Partner Doesn't Eat The Same



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You are not a short-order cook. If it's stressing you out and you're the one doing all of the cooking, tell him he can eat what you make, or fix something for himself.

    As for the eating junk in front of you - maybe he doesn't realize that it makes it difficult for you? Try talking to him and just telling him that his support would help make this an easier journey for you, and you'd appreciate it if he could eat his chocolate/cake/ice cream out of sight from you.

    I agree with all of this. I don't prepare healthy food just because I like being thin. I prepare healthy food because it's healthy.

    I can't quite wrap my head aroung the mentality of eating junk food just because you are not fat.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Last time I asked For his support with me getting into shape he made me cry. He basically said its my stupid idea to get into shape so it's my job to do it by myself.

    He knows how eating chocolate ect in front of me makes me feel as he'll say stuff like "haha you can't eat this" ect.

    WHY is he your partner?! He sounds more like an anchor! *hugs* A cruel anchor.

    My husband won't eat fish (except tuna because it comes from a can, not the ocean... yes, he has the rationalization skills of a 12 year old), so I have that for lunch for myself while he has a sandwich. Otherwise, we compromise on what we'll both eat. If he doesn't want to eat it, he can eat around it (in the case of broccoli or mushrooms, which he also won't eat), or cook his own damn food.

    I try to make healthy choices, but sometimes, the difference between the healthy food you don't like and the less healthy version you do like isn't enough to make the sacrifice worthwhile. For instance, I don't bother with whole wheat pasta anymore because the taste and texture weren't satisfying, and the calorie content, etc. wasn't that much better. Brown rice is better for you, but if you don't like it, have the white, but maybe eat slightly smaller serving, and get the added fiber and nutrients elsewhere.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Last time I asked For his support with me getting into shape he made me cry. He basically said its my stupid idea to get into shape so it's my job to do it by myself.

    He knows how eating chocolate ect in front of me makes me feel as he'll say stuff like "haha you can't eat this" ect.

    sounds like a ****. Tell him to cook his own food & ditch him!

    Agreed. He is not a partner, he is a *kitten*.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Honestly it makes me eat too when he does this. I try to only eat vegetables and healthy snacks when he starts eating junk. That way I don't feel left out but I am not killing my diet.
  • Liluth
    Liluth Posts: 84 Member
    Last time I asked For his support with me getting into shape he made me cry. He basically said its my stupid idea to get into shape so it's my job to do it by myself.

    He knows how eating chocolate ect in front of me makes me feel as he'll say stuff like "haha you can't eat this" ect.

    My what a loving and supportive boyfriend you have there :/. He sounds like a heel. It also sounds like he's trying to sabotage you so you don't lose weight. I'm not at all trying to criticize you, but why do you put up with this treatment?

    My boyfriend doesn't care about losing weight, but he gladly eats everything I cook and never taunts me about tempting foods. Yes, he'll offer me what he's eating, but all I have to do is say no thank you and he drops it.

    Something has got to change.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    He's a grown man, he can learn to cook his own food.

    As for eating junk food in front of you, walk away. He's not trying to lose weigh, you are. He can eat what he wants.

    He needs to learn to make his own food, you need to learn to get over him eating junk.
  • chinadoll725
    chinadoll725 Posts: 36 Member
    Last time I asked For his support with me getting into shape he made me cry. He basically said its my stupid idea to get into shape so it's my job to do it by myself.

    He knows how eating chocolate ect in front of me makes me feel as he'll say stuff like "haha you can't eat this" ect.

    Wow, he does sound like an immature *kitten*. If he's this unsupportive about this, I can only imagine how unsupportive he is about other things that are important to you. You are young- don't settle for someone who makes you unhappy and doesn't have your best interest. Sounds like you need to take a serious look at this guy- some guys don't change for the better as time goes on.....sorry to be a downer, but I was married to one of these guys.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I was married to a man who used to bring me milkshakes, knowing I was trying to lose weight; then when I told him I couldn't eat it, he'd get mad and not speak to me for 3 days! Now that he's gone, I can look back and see that he was emotionally abusive (the milkshakes were not the only problem).

    Are you married? You said partner, not husband, so I'm assuming you aren't. If not, ditch him. If you are, I'm definitely an advocate of trying to save your marriage, especially if you have children. However, if he refuses to talk about it or possibly even go to counseling (usually if he's treating you badly in this area, he probably is in other areas), then maybe you need to legally separate for awhile until he comes to his senses. As hard as separation/divorce are on kids, I would hate to think of him taking his emotional abuse of you and moving on to emotionally abuse any children you have, too. There are times when divorce is the only option.
  • BrandieNW
    I am sorry to hear that your partener is providing no support in your decision to be healthy. I have been with a person like that before and it really was not that he didn't want to support me in my desire to be healthy but he had low self esteem and thought if I improved myself he would not be good enough or I would leave him. Any reason is not good enough for you to have to put up with that. I am not going to tell you to ditch your partener, I know how hard that is, but evaluate how that person makes you feel about yourself, you at least owe yourself that much. As far as having to make two meals...well, my boyfriend could care less about being healthy and needs to lose zero pounds, one thing we do is trade off. I make my good for you meals one night and either he eats or he doesn't and I make the not so good for you meals he likes the next night. On the nights we eat his way, I snack on veggies, fruits, or nuts while I am cooking. That way I get fuller on the good stuff and eat less of the bad stuff. If I have leftovers from healthy nights I will freeze them for a nonhealthy night. The only other suggestion (I am sorry if I offend you) is to pray for that situation to improve. I will be praying for you and I hope this helps.
    Oh and as far as him eating the tempting stuff in front of you, I would not say anything else about. He has shown he does not respect you and your feelings, so I would just leave the room while he eats it. Read a book, meditate, paint your nails, etc. Do something to get your mind off what he is eating and when he is finished go back in there. If he asks, just tell him you didn't want to feel hurt by his actions or be tempted into giving in.