Move-ember Challenge (Closed)



  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    missed the water today! dang :|
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Good morning everyone! Happy, happy Saturday!!!!!!That little over one pound lost has given me a boost again, so nice to see the needle going back down for a change. This week I decided to make a workout schedule instead of just doing what I felt on a particular day. Today is Turbo Jam and walking.
    Let's make it a great, productive Saturday ladies!!!!! Let's do it!!!!
  • Evenbetter
    Evenbetter Posts: 20 Member
    The Challenge begins!! This month is going to be challenging when the one holiday is all about eating. I have found when works really well for me is PLAN AHEAD! Decide now and keep reiterating all month that "I will stay on track, eat healthy and feel good about myself." We can do this!! Lets have a great holiday season!
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    So I didn't get to weigh in yesterday.... my digital scale has been acting up and I figured out it is because the floor is cold and the scale gets cold and I didn't have time to mess with it yesterday morning. So this morning I warmed up the scale with a space heater (ridiculous i know!) and 199.6 was the result.... ONEDERLAND!!! When I started this journey in June I wanted to weigh under 200 by my birthday but after looking at a calendar and calculating 2 pounds a week I was never going to make it so I adjusted my goal to 205 by my birthday. I hit 205 in mid-october so the dream resurfaced but I started hoping that I could make it under 200 by this coming Monday... and this morning I was rewarded!!

    I am so excited!!!!!

    Bring on the birthday celebrations!!!!
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    So I didn't get to weigh in yesterday.... my digital scale has been acting up and I figured out it is because the floor is cold and the scale gets cold and I didn't have time to mess with it yesterday morning. So this morning I warmed up the scale with a space heater (ridiculous i know!) and 199.6 was the result.... ONEDERLAND!!! When I started this journey in June I wanted to weigh under 200 by my birthday but after looking at a calendar and calculating 2 pounds a week I was never going to make it so I adjusted my goal to 205 by my birthday. I hit 205 in mid-october so the dream resurfaced but I started hoping that I could make it under 200 by this coming Monday... and this morning I was rewarded!!

    I am so excited!!!!!

    Again congratulations! I know it's such a great feeling to be in onederland. It's so nice to see your hard work pay off, isn't it?

    Bring on the birthday celebrations!!!!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    I'm down 2.5 pounds from starting! (I updated the spreadsheet.) And I also have to share my NSV - one that I know everyone here has done or will do soon: I cleared out my closet of the items that don't fit anymore and found that some that I had bought as in-between sizes are too big! I filled two large plastic bags for donation. Feels so good!

    Also already have in 120 of the 200 weekly minutes and still have to do 30DS tonight. This has been a good day...

    And Happy Birthday to you Shalimarmandy - what a great present you got!
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    Awesome job everyone!!!!
  • cptnjck0209
    cptnjck0209 Posts: 47 Member
    i had my first NSV this week at the gym!
    I usually do O.K on most machines but for me the elliptical/cross trainer is pure hatred. My friend and I call it 'the beast' and I only usually do 5 minutes before leaving to jump on something I hate a little less.

    Yesterday I was at OVER 10 MINUTES and after minute 7 hadn't even noticed because I got wrapped up in a music video (since when did Rupert Grint do music?!) I more than doubled my time because I managed to just forget my hatred haha!

    Tomorrow I will bring a book with me and see if that can keep me distracted =D
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    So I didn't get to weigh in yesterday.... my digital scale has been acting up and I figured out it is because the floor is cold and the scale gets cold and I didn't have time to mess with it yesterday morning. So this morning I warmed up the scale with a space heater (ridiculous i know!) and 199.6 was the result.... ONEDERLAND!!! When I started this journey in June I wanted to weigh under 200 by my birthday but after looking at a calendar and calculating 2 pounds a week I was never going to make it so I adjusted my goal to 205 by my birthday. I hit 205 in mid-october so the dream resurfaced but I started hoping that I could make it under 200 by this coming Monday... and this morning I was rewarded!!

