Breaking Dawn is 15 days away (in the States)



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Will these movies win any awards? No, probably not but its entertaining.
    abuse is never entertaining...
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    All females.

    I may be one of the only females on the planet that is not excited about this lol
    May I come sit by you?

    Yes by all means.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    In the words of my Tattoo Artist (whom I think is ridiculously awesome)

    "Stephanie Meyer is an idiot... a very rich idiot that I am jelaous of because I didn't think to right a ridiculous book series about a girl who cant decide who she loves more the sparkly vampire or the werewolf....I mean really it took 4 books to tell a story when one really would have sufficed."
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Well I dont need to go to the movies to see a pale unattractive,skinny herion addict, who is dsperate need of an eyebrow waxing.....I can just go down town
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    All females.

    I may be one of the only females on the planet that is not excited about this lol
    I am also not excited.
    and you can ALWAYS sit by me...

    Thank you, dear. I brought extra ear plugs.
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member

    Um you used it incorrectly as well....I don't think that is suppose to mean IT IS or IT HAS intellectual superior...

    *supposed. I can't continue to mock you, it's too easy. You can't even spell when trying to make a point that doesn't make sense either. Also--my quote is from a movie, which you obviously haven't seen. I was referring to you as an "it."
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    Vampires haven't been cool since Kristy Swanson...

    Really? Talk about a contradiction from your previous post

    Interview with a Vampire
    Bram Stoker's Dracula
    From Dusk till Dawn

    Contradiction? You really have an absolutely horrible grasp of the English language. A contradiction is when something is said that asserts the opposite of the previous post. What you are inferring is difference in taste and subjective opinion. Please, go read more books.

    You're saying Buffy the Vampire Slayer was GOOD entertainment and Twilight isn't....what's the difference??
    Both cheesy teen movies, correct?

    Yes, however Buffy was TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you can't recognize satire from things that actually do take themselves too seriously, your powers of perception are even poorer than I realized.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I saw a tv spot for it and literally cried.

  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I saw a tv spot for it and literally cried.
    I was kind of hoping she wasn't serious...
  • Nolynoelia20
    I am too... Im reading the book again for the 4th time!! I took off of work too #commited lol
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I saw a tv spot for it and literally cried.
    I was kind of hoping she wasn't serious...

    I was kind of hoping she was so I could laugh... which may sound horrible but I laugh at anyone who cries of comercials... or in movies.. but I have been told I am quite heartless lol
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I saw a tv spot for it and literally cried.
    I was kind of hoping she wasn't serious...
    I was kind of hoping she was so I could laugh... which may sound horrible but I laugh at anyone who cries of comercials... or in movies.. but I have been told I am quite heartless lol
    Can we laugh at her without getting a warning?
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    I will go see it, but the books are SOOOOOO much better than the movies

    True, but I am still not a fan of the books either. The only enjoyment I get from watching/reading Twilight is laughing at it. I prefer my man to be alive, I can hear his heartbeat that way. :smile:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Those books are so horribly written,I read them all when I was in the hospital,they helped me sleep.

    Read this its much better
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I saw a tv spot for it and literally cried.
    I was kind of hoping she wasn't serious...
    I was kind of hoping she was so I could laugh... which may sound horrible but I laugh at anyone who cries of comercials... or in movies.. but I have been told I am quite heartless lol
    Can we laugh at her without getting a warning?

    Probably not.. it might hurt someones feelings, and I would hate to do that. Well not really but perhaps we should just laugh quietly to ourselves.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Vampires haven't been cool since Kristy Swanson...

    Really? Talk about a contradiction from your previous post

    Interview with a Vampire
    Bram Stoker's Dracula
    From Dusk till Dawn

    Contradiction? You really have an absolutely horrible grasp of the English language. A contradiction is when something is said that asserts the opposite of the previous post. What you are inferring is difference in taste and subjective opinion. Please, go read more books.

    You're saying Buffy the Vampire Slayer was GOOD entertainment and Twilight isn't....what's the difference??
    Both cheesy teen movies, correct?

    Yes, however Buffy was TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you can't recognize satire from things that actually do take themselves too seriously, your powers of perception are even poorer than I realized.

    Does your pretentious soap-boxing make you feel better about yourself?
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Probably not.. it might hurt someones feelings, and I would hate to do that. Well not really but perhaps we should just laugh quietly to ourselves.
    There are feelings on the internetz? Say it ain't so!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Vampires haven't been cool since Kristy Swanson...

    Really? Talk about a contradiction from your previous post

    Interview with a Vampire
    Bram Stoker's Dracula
    From Dusk till Dawn

    Contradiction? You really have an absolutely horrible grasp of the English language. A contradiction is when something is said that asserts the opposite of the previous post. What you are inferring is difference in taste and subjective opinion. Please, go read more books.

    You're saying Buffy the Vampire Slayer was GOOD entertainment and Twilight isn't....what's the difference??
    Both cheesy teen movies, correct?

    Yes, however Buffy was TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you can't recognize satire from things that actually do take themselves too seriously, your powers of perception are even poorer than I realized.

    Also, Buffy doesn't have BLANK PAGES because the pain of losing Angel was so great. No, she was sad and she moved on. Bella is a freaking wreck. My issues with Twilight stem from the fact that the lead character is a WEAK woman who needs a man and can't function without him. I read the books, I know. It is a terrible thing to teach young women.
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    Vampires haven't been cool since Kristy Swanson...

    Really? Talk about a contradiction from your previous post

    Interview with a Vampire
    Bram Stoker's Dracula
    From Dusk till Dawn

    Contradiction? You really have an absolutely horrible grasp of the English language. A contradiction is when something is said that asserts the opposite of the previous post. What you are inferring is difference in taste and subjective opinion. Please, go read more books.

    You're saying Buffy the Vampire Slayer was GOOD entertainment and Twilight isn't....what's the difference??
    Both cheesy teen movies, correct?

    Yes, however Buffy was TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you can't recognize satire from things that actually do take themselves too seriously, your powers of perception are even poorer than I realized.

    Does your pretentious soap-boxing make you feel better about yourself?

    I feel pretty great about myself, so I'd say no. I feel the same about myself as I did before my "pretentious soap-boxing." Thanks for caring so sincerely about my emotional or intellectual well being though. :)
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator

    Just too much vitriol, insult, and personal attack in here to make it worth the time to edit or delete all the inappropriate posts.

    Please, in the future, refrain from name-calling, insult and personal attack on other members. It does no one any credit.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.