Does anyone else workout 5-6x a wk?



  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I have been running 5-7.5 miles 5-6 days a week. Lately I've been doing more running and less strength training b/c I want to get in as much outdoor running while I still have decent weather and daylight (live in northern MN). I have only been strength training ~2 times a week---sometimes just once a week.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I work out with a trainer 5 days a week, for a total of 8 hours. In addition, i do 4-6 hours of cardio, generally only taking 1 day off from structured exercise. And i struggle to lose. :(
  • jrn1115
    Normally I workout 5-6 days a week, but thats because i'm addicted to my gym. I haven't been that active this week (just been SUPER busy) but I feel that a daily gym visit can't be too bad :]
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    sometimes i feel like this. im maintaining and exercise 6 days a week, some days i feel depressed like my life revolves around exercise. but then i push through and remind myself why i enjoy it and why i do it. but thats me. if you always feel depressed about it, go see someone. i find that giving myself a break in a way makes me feel better... makes me feel normal. sometimes i just do half a workout one day and i do other things with the time. or take a long walk with my daughter in the pram instead of going for a run.. sometimes i even find when ive already given myself that 'break', i end up extra motivated and work out anyway!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I do 5 or 6 days a week, often twice a day. It's important to find something that you like because you're right, this is a lifestyle change and you'll have to keep a somewhat similar schedule in order to maintain.

    How long have you been doing it for? I dreaded exercise for a long time but only recently got to the point of craving it. I need the stress release. I even kind of enjoy running, which I used to absolutely despise.

    Give it some time and keep it up. It's kind of like getting used to healthy food too. Eventually you prefer the healthier options but it takes some time to get there.
  • hellokittymfp

    You sound like an endomorph like me. I weight train 3 times a week, but I have to do cardio at least 5 times a week to see fat loss in any measurable way. Less than that prevents me from gaining, and I might see more definition in my arms or something, but the cardio most every day is exactly what I need to get the losses.

    I have never thought about this before, but you are right. The description of an endomorph matches my body type. I have tried in the past to just walk 3x a wk to lose wt. I never lost anything doing that, and could never figure out why, even when everyone told me that just walking would be adequate exercise. The only times in my life that I am able to lose wt are when I am working out HARD (ie: tennis team in high school and then during the spring/summer is when I trained for C25K and kicked it up by doing the program at a faster pace than 3x a wk, on top of my exercise class).
  • hellokittymfp
    as a breast feeding mother you need more callories, i used to add the breast feed in as a cardio workout, you can google it to work out roughly how many calouries each feed uses - you'll be surprised. don't beat yourself up, now that i read your full story i think you can be diagniosed with a common problem that causes chronic tiredness.....motherhood.

    Lol, you are right, motherhood probably plays a big role, esp lately with a toddler who gets up at 5:30am and who is boycotting naps. I don't feel invigorated by exercise, I feel even more tired. My husband doesn't get it and thinks I am weird, since exercise energizes him. I exercise, because I have to, not because I am addicted to it or even like it that much. I know it's not the best attitude, it's hard for me to schedule in these many workouts and I have a child who does not tolerate going to a gym nursery, so either he is with me during my exercise class (stroller class) or I am exercising during his naps (which is a crapshoot, since he may or may not take a nap) or after the kids have gone to bed . I do not know anyone else that workouts this much, most ppl I know do fine with just 3x a wk, so I guess it's depressing to me that I feel like this is something that's not just temporary, if I want to lose more wt and maintain that wt loss, working out 5-6x a wk is something that will be necessary. In Aug, I was only able to work out 2x a wk, due to a family vacation and the beginning of the school yr chaos and I re-gained back all the wt I had lost since spring.

    As for breastfeeding, I was eating an extra 300 calories (since he is a toddler and not EBF, I didn't do an extra 500 calories), but it wasn't helping with the wt loss, until I ditched the 300 extra calories.
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. my toddler has decided to ditch the day time nap as well. My husband is a contract farmer and its planting time so he is never home, we don't have a gym nursery and i have no family in town to help me. i have to exercise during the day because after school 1 child becomes 5 and its impossible. i make sure miss 2 is hungry whey i go to the gym and give her lunch while she is locked in the pram. she is pretty good and since i have been doing this since she was 6mths old she is used to it. It is hard work though - being a fit mum. I am only now seeing the difference in my body, 18mths after joing the gym. i love working out, its the only time out i get, the only time of the day that is just for me. even though it is hard at the moment i stick to it because soon i will have a husband again and my time at the gym will be mine again and i will be proud of myself for not letting it go. stick in there, its not a short term thing and in the long term you will notice and feel the difference. have you measured yourself? sometimes your weight loss slows down but the measurments go down.
  • b1gfr0g
    b1gfr0g Posts: 2 Member
    I have found that even while charting my daily intake, the ONLY way I can seem to lose weight is that I HAVE to work out at least 5-6x a wk. 3x a wk does nothing for me. I don't know if my metabolism just really sucks or what. My caloric intake is not too low or too high. I'm wondering how your body is doing if you are working out 5-6x a wk? I am really tired, my workouts that I choose are not easy ones, they are pretty intense, and sometimes I find it depressing to think that I even after I reach my goal weight, I will have to be a slave to working out 5-6 days a wk. I have to mentally push myself to work out this often, but know that if I don't work out often enough, the weight will creep back. Is it ok for your body? I find that if I have less than 24 hrs btwn workouts, the latter workout suffers.

    First let me state I'm not a trainer, nor do I have a degree in biology. That being said, I was reading about body types at and they listed Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. Endomorph are the folks that can gain weight just looking at food. One of the theories is that their bodies are more insulin resistant. So if you consume less calories but you are consuming food with a high glycemic (sp?) index its harder for your body to build muscle, loose fat because the greater amount of insulin.

    That's the page where you can take a kind of test to see what body type you have. Please forgive me if I did not articulate the first paragraph well. Basically its not just how many calories you intake