Skipping Breakfast



  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Some may say that it doesn’t affect your weight loss, but it is an unhealthy choice to make overall. It’s your fuel for the day. Would you drive your car on an empty tank?
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If I take a nap in the afternoon do I need to have a snack when I wake up so that my metabolism will restart?
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Some may say that it doesn’t affect your weight loss, but it is an unhealthy choice to make overall. It’s your fuel for the day. Would you drive your car on an empty tank?
    Do you have to put gas in your car every morning or can you use what you put in it the previous day?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Alan Aragon's critique of the ISSN position on meal frequency is here.

    Everyone who thinks breakfast makes your metabolism higher or burns more fat needs to read it.

    Everyone who already posted that meal frequency is irrelevant already knows.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Some may say that it doesn’t affect your weight loss, but it is an unhealthy choice to make overall. It’s your fuel for the day. Would you drive your car on an empty tank?
    Do you have to put gas in your car every morning or can you use what you put in it the previous day?

    If it's just going to sit at a desk until noon, can't I just get gas at noon?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If I take a nap in the afternoon do I need to have a snack when I wake up so that my metabolism will restart?

    Or eat broccoli or cabbage before the nap so you'll have gas when you wake up.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I absolutely love watching good information trump bad information. My thanks to those of you who've provided it. Now I won't feel guilty about only having a banana in the morning.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member

    You do realize that your statements contradict each other. You didn't add breakfast but make no other changes, you added breakfast and ate less throughout the day.

    If eating breakfast helps you to eat less overall then certainly it will helpful, but so would eating a late night snack if it helps you eat less overall. It is the eating less overall that makes the difference.
    i dont see how its contradictory.. like i said, i never thought about it but i MAY have eaten less during the day. i may not have, i dunno. i wasnt logging anything back then. it was almost 6 years ago and i dont have the best memory :p all i remember from back then was eating out a lot and partying even more.
    im not saying "start eating breakfast and youll lose ten pounds", im just sharing what has happened to me. some people eat breakfast, some dont. to each their own.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Some may say that it doesn’t affect your weight loss, but it is an unhealthy choice to make overall. It’s your fuel for the day. Would you drive your car on an empty tank?
    Do you have to put gas in your car every morning or can you use what you put in it the previous day?
    Are you serious? You can eat smart or not…, it’s a personal choice. Seems like everyone is looking for a loophole.
  • Some may say that it doesn’t affect your weight loss, but it is an unhealthy choice to make overall. It’s your fuel for the day. Would you drive your car on an empty tank?
    Do you have to put gas in your car every morning or can you use what you put in it the previous day?
    Are you serious? You can eat smart or not…, it’s a personal choice. Seems like everyone is looking for a loophole.

    No loophole. Everyone has done their research. Meal timing is irrelevant, breakfast does not boost your metabolism, and it is not unhealthy to skip breakfast.

    Anyone who says different is just regurgitating the same old myths
  • WhitneyJerome
    WhitneyJerome Posts: 80 Member
    how about this if your hungry in the morning your body eat if not then don't. Isn't eating when we're not hungry the reason we are all overweight anyway?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Some may say that it doesn’t affect your weight loss, but it is an unhealthy choice to make overall. It’s your fuel for the day. Would you drive your car on an empty tank?
    Do you have to put gas in your car every morning or can you use what you put in it the previous day?
    Are you serious? You can eat smart or not…, it’s a personal choice. Seems like everyone is looking for a loophole.

    A "loophole" in what? I haven't eaten breakfast regularly for decades and it's never affected my health or my weight, so there's my loophole I guess.
  • CP533
    CP533 Posts: 10
    I've always skipped breakfast, but recently started a new job that means getting up earlier and I was getting hungry before lunch time so have started to have a small breakfast - typically a breakfast bar. After a plateau of no weight loss for 3 months my weight has started to drop off again. My total calorie intake is the same, and actually I'm doing less exercise as have less spare time.

    I've been a bit stressed with my now job, but the hours are the same (have to get up earlier as longer commute) and its just as active as my previous job.

    I'm wondering if its like 'starvation mode'. When your asleep your body shuts down, when you wake up and get active again and if you don't eat then your body thinks it might not get food for a while so slows your metabolism to cope and to try to make sure you last as long as possible before food is available (thinking to caveman lifestyle).
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I wouldn't want to be hungry though out my school/work day until lunch. Breakfast helps you perform your tasks at hand.
  • WhitneyJerome
    WhitneyJerome Posts: 80 Member
    good point =)
  • WhitneyJerome
    WhitneyJerome Posts: 80 Member
    I've always skipped breakfast, but recently started a new job that means getting up earlier and I was getting hungry before lunch time so have started to have a small breakfast - typically a breakfast bar. After a plateau of no weight loss for 3 months my weight has started to drop off again. My total calorie intake is the same, and actually I'm doing less exercise as have less spare time.

    I've been a bit stressed with my now job, but the hours are the same (have to get up earlier as longer commute) and its just as active as my previous job.

    I'm wondering if its like 'starvation mode'. When your asleep your body shuts down, when you wake up and get active again and if you don't eat then your body thinks it might not get food for a while so slows your metabolism to cope and to try to make sure you last as long as possible before food is available (thinking to caveman lifestyle).

    good point =)
  • how about this if your hungry in the morning your body eat if not then don't. Isn't eating when we're not hungry the reason we are all overweight anyway?

    Hmm I wouldn't say that exactly. I have a serious appetite and could easily eat over maintenance if i lacked self control

    And we aren't all overweight. I have always been a healthy weight and skipped breakfast
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    It matters not a jot.

    Calories in v calories out is the ONLY thing that matters
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Some may say that it doesn’t affect your weight loss, but it is an unhealthy choice to make overall. It’s your fuel for the day. Would you drive your car on an empty tank?
    Do you have to put gas in your car every morning or can you use what you put in it the previous day?
    Are you serious? You can eat smart or not…, it’s a personal choice. Seems like everyone is looking for a loophole.
    Yes, I am serious. Are you? You have yet to explain why eating breakfast is "smart".

    Think about it. If you eat dinner, what happens to that food overnight? It doesn't disappear. It's still there fueling your body until it's used up.