Sexy vixen vs. dowdy dilemma



  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    Not weird at all.
    No one likes to admit it. but I will.
    The first thing we notice about the opposite sex is their body. and evolutionarily speaking a thin fit body is a healthy body.

    And what does a Blind person do? go off of a shodow? get real with yourself. this is how YOU percieve the world. Not everyone does this

    haha no need to get nasty. geeze louise. a blind person is a totally different situation. I study evolutionary psychology and human sexuality. I'm going off of MANY years of research. no need to attack me just because you don't agree with my post.

    while I will admit, the first thing people notice is the body, that doesn't necessarily make the final decision in a person's mind. when you develop any kind of conversation with a person, you start looking beyond the body at other aspects of their personality and sometimes don't notice the body as much. this is why people who are wholy committed to eachother have a harder time noticing physical changes in one another, because they see the changes over a gradual length of time.

    EXACTLY! Thank you. I never said it was the final determining factor. but it is the first thing people see. therefore when attracting strangers its the first major factor. Then all that other stuff comes along.

    A big smile goes a long way. A woman thats a little over weight but happy and smiles a lot is 100X more attractive and interesting than a skinny woman with staight face.
  • plagirl227
    My question to you is: What is it that you want? Do you or do you not want a relationship? Since you're basing your sexuality and relationship worthiness on your weight, I'm curious to know (and maybe therein you will find your own answer) what do you want relationship-wise???

    That's funny to me because I never really thought that was a question at all...until a few nights ago a man asked me "Don't you deserve a nice man?" And for a split second I wasn't sure how to answer that's really got me thinking.

    It's a very valid question. Society dictates that everyone is to want/be in a relationship. But in reality, everyone doesn't want that, maybe ever, maybe for a certain point in time. And that's OK. ANSWER that question....honestly. It may be the key to open up part of your conscious and allow you to think differently, restructure and rebuild your life and manner of doing things.
  • tyrsblade
    tyrsblade Posts: 27 Member
    came and contrast what is sexy today against what is sexy say in the 50's

    She has curves... I loves curves . I love my wife's curves...

    wire thin, no curves and cookie cutter looks.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Not weird at all.
    No one likes to admit it. but I will.
    The first thing we notice about the opposite sex is their body. and evolutionarily speaking a thin fit body is a healthy body.

    And what does a Blind person do? go off of a shodow? get real with yourself. this is how YOU percieve the world. Not everyone does this

    haha no need to get nasty. geeze louise. a blind person is a totally different situation. I study evolutionary psychology and human sexuality. I'm going off of MANY years of research. no need to attack me just because you don't agree with my post.

    I wasnt attacking. I was just stating facts against a generalization. I'm against generalizing because everyone is unique and their body chemistry different. Looks do not set a preface for what is healthy, thus the enire body is not my first impression nor do I "scan" someone.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Not weird at all.
    No one likes to admit it. but I will.
    The first thing we notice about the opposite sex is their body. and evolutionarily speaking a thin fit body is a healthy body.

    And what does a Blind person do? go off of a shodow? get real with yourself. this is how YOU percieve the world. Not everyone does this

    Just to play devil's advocate here (and i mean NO drama or insult to anyone), it is true that as humans, we are instinctively built to analyze the physical traits of a person before anything else. In human's early existence, the man or woman who was built a certain way was the most desirable because their body's symmetry, muscle mass, fat, etc indicates a healthy, fertile mate. There's a really cool program on this on Nova channel or PBS. I'll try to find a link and post it. Blind people, however, are coping without that initial physical impression that is usually so important. I imagine that such people develop other ways to analyze people, indicating a certain level of attraction. Believe it or not, you do "scan" people, men and women. you size up "competitors" (other men) and check out "potential mates" (women). Again, it's a simple evolutionary fact. Not to say you're vain or shallow- i appreciate you speaking against generalizations.
    Again, don't hate. Just speaking from a psychological/scientific point-of-view. like i said, there's a great documentary i'll try to find :)