Healthier Choices in Fast Food



  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Oh many people love fast food! Don't get me taste delicious! But in all honesty....the question was healthy and quick...not just low calorie. Salads are great options...but I do not consider salad on the go food. If you have time to sit and eat a salad then you have time for food not bought at fast food establishments. Yes if you eat fast food you can stay under your calories...but you will probably be hungry and its not HEALTHY.

    Quite right Meg!

    Gotta say I'm with you ladies....

    Hey if you want to eat fast food...go for it.

    personally I think most fast food, if not all, are bad. I don't trust their food and their "meat" has so many fillers and chemicals in it that it makes me ill. If you don't mind it though, more power to ya.
  • plan, plan, plan

    I cook meats and veggies- grill or bake on Sundays & my breakfast daily. I usually don't have time to cook when I get home from work @ 6 in the evening. Between the boy (my son) school, martial arts, being caregiver to my dad (mom past away in Jan. but I used to take care of her full time too,) my full time job, cleaning my house/laundry, and my part time job during the NFL season time is not on my side.

    BUT I'M TOTALLY WORTH MY OWN TIME. I do it for me!

    I plan a menu, make a grocery list, and manage my time wisely. It takes me about 2 hours to cook what I do on Sundays. I fridge what I'm going to eat thru Tuesday and freeze the rest. Preparation is key when making lifestyle changes.

    I lost 100 lbs (pre MFP) and am determined to loose another 100.

    If I can make time then you can too.

    Maybe reading up on time management tips would be helpful for you & no more excuses!

    Best wishes!
  • Yes, there ARE healthier options.

    HEALTHIER being the word to pay attention to.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    plan, plan, plan

    I cook meats and veggies- grill or bake on Sundays & my breakfast daily. I usually don't have time to cook when I get home from work @ 6 in the evening. Between the boy (my son) school, martial arts, being caregiver to my dad (mom past away in Jan. but I used to take care of her full time too,) my full time job, cleaning my house/laundry, and my part time job during the NFL season time is not on my side.

    BUT I'M TOTALLY WORTH MY OWN TIME. I do it for me!

    I plan a menu, make a grocery list, and manage my time wisely. It takes me about 2 hours to cook what I do on Sundays. I fridge what I'm going to eat thru Tuesday and freeze the rest. Preparation is key when making lifestyle changes.

    I lost 100 lbs (pre MFP) and am determined to loose another 100.

    If I can make time then you can too.

    Maybe reading up on time management tips would be helpful for you & no more excuses!

    Best wishes!

    Now that is impressive. Great Job!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    And an over consumption of calories is often traced back to the fast food industry in which a CHILD HAPPY MEAL is the amount of food one adult should eat. Now you tell me how many adults eat that when they go to fast food? Thank you for the informative albeit brief abstract of a research paper. I am not versed enough in nutritional science and hormones to make as much sense of it as I could but it was nice of you to quickly cut and paste an article in defense of fast food!

    so no adult should eat more than 4-500 cals a day, which is the amount in a happy meal?

    and once again it is not fast food that causing people to get fat, it's over eating, it doesn't matter what they are eating.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    See my blog.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    She's on the GO. Doesn't say she can't sit down to eat her lunch.

    I think most fast food places have lowER calorie choices that aren't 2pc of whatever alternatives. ie.. subway turkey sandwich or their salads. MacDs (both previously mentioned).

    You just have to be careful about what you order. If you do to the same ones, hit their websites and research what would fit into your plan before you go to out for lunch.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    And an over consumption of calories is often traced back to the fast food industry in which a CHILD HAPPY MEAL is the amount of food one adult should eat. Now you tell me how many adults eat that when they go to fast food? Thank you for the informative albeit brief abstract of a research paper. I am not versed enough in nutritional science and hormones to make as much sense of it as I could but it was nice of you to quickly cut and paste an article in defense of fast food!

    so no adult should eat more than 4-500 cals a day, which is the amount in a happy meal?

    and once again it is not fast food that causing people to get fat, it's over eating, it doesn't matter what they are eating.

    The point being you can eat XX calories. But one choice limits you to a very small portion while the other allows you much more quantity for the same amount of calorie intake.

    yeah, technicall it's the amount of calories that determines your weight loss/gain. But who is realsiticly going to eat such a small amount of high calorie food just to stay under the allotment?
  • Cbcarter08
    Cbcarter08 Posts: 33 Member
    Yes it's very possible!!

    I have currently found a love for salads! I love the half size apple pecan grilled chicken salad from Wendy's with the berry dressing, or the roast chicken farmhouse salad from Arby's with the Italian dressing (only 20 calories in dressing), or the grilled chicken fruit salad with berry dressing from Chik-fil-A. Love Love Love! :) (Not a fan of Mcdonalds salads)
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    here in the UK MCD's have the calorie count on the menu board now.
    McD's is getting good for healthy food - carrot sticks or apple bags also the grilled chicken wrap you can order no sauce thats less than 300 calories but satisfying.
    I don't think you have to buy a salad to buy healthy food and often the salads are the worst anyway with the dressings ec.
    buy a sandwich pack and a piece of fruit (just a plain one and check hte label for the calorie count).
    vege soups are normally good options or a plain baked potato with tuna on top.
  • NO FAST FOOD! There are no healthier options!!
    Yes there are. See above.
    Thanks for reading ALL of the message. Also, really???? Just cause there are some options with less calories does not change the fact that they are serving you crap! Processed food with artifical fillers can be very low cal but damn they are bad for you! The reason there are even sites like MFP in this country is because we live by fast food and its turned us so obese! Other countries do not have weight issues like we do and other countries do not have drive thrus and fast food on every corner!!!!!

    sorry, not trying to argue....being from another Country I have to say it isn't true..we have fast food everywhere too...We got obese from eating too much...yes healthy and natural is the way to go....and the only way we should live...however we got fat from eating too much....even too many veggies and too many fruits you will gain....we have lost touch with full and stop....
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    NO FAST FOOD! There are no healthier options!!
    Yes there are. See above.
    Thanks for reading ALL of the message. Also, really???? Just cause there are some options with less calories does not change the fact that they are serving you crap! Processed food with artifical fillers can be very low cal but damn they are bad for you! The reason there are even sites like MFP in this country is because we live by fast food and its turned us so obese! Other countries do not have weight issues like we do and other countries do not have drive thrus and fast food on every corner!!!!!

    I was not made obese by fast food, I was made obese by eating too much. Much of that was homemade, but I ate WAY too much of it. I ate fast food as well, but again way too much. If I had not eaten so much, but instead a reasonable meal of 600-700 calories, I would never have become obese.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Tim Horton`s chicken wrap, as long as you don`t have the Ceasar dressing!
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    I eat the following fast foods:

    Taco bell chicken fresca tacos.. sometimes get the pintos and cheese as they have alot of fiber (although I try not to mix in all the "sauce" because I'm sure we it has the brunt of the sodium.)

    Jimmy johns vegetarian sandwich ( I do usually get it on wheat but then only eat one slice because their wheat bread has so many calories but I know the nutrition content is going to be better than white.)

    I always try to have my own salad dressing with me (I keep it at work or home). I get Maple Farms of Vermont Fat Free Balsamic because it is low cal and super low sodium unlike other dressings. So that way if I get a grilled chicken salad from McDonalds I don't use their dressing which has tons of sodium and I don't feel as bad about the sodium in the chicken.

    I don't beat myself up if I have a small hamburger from McDonalds or Wendys or something... I just try not to get fries of course.

    I eat Dunkin Donuts breakfast anytime of the day if I am driving and need to eat fast food... either the Egg White Veggie Wrap or Flatbread (Flatbread has more cals and sodium than the wrap.)

    SO, I do eat fast food... and I know many say don't ever do it.. but I am do the best I can for ME.

    Good luck!