What's the worst thing you've done to your cell phone?



  • The worst thing I did to a cell phone was getting the service through AT&T. LoL

    haha love that
    Yep I agree!!!!!!
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    My phone fell out of my pocket during a roller coaster ride. The amusement park employees managed to find it and it still worked :)
    You have a pretty durable phone. What is it? An iPhone?
    No it was a few year ago so smartphones weren't around back then. I believe it was a Samsung.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I dropped my company cell phone into a cup of pop while driving in the car. It was in my side pocket of my pants and the pop was sitting next to me on my side and the phone fell out of my pocket and into the cup of pop.
  • I dropped my company cell phone into a cup of pop while driving in the car. It was in my side pocket of my pants and the pop was sitting next to me on my side and the phone fell out of my pocket and into the cup of pop.

    I love that you say POP! I get made fun of for saying it ever since I moved to MD. Use to live in Erie PA
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I was going to go to the bathroom at Walmart and when I pulled my pants down my phone fell out of the packet into the toilet. =( I walked away to get help and the automatic flush sucked in through the piles. Never to be found again. lol
  • lwhitman4
    lwhitman4 Posts: 144 Member
    Put it underwater in a hot tub. But then I dialed out while underwater to my friend's phone to prove it would work. But my phone is awesomesauce.


    I have dropped it on cement repeatedly, put it underwater, etc. And it still works. This is the only phone I've ever not broken, and I've broken quite a few!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Dropped it on a crosswalk in front of a turning bus. I have no idea how it survived being run over, but it did. Congrats, Samsung, on building a superior product!
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    the old back pocket of jeans, dropped the pants and woop the phone went with them lol
  • Maryjaneshoes
    Maryjaneshoes Posts: 169 Member
    Dropped it in a glass of water that was on my nightstand, that's what I get for late night texting lol. Tried the whole sock in the dryer bit, and the rice, but it was a lost cause!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Im the cell phone terminator. Ran one thru the wash..... and dryer. Cannon balled into a pool with one still in my back pocket. I have a bad habit of keeping it tucked in my bra. When I bend over just right it falls out and cracks on my hardwood floor. Broke quite a few screens this way. The real problem I have though is trying to fix them myself. I crack them open and sometimes make the issue worse :bigsmile:
  • The worst thing I did to a cell phone was getting the service through AT&T. LoL

    haha love that
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    left it in the freezer overnight,

    I have been sitting here trying to figure out how this could have happened......please tell me......:noway:
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm not very nice to my cell phones! But the worst for me is dropping it in a toilet out of my back pocket when pulling my pants up. Besides that...I believe I've lost 2-3 cell phones in bars/concerts within the past year. Yeah....insurance on phones is GREAT to have! haha
  • King_Bee
    King_Bee Posts: 275 Member
    I can't recall anything I've ever done to my phone...but I accidentally kneeled on my week old ipad when I was doing...umm....'cardio' on the couch.

  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Recently I dropped mine in the shower.
  • Ren over it with my work truck...didn't see it falling out of my back pack (pocket was unzipped):noway: :noway: :noway:
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Jada...my 5 month old puppy...
  • left it in the freezer overnight,

    I have been sitting here trying to figure out how this could have happened......please tell me......:noway:

    Haha, my mum left her purse in the microwave once. When I found it she had absolutely no idea how it got there. I still laugh at her for it.

    Worst thing I've done to a mobile phone was drop my old one in the bath, which killed it. I loved that phone too, but they had stopped making it by then :(

    In an old job I went to the loo once and there was a phone floating in the toilet. Amazingly, once the girl who it belonged to had dried it out it worked perfectly, and it must have been in there for about an hour!
  • Dbow0207
    Dbow0207 Posts: 220 Member
    Through in the middle of the street because it was a POS!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I refuse to own a phone so none of these terrible things happen! and yes, we are yuppies heavily involved in the financial industry so I am aware we are viewed a litle oddly that we don't own them. Call me at home and at work, my commute or dinner/events out with friends or the hubby is MY TIME, not time to be called by people who were not invited.

    I don't understand why phones (at least all of the smart ones) don't have a hole for an optional wrist strap. Especially if you are using your phone as a video camera. I was crossing my fingers at the last Blink 182 concert in the pit that I would pick up a free phone since everyone had them in the air and it's thinner than my camera. I didn't luck out but that doesn’t mean people didn't drop it, it just means I wasn’t the first to find it, lol!