C25K week 6



  • ProudMomoftwo
    C25K week 6 Day 1 COMPLETE !

    Yay me! ( insert cheerleader kick here )

    Warm up was ok - I just seemed a bit tight today.
    I found my calves were a bit tight in the first 5 min.run but I pushed through.
    No problem with the 8 minute run.
    Did a 3min run ( i know - extra )
    No problem with the last 5 min run so we went ahead and made it another 8 instead.
    Good walk home.

    All in all I am pleased!
    Great job everyone!!

    Looking forward to Day 2 on Wed.

    Keep pushing forward...
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    DAY 3:

    - Brisk walk 5 mins (warm up)

    - Jog 25 mins

    - Walk 5 mins (cool down)
    Not sure you are wrong Fit. My app says 25 minutes this week, and that's what I'm going to be doing
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 172 Member
    Is it cheating to do this on a treadmill? Lol... My daughter is only 3 months old and I don't want her in the rain... Nor do I have a jogging stroller :(
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Week 6 Day 2 Complete. Blog on the link below, though it'll be a while (I need a shower!)
  • Ilovebeagles
    Is it cheating to do this on a treadmill? Lol... My daughter is only 3 months old and I don't want her in the rain... Nor do I have a jogging stroller :(

    I don't think so, you're still doing it. Maybe do the variable incline option or something, to get more of an outdoors simulation. I have heard others say that when training on the treadmill they really noticed the difference when going to run outside... in that it was harder outside. But as long as you're doing it I don't think it matters if it's inside or outside. Good luck!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    good luck everyone.... just completing week 1.... im thinking of doubling my weeks not sure yet.

    Just follow the program and do as much as you can and enjoy each success!
    You will do great!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Is it cheating to do this on a treadmill? Lol... My daughter is only 3 months old and I don't want her in the rain... Nor do I have a jogging stroller :(

    No - not cheating at all.
    Congratulations on the sweet baby girl blessing!!
    I know others are doing it on a treadmill as well.
    Jump on it and get to it!!

    Keep pushing forward.
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Week 6 Day 2 is finished! I was really wiped out by the time I was done and I felt great! Lol! Who knew sweating could be so great!
  • Ilovebeagles
    Oh man... In February I was laid off when my company merged with another and all of our jobs were eliminated. Today I got a job offer and I accepted (YAY!!!)... but now I'm thinking of how I am going to fit my running in... The last 6 weeks I do it during the day, around 10 a.m., outside. My job will be 8-5. It doesn't get light until 6:30 and it will be dark when I get home... (plus I have school 2 evenings a week). So I'm thinking to shifting my running days from M/W/F to S/T/F. Then I could continue to run outdoors on Sundays and take it inside to the gym the other two nights. I don't like the idea of running outside, alone, in the dark.

    I am really determined to finish this program. I can not believe that I have come this far. It has given me so much confidence and happiness and love for my body and it's capabilities that I must finish!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Today I got a job offer and I accepted (YAY!!!)... but now I'm thinking of how I am going to fit my running in
    I'm interviewing at the moment, and as I run in the day too and winter's coming, I'm already planning to just take my kit in and run at lunchtimes. I'm certainly not going to cog back now I'm on a roll
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Oh man... In February I was laid off when my company merged with another and all of our jobs were eliminated. Today I got a job offer and I accepted (YAY!!!)... but now I'm thinking of how I am going to fit my running in... The last 6 weeks I do it during the day, around 10 a.m., outside. My job will be 8-5. It doesn't get light until 6:30 and it will be dark when I get home... (plus I have school 2 evenings a week). So I'm thinking to shifting my running days from M/W/F to S/T/F. Then I could continue to run outdoors on Sundays and take it inside to the gym the other two nights. I don't like the idea of running outside, alone, in the dark.

    I am really determined to finish this program. I can not believe that I have come this far. It has given me so much confidence and happiness and love for my body and it's capabilities that I must finish!

    Congrats on the new job!
    Sounds like you have a good plan figured out.
    You will do great with the adjustments.
    Keep at it - sure love to hear how you are doing.

    Keep pushing forward
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Today I got a job offer and I accepted (YAY!!!)... but now I'm thinking of how I am going to fit my running in
    I'm interviewing at the moment, and as I run in the day too and winter's coming, I'm already planning to just take my kit in and run at lunchtimes. I'm certainly not going to cog back now I'm on a roll

    Good plan Russell!!
    Love your attitude!

    keep pushing forward
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Well RATS! I was looking forward to this mornings C25K week 6 day #2 run. It is 41 degrees and we have 20mph gusts of wind and it looks like it has rained not so long ago. Brrr.
    I am not so much a 'fair weather' type but like I said before ....BRRRR!
    I think I might bump my day #2 run to tomorrow morning - the forecast looks cool but milder then.
    Looks like I will be giving my left knee a bit of a rest day from running today and I will stick with Tae Bo & Pilates today.

    You all are doing great - keep up the great work

    keep pushing forward...
  • Ilovebeagles
    W6D2 done and done!!! Crappy weather outside, was drizzling the whole time and windy. Got wet though and though. But done and done and I am happy for that!!!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Yes, winter gets tricky. Thankfully my day is officially over at 3:45 so, if nobody stops me, I can be home by 4:15. Yesterday I couldn't leave right on time and had to dash home, throw on my running togs and dash out the door so that my run would be finished before it got really dark. It's pretty safe where I run though. Has anyone every used one of those flashing things to run at night?
    Proud Mom - an extra day may be just what your knee needs anyway and you are doing such a great job at this that delaying by one day certainly isn't going to hurt anything.
    Beagles - Congratulations on the new job!!! I'm thinking the stress relief benefits from running will come in very handy for starting a new job. I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work. And if you have to run inside 2 days a week, that's just the way it is. It will make that one day outside that much more exciting. Or maybe you could take a page from Russell and do one day inside, one day at lunch and one day normal. Of course, Russell doesn't have to redo his hair and makeup!
    Russell - I hope the interviewing continues to go well for you.
    Fit - Where are you?
  • Ilovebeagles
    Yes, winter gets tricky. Thankfully my day is officially over at 3:45 so, if nobody stops me, I can be home by 4:15. Yesterday I couldn't leave right on time and had to dash home, throw on my running togs and dash out the door so that my run would be finished before it got really dark. It's pretty safe where I run though. Has anyone every used one of those flashing things to run at night?
    Proud Mom - an extra day may be just what your knee needs anyway and you are doing such a great job at this that delaying by one day certainly isn't going to hurt anything.
    Beagles - Congratulations on the new job!!! I'm thinking the stress relief benefits from running will come in very handy for starting a new job. I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work. And if you have to run inside 2 days a week, that's just the way it is. It will make that one day outside that much more exciting. Or maybe you could take a page from Russell and do one day inside, one day at lunch and one day normal. Of course, Russell doesn't have to redo his hair and makeup!
    Russell - I hope the interviewing continues to go well for you.
    Fit - Where are you?

    Yes, the hair and make up are tricky, since I sweat A LOT. It's funny how I took the gym at my other job for granted. Since I was with the other company for well over a decade I had an understanding with the boss (who was a gym junkie) that I could exercise at lunch, take the time to shower and if I ran over the hour I could just make it up at the end of the day. It was so convenient having the gym in the building, and they had fabulous zumba and step classes to boot. My new job does not have a workout room. <Single Tear>. That's ok. I'll figure something out.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Hey hey HEY! I did it! Not only W6D3, but the full 5K!! I felt so good after 25 minutes that I just kept on going. A shade under 30 minutes too (6MPH), which I'm pleased with.

    I'm going to carry on regardless, 3 30-minuters a week for 3 more weeks, trying to get faster each time. May add some distance too, we'll see. Now, where's that list of races?

    Week 7 here we come.....
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    The biggest challenge of getting through this program is the mental challenge.
    Anyone can complete this challenge. It's just a matter of breaking down the mental barriers that hold people back.
    Remember, the difference between CAN and CAN'T is just one lousy letter.

    i agree so much to this!! running is just so much mental work! i need to vary my route every week, because if not my body and mind will get used to the distance, and i'll know how far i've run, and the whisper in the back of my head "you can just walk it from here" will start to pop up.

    but let me add one thing. why would you let someone tell you how and when to run/walk? at the 6 week mark, you should be able to just step outside and go for a run! don't pay attention to the time, or distance. just pick a route, and run. i tried the C25k once, and just pulled my headphones off in frustration.
  • Ilovebeagles
    The biggest challenge of getting through this program is the mental challenge.
    Anyone can complete this challenge. It's just a matter of breaking down the mental barriers that hold people back.
    Remember, the difference between CAN and CAN'T is just one lousy letter.

    i agree so much to this!! running is just so much mental work! i need to vary my route every week, because if not my body and mind will get used to the distance, and i'll know how far i've run, and the whisper in the back of my head "you can just walk it from here" will start to pop up.

    but let me add one thing. why would you let someone tell you how and when to run/walk? at the 6 week mark, you should be able to just step outside and go for a run! don't pay attention to the time, or distance. just pick a route, and run. i tried the C25k once, and just pulled my headphones off in frustration.

    Different strokes for different folks, man. I can't speak for anyone else, but I like having that sort of regiment. I like knowing that today I am going to run for 10,15,20... whatever... minutes. Keep in mind, most of us here are not runners. This is not something that comes naturally to me. I think that is part of the reason why I need that sort of 'guidance'. Plus, it's good to know that I'm working though a program and it's a mental boost to know that I'm more than half way done. My hope is that at the end, when I'm able to run for 30 consecutive minutes, I can just step outside and run where ever for 30 minutes, if not more. But, thruthfully, if I do continue with the running, I know I will follow the c210K bridge program. Again, I like the regiment of it.
  • Ilovebeagles
    Hey hey HEY! I did it! Not only W6D3, but the full 5K!! I felt so good after 25 minutes that I just kept on going. A shade under 30 minutes too (6MPH), which I'm pleased with.

    I'm going to carry on regardless, 3 30-minuters a week for 3 more weeks, trying to get faster each time. May add some distance too, we'll see. Now, where's that list of races?

    Week 7 here we come.....

    Way to go, this is fantastic!!!! You are blowing us all out of the water, here!

    Good luck on your job interviews! =0)