Healthier Choices in Fast Food

Hello Fellow Dieters!

Today is my second day on this site! I'm sure many of you diet and get fast food here and there because you're probably in the same boat as I am- ALWAYS on the go with no time to cook/eat at home. What are some of the healthiest fast food meals you have found that still aid in your weight loss?


  • Google - eat this not that fast food.
    There are tons of healthier choices.
  • i generally get a salad. and use very little dressing.
  • Kabula
    Kabula Posts: 97 Member
    I guess it depends where you live! I live in NYC and there's tons of healthy choices! Try Chickpea-- great falafel place and very healthy and it's fast food!
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    The healthiest fast foods, much to my suprise.... were

    3 crunchy chicken tacos from Taco Bell at 450 and only 1050 mg of sodium.... just watch your sodium the rest of the day. Fresca version is even better.

    6 piece chicken nuggets and apple slices from McDonalds at only 325 calories, 550 mg of sodium and 50 mg of cholesterol.

    Everything else is nothing but **** and chock full of sodium.
  • normusnonaliam
    normusnonaliam Posts: 128 Member
    My favorite is McDonald's grilled chicken caeser salad with their lowfat vinaigrette dressing.

    My new obsession though- taco bell's fresco menu. i'm sure the sodium count isn't great but for 300 calories you can have two delicious chicken soft tacos!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Chick-fil-a's chargrilled chicken sandwich is only 290 calories and the chargrilled chicken club is only 410. That and a fruit cup is not too bad.

    You will find, though, that even the healthiest fast food has a lot of sodium in it. You may find it best to pre-cook some things at home and pack lunches.
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    Salads with FF Rasberry Vin. Dressing, Grilled chicken sandwich no mayo, sometimes I order the kids meal to avoid excess. Stay away from anything fried, breaded, etc. Marina when possible vs alfredo.. that type of thing! Even a thin crust veggie topped pizza.
  • AreneeG31
    AreneeG31 Posts: 256 Member
    My favs are chic fil a salads(no dressing), subway roasted chicken breast with lots of veggies (no dressings,condiments), wendy's or mcd's grilled chicken wraps(no sauce), chili or plain potato. Just keep an eye on your sodium. Im sure there are lots of others and always moderation is the key. :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hello Fellow Dieters!

    Today is my second day on this site! I'm sure many of you diet and get fast food here and there because you're probably in the same boat as I am- ALWAYS on the go with no time to cook/eat at home. What are some of the healthiest fast food meals you have found that still aid in your weight loss?

    any fast food item can still be eaten and you can lose weight, providing you maintain a caloric deficit
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    NO FAST FOOD! There are no healthier options!! I always make BIG dinners so I have plenty of leftovers for lunches and/or dinners if I get super busy.
    That being said I had to eat fast food a couple times when out of town and such. There was nothing that fit the diet. One sandwhich from McDonalds was usually too high for one meal...but one sandwich from McD would not fill me up so I would get 2 with no cheese or something and hope for the best! Tacobell does have some options for lower calorie and what not and I feel I can get more full...but it is still soooo greasy and bad for you.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    NO FAST FOOD! There are no healthier options!!
    Yes there are. See above.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    NO FAST FOOD! There are no healthier options!!

    Don't say NO! SAY YES!!!!
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    NO FAST FOOD! There are no healthier options!!
    Yes there are. See above.
    Thanks for reading ALL of the message. Also, really???? Just cause there are some options with less calories does not change the fact that they are serving you crap! Processed food with artifical fillers can be very low cal but damn they are bad for you! The reason there are even sites like MFP in this country is because we live by fast food and its turned us so obese! Other countries do not have weight issues like we do and other countries do not have drive thrus and fast food on every corner!!!!!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    NO FAST FOOD! There are no healthier options!!

    Don't say NO! SAY YES!!!!

    YES! YES!! YES!!!

    I :heart: fast food

    ETA: I would DIE without Taco Bell. FYI.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I would look up the websites for your favorite fast food joints and look at the nutrition information. You can get a good look at the actual nutrition and "healthiness" of their offerings. It helped me a lot when figuring out what to eat.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    NO FAST FOOD! There are no healthier options!!

    Don't say NO! SAY YES!!!!

    YES! YES!! YES!!!

    I :heart: fast food

    ETA: I would DIE without Taco Bell. FYI.

    I love it when you scream yes, Em!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    NO FAST FOOD! There are no healthier options!!
    Yes there are. See above.
    Thanks for reading ALL of the message. Also, really???? Just cause there are some options with less calories does not change the fact that they are serving you crap! Processed food with artifical fillers can be very low cal but damn they are bad for you! The reason there are even sites like MFP in this country is because we live by fast food and its turned us so obese! Other countries do not have weight issues like we do and other countries do not have drive thrus and fast food on every corner!!!!!

    fast food didn't make people fat, chronic over consumption of calories did


    Bray GA et. al. Hormonal Responses to a Fast-Food Meal Compared with Nutritionally Comparable Meals of Different Composition. Ann Nutr Metab. 2007 May 29;51(2):163-171

    Background: Fast food is consumed in large quantities each day. Whether there are differences in the acute metabolic response to these meals as compared to ‘healthy’ meals with similar composition is unknown. Design: Three-way crossover. Methods: Six overweight men were given a standard breakfast at 8:00 a.m. on each of 3 occasions, followed by 1 of 3 lunches at noon. The 3 lunches included: (1) a fast-food meal consisting of a burger, French fries and root beer sweetened with high fructose corn syrup; (2) an organic beef meal prepared with organic foods and a root beer containing sucrose, and (3) a turkey meal consisting of a turkey sandwich and granola made with organic foods and an organic orange juice. Glucose, insulin, free fatty acids, ghrelin, leptin, triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were measured at 30-min intervals over 6 h. Salivary cortisol was measured after lunch. Results: Total fat, protein and energy content were similar in the 3 meals, but the fatty acid content differed. The fast-food meal had more myristic (C14:0), palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0) and trans fatty acids (C18:1) than the other 2 meals. The pattern of nutrient and hormonal response was similar for a given subject to each of the 3 meals. The only statistically significant acute difference observed was a decrease in the AUC of LDL cholesterol after the organic beef meal relative to that for the other two meals. Other metabolic responses were not different. Conclusion: LDL-cholesterol decreased more with the organic beef meal which had lesser amounts of saturated and trans fatty acids than in the fast-food beef meal.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Oh many people love fast food! Don't get me taste delicious! But in all honesty....the question was healthy and quick...not just low calorie. Salads are great options...but I do not consider salad on the go food. If you have time to sit and eat a salad then you have time for food not bought at fast food establishments. Yes if you eat fast food you can stay under your calories...but you will probably be hungry and its not HEALTHY.
  • Oh many people love fast food! Don't get me taste delicious! But in all honesty....the question was healthy and quick...not just low calorie. Salads are great options...but I do not consider salad on the go food. If you have time to sit and eat a salad then you have time for food not bought at fast food establishments. Yes if you eat fast food you can stay under your calories...but you will probably be hungry and its not HEALTHY.

    Quite right Meg!
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    NO FAST FOOD! There are no healthier options!!
    Yes there are. See above.
    Thanks for reading ALL of the message. Also, really???? Just cause there are some options with less calories does not change the fact that they are serving you crap! Processed food with artifical fillers can be very low cal but damn they are bad for you! The reason there are even sites like MFP in this country is because we live by fast food and its turned us so obese! Other countries do not have weight issues like we do and other countries do not have drive thrus and fast food on every corner!!!!!

    fast food didn't make people fat, chronic over consumption of calories did


    Bray GA et. al. Hormonal Responses to a Fast-Food Meal Compared with Nutritionally Comparable Meals of Different Composition. Ann Nutr Metab. 2007 May 29;51(2):163-171

    Background: Fast food is consumed in large quantities each day. Whether there are differences in the acute metabolic response to these meals as compared to ‘healthy’ meals with similar composition is unknown. Design: Three-way crossover. Methods: Six overweight men were given a standard breakfast at 8:00 a.m. on each of 3 occasions, followed by 1 of 3 lunches at noon. The 3 lunches included: (1) a fast-food meal consisting of a burger, French fries and root beer sweetened with high fructose corn syrup; (2) an organic beef meal prepared with organic foods and a root beer containing sucrose, and (3) a turkey meal consisting of a turkey sandwich and granola made with organic foods and an organic orange juice. Glucose, insulin, free fatty acids, ghrelin, leptin, triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were measured at 30-min intervals over 6 h. Salivary cortisol was measured after lunch. Results: Total fat, protein and energy content were similar in the 3 meals, but the fatty acid content differed. The fast-food meal had more myristic (C14:0), palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0) and trans fatty acids (C18:1) than the other 2 meals. The pattern of nutrient and hormonal response was similar for a given subject to each of the 3 meals. The only statistically significant acute difference observed was a decrease in the AUC of LDL cholesterol after the organic beef meal relative to that for the other two meals. Other metabolic responses were not different. Conclusion: LDL-cholesterol decreased more with the organic beef meal which had lesser amounts of saturated and trans fatty acids than in the fast-food beef meal.
    And an over consumption of calories is often traced back to the fast food industry in which a CHILD HAPPY MEAL is the amount of food one adult should eat. Now you tell me how many adults eat that when they go to fast food? Thank you for the informative albeit brief abstract of a research paper. I am not versed enough in nutritional science and hormones to make as much sense of it as I could but it was nice of you to quickly cut and paste an article in defense of fast food!