
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    possible to lose but really garbage in garbage out
  • Don't know if you're just eating once a day because mcdonalds and most fast food fries (regular size) are 400+ cals and the burgers 300-400. Plus a drink? Plus any other meals?

    Are you sure you're calculations are collect?
    You don't have to get fries and a sugared soda. IMO, they aren't worth the calories. But a juicy burger now and again is definitely worth it to me. Or my personal favorite, the five layer burrito at Taco Bell. It's 540 cal, so I have to save up for them, but they are good.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    The problem with fast food is all the cholesterol and crap you can't see or feel. It blocks arteries and sets you on the road to a heart attack. Just cause you look good on the outside does not mean you are healthy on the inside.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    It is entirely possible to lose weight eating nothing but junk food. Sorry fast food.

    However you're probably going to find you run into health problems as fast food won't give you the nutrients and minerals you need.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    why would anyone want to consume a diet full of preservatives, chemicals, sodium, saturated/trans fat?

    Yes you can lose weight be cutting calories but a persistent diet of fast food could lead to malnutrition/depriving your body of certain nutrients and hard on your heart and other organs. There's speculation that the preservatives and chemicals in our diets can lead to higher risk of colon cancer.
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    If you must eat it. a Place Like Steak and Shake has a very LOW COUNT......
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    While it might be possible, when you stop dieting you will gain all the weight back, and this is about a lifestle change, if you want to keep the weight off indefinately then you have to change what you eat.... sorry JMO
  • MsKekeSoFocused
    MsKekeSoFocused Posts: 383 Member
    Why are you yelling at us?!?!?

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Im sure you can stay under the cals.. but you might run into a problem with not being able to stay under fat and sodium and stuff.. unless you are getting salads.. if its burgers and fries i dont see how you will keep the fat and sodium down even if you only eat enough to stay under cals.
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    YES!!!! sadly I don't like to cook and have successfully lost 44 pounds and i'm not bloated or anything. HOWEVER when the "budget" doesn't allow fries then you have to steal like 3 of a friends' fries. It's a balancing act. I eat every 2 hours too and at the end I was down to under 1200 calories to lose weight which, I ate 1200 but because I'd add some exercise of course with it. Every Monday I've eaten a cheesesteak since Day 1, skipped the fries but ate "fairly" healthy throughout the day. If I wanted fries, I'd budgetted them in, if I wanted pizza, I ate it. I kept my ratios for fat/carbs/protein what they needed to be, I kept fat under. It's all a balancing act. No one believes me but YOU CAN eat what you want and everyday I have something pre-made... yesterday was chinese food in fact and the day before was papa johns. It's about choices too though, I go to Arby's and get a plain Roast Beef sandwich with Cheddar sauce, no sides, chicken nuggets (8) with a side of fruit from chic-fil-a, 6 piece nugget happy meal from Mcdonald's, etc. Honestly you can do it, but you will have to make your budget allow for it and if you know you are having a cheesesteak for dinner then watch out for the fat and cholesterol you have throughout the day to allow for it. I am on maintenance now and only allowed 1400 calories a day and I still look at my budget everyday for nutrients and calories. I never worked out more than 45 minutes either so it's not like I was a workout nut. One night I really wanted a "bad" steak dinner though so I ran 4.5 miles before it to "buy" the calories haha. Like I said it is possible and it is possible to be "healthy" by eating like that. I watch my sodium throughout the day so I know that Arby's or Chic-fil-a won't ruin "sodium" budget and you just have to be conscious of all of your meals and never skip one, always eat at least 1200 calories too. It can be done and I'm total proof and have had tests to make sure I'm healthy.
    In fact I am having a cheese steak for dinner tonight! So far today i've had a protein shake, a milky way funsize, swedish fish, uncrustable pb&j, carrots, and half a meal bar (700 calories total and before dinner I'll eat the other half of meal bar). (I don't post my diary for the exact reason of that I don't eat healthy haha). But if you ever need advice on what to get at a place or anything, feel free to contact me. Again, no one can say it's not possible because I'm living proof... :-)
    SW 155.1
    GW 115
    CW 112 (like 112 so really I guess this became GW)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If your only concern is weight loss, then the answer is yes. You can lose weight eating anything if you eat a calorie deficit.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Watch the movie "Fat Head." The guy went on a 31 day fast-food diet. He lost about 20 lbs, and his blood pressure and sugar were lower. BTW, he was eating 1200 cal per day, and was staying away from fries and sugared soda.

    I was going to mention "Fat Head" as well. BTW he was eating 2000 calories a day, not 1200. The minimum for a man is 1500 not 1200 just so people know.

    While you can lose, and even improve health markers by making better choices at fast food restaurants, the big downfall of that sort of diet is its complete lack of veggies. In fact that is mentioned in "Fat Head" as well. His point was that fast food is not the devil that movies like "Supersize Me" would present it as if you use your mind and make healthier choices. I have during my weight loss and will continue to eat at fast food restaurants, but I will use my brain to make better choices. Is it a daily thing for me? No, both because of the cost and because I can eat a lot more stuff when I cook up a meal at home, even when I include burgers in that meal because I use extra lean ground beef and don't put in all the fillers and sodium that fast food restaurants do. Not to mention I can cook up a huge batch of veggies (usually using ones that are frozen) that is 3-5 times the size of a regular fry while not having all the calories. That is much more satisfying for me and provides vitamins, minerals, and fiber that my body needs.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Why are you yelling at us?!?!?

    I was going to say the exact same thing.

    Me too :laugh:

    I was thinking the same thing...

    Technically, you can lose weight eating nothing but fast food. It is very unhealthy for you though.

    A few years ago, my husband had to be on his own in a new town for 3 months. (I was packing up our house & taking care of things preparing to move) He ate fast food for those 3 months for breakfast, lunch & dinner. When I finally joined him 3 months later he was so proud of himself because he had lost over 20 pounds. He looked like death & didn't realize it. His skin and hair looked terrible & he had constant hearburn. He was lethargic as well.

    After just a few days of eating my cooking again he looked and felt better! He then realized that even though he had lost weight, it wasn't in a good way. Took a long time for him to recover...

    Don't recommend it!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149
    Yes, but I wouldn't advise it. I did this for a while and my gut felt like it was going to rise up and overthrow me. I ended up having to do a cleanse of my system.... not fun. A lot of fast food contains things that are hard for your body to process and although I am one of the people who doesn't condemn it out of hand I do say limit it. My concern is that because you are eating so much fast food you might end up malnourished without the proper nutrients your body needs.

    Also I know you said that you know your fast food choices could be better. Subway has some good stuff, I went there Sunday and got some cream of Broccoli soup. OMG heaven! Best. Food. EVER. Even McDonald's has some salads although I wouldn't because the smell of greasy fries when I'm eating a salad is not welcome.

    Also I would suggest adding a multivitamin to your day. It will give you some things you might be missing out on.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    Perhaps you could put a "wanted" post in your local Freecycle group and someone would have a keyboard for you.

    Seriously.. This girl is asking about weight loss, and your focusing on the fact that her post is in all caps.. Is your day really that boring that you need to pick on someone for the way they type?

    To Op:
    You can.. Look up the Twinkie Diet.

    If you want to get healthy though, is it going to do it for you? Nope.. not at all. I suggest packing a lunch if you can.. It will help tons!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    Why are you yelling at us?!?!?

    I was going to say the exact same thing.

    *sees that my work has been done.

    *leaves quietly.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Don't know if you're just eating once a day because mcdonalds and most fast food fries (regular size) are 400+ cals and the burgers 300-400. Plus a drink? Plus any other meals?

    Are you sure you're calculations are collect?

    I am with her on this.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    You may be able to lose weight, but you won't be any healthier. All of the Sat. fats, carbs, sugars, sodium, NO FIBER, etc will ADD UP. Why don't you bring a lunch pale with you and bring a sandwich, water, fruit, veggie sticks, yogurt, etc with you instead of spending money on food that will not keep you full for long and offers NO health benefits with no vitamins or minerals?

    Your call.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    But a juicy burger now and again is definitely worth it to me.
    Now and again, sure. But every day?
  • Justins68ford
    Justins68ford Posts: 16 Member
    haha watch "Fat Head" the documentry it explores this concept only for a month though, it's no long term study on it.

    oops just realized this had been mentioned, my bad.