    I am so excited!!!!!

    Bring on the birthday celebrations!!!!

    That's awesome! Good job
  • CMH24
    CMH24 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey guys! I'm still here! I've had some serious issues come up recently but i think it is over for now. My weight hasn't changed yet but i'm working on fixing the stress eating! I hope you are all doing well!!
  • Kritie12
    Kritie12 Posts: 9 Member
    Hoping to do better this week. My goals for the month were 5 glasses of water, get to bed by 10:30, and to get to the gym at least 4 times. I was able to accomplish the goal of water for 4 days, I only went to the gym 3 times, and I never did get to bed before 10:30. :(
    Hopefully I will do better this next week.
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Hoping to do better this week. My goals for the month were 5 glasses of water, get to bed by 10:30, and to get to the gym at least 4 times. I was able to accomplish the goal of water for 4 days, I only went to the gym 3 times, and I never did get to bed before 10:30. :(
    Hopefully I will do better this next week.
    Every day is a new day so just keep plugging along!
  • Did not hit any of my goals this weekend, spend the entire weekend painting my living room and dining room then putting it all back together. I'm sure I did get some exercise out of the deal, but eating was not good, did not get in all my meals or my snacks. Did not even get in all my water. Monday will be a new day to get back on track.
  • amiechann
    amiechann Posts: 6 Member
    Weekends are always hard for me. Ended up going over on calories but did get the exercise and rest I intended to get. Really going to focus on upping my water intake tomorrow.
    I hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Good morning, and good week, challengers!

    I hope everyone is having a great week so far. The weekend was not wonderful for me. I'm doing fine with exercise and water. But Halloween candy bested me. Today is a new day. Halloween was a week ago, so no more excuses, and no more over-indulging!

    I've hit my 200 minutes for the week. I think that on balance for the week, I will probably be under on calories, but that will be due to a lot of working out to compensate for all that Halloween silliness.
  • OK so this weekend was not wonderful at all. My monthly friend arrived, I had a sodium filled Friday, Saturday and sweet Filled Sunday. Yesterday was a religious celebration, so I went all out...but I have promised to make a commitment to not screw up from today until December 31st.
    Unfortunately I gained 4lbs because of my monthly friend, so will have to wait until next week to see a any weight loss.
  • Healthy_Shelley
    Healthy_Shelley Posts: 26 Member
    don't be discouraged by a small bump along the way -- you can do it!

    good luck getting back on track this week!
  • Healthy_Shelley
    Healthy_Shelley Posts: 26 Member
    Shalimarmandy: wooo hoooo, way to go!! and happy (belated) birthday!
  • may5220
    may5220 Posts: 101 Member
    Check in 11/4/11 I did my WI this morning I gain 1 lb. I don’t know if it is muscle gain from cardio or Mother Nature. I went to Zumba class last night it was great, going tomorrow. I increased my water intake to 128 ounces yesterday, trying to drink 135 ounces today. Have a great weekend.

    Its probably water weight.... After a hard work out your muscles will retain some water to repair the muscle I bet it drops in a day :)
    I think so!!! I will not cheat and WI on Friday!!
  • may5220
    may5220 Posts: 101 Member
    So I didn't get to weigh in yesterday.... my digital scale has been acting up and I figured out it is because the floor is cold and the scale gets cold and I didn't have time to mess with it yesterday morning. So this morning I warmed up the scale with a space heater (ridiculous i know!) and 199.6 was the result.... ONEDERLAND!!! When I started this journey in June I wanted to weigh under 200 by my birthday but after looking at a calendar and calculating 2 pounds a week I was never going to make it so I adjusted my goal to 205 by my birthday. I hit 205 in mid-october so the dream resurfaced but I started hoping that I could make it under 200 by this coming Monday... and this morning I was rewarded!!

    I am so excited!!!!!

    Bring on the birthday celebrations!!!!