But I am in for this weeks challenge!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    30 sit ups knocked out for today!

    Millerscd- welcome, and I love your Arrested Development chicken dance! CaCaw! My fave!
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!! Glad everyone likes the challenge, also :smile:
    I'm trying to think of a weekend challenge that is food related but having some troubles, any ideas are welcome! Messege me or post on here.
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    So far the cleanse is going good, although I am having trouble eating all the food! At lunch I just could not eat the pecans, but I guess as long as I stay above 1200 calories it's ok if I don't eat all the food. Right now I need to eat a snack, so I am going to try to eat the 1/2 sweet potato and yogurt that is supposed to be the mid-afternoon snack.

    I am going to my friend's house to watch Dancing with the Stars tonight. She is making soup and cornbread, which is probably healthy, but I am going to stick to my cleanse and bring my own dinner. I'll have the last snack when I get home. I have felt great all day, except for a little sniffly nose which is unrelated obviously. Maybe I'll do this at the beginning of every week, then when I run out of supplies I'll eat other things I have - soup, lean cuisine/veggies, stuff like that.

    Oh and I did my 30 crunches! Totally gonna do 40 tomorrow!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Well, I did 30 crunches b/c I have a sore muscle in my side and it hurt too much to do full sit-ups. I had a bad cough for a few weeks (getting better now though) and I swear it feels almost like I pulled a muscle from coughing so much/so hard.

    I also ran this morning, took a walk with my kids this afternoon, and then this evening we all did Level 2 of Ripped in 30. The kids put forth a great effort. It's pretty darn funny to watch a 2 year old try to do some of these exercises. :)
  • ehwilson
    ehwilson Posts: 19 Member
    Did my situps (50) for the challenge and also did 50 push ups
  • 30- sit ups done.
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Well, I didn't quite eat all of the food but I ate almost all of it. I feel pretty good, not deprived at all (like I said, it was a struggle to eat everything!). I kinda feel like this is an "eat to avoid hunger" plan, which is good for me, because if I let myself get hungry enough, I will go nuts and I don't care what I eat.

    Day 2 starts in a few hours! Hope everyone has a great night and a great day tomorrow!

    PS: Is there anyone in the Greenville, SC or Shreveport, LA area? I live in G'ville now and am moving to S'port in December after I get married.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    Well, I did 30 crunches b/c I have a sore muscle in my side and it hurt too much to do full sit-ups. I had a bad cough for a few weeks (getting better now though) and I swear it feels almost like I pulled a muscle from coughing so much/so hard.

    I also ran this morning, took a walk with my kids this afternoon, and then this evening we all did Level 2 of Ripped in 30. The kids put forth a great effort. It's pretty darn funny to watch a 2 year old try to do some of these exercises. :)

    Thats great! I'm glad you modified the challenge instead of just not trying, wtg! :drinker:
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    Well, wanted to get my 40 sit ups done before clinicals but of course, nothing can go as planned and I ran out of time...gonna have to do them before my workout tonight :grumble:
  • I did my 30 last night and completed my 40 this morning.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    it would be to lose at least 10 lbs this month....would anyone be interested? suggestions/comments welcome :wink:

    I suggest only cutting 20% from your maint calories or the recommended 1lb a week.
    Cut carbs to 150 for 3 days then overcarb on the 4th rinse and repeat! (carb cycle)
    Burn 100cals every 10 mins for cardio and youll do it!

    I'm down to my last few BF% going from 15% to 10% so I know how you feel.
    Dont forget your cheat meal/weekend.
    Eat all your protein.

    Dont forget to throw away your scale!
    Your health should be measured in body fat and lean mass!
    If you are dieting correctly and you arent in the Morbid section of the scale you shouldnt see much weight difference from week to week. If you are loosing fat but eating the proper protein and working out it should take a very long time to "loose 15-20lbs" because the muscle balances as you loose fat.
    1lb Fat =3500calories
    1lb Muscle = 2520calories

    Its easy to do the math to figure out a realistic goal for weightloss but how pretty will you look when you have gangly arms and legs?

    Feed the muscle burn the fat.
    Be safe and dont diet yourself to death!
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    it would be to lose at least 10 lbs this month....would anyone be interested? suggestions/comments welcome :wink:

    I suggest only cutting 20% from your maint calories or the recommended 1lb a week.
    Cut carbs to 150 for 3 days then overcarb on the 4th rinse and repeat! (carb cycle)
    Burn 100cals every 10 mins for cardio and youll do it!

    I'm down to my last few BF% going from 15% to 10% so I know how you feel.
    Dont forget your cheat meal/weekend.
    Eat all your protein.

    Dont forget to throw away your scale!
    Your health should be measured in body fat and lean mass!
    If you are dieting correctly and you arent in the Morbid section of the scale you shouldnt see much weight difference from week to week. If you are loosing fat but eating the proper protein and working out it should take a very long time to "loose 15-20lbs" because the muscle balances as you loose fat.
    1lb Fat =3500calories
    1lb Muscle = 2520calories

    Its easy to do the math to figure out a realistic goal for weightloss but how pretty will you look when you have gangly arms and legs?

    Feed the muscle burn the fat.
    Be safe and dont diet yourself to death!
    The 10 lbs this month was a typo, as I stated earlier. I also do not have what is required to measure body fat and am not interested in buying one so the only other option I have is a scale or I would :frown:
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    40 sit ups done for today! Feelin good!:glasses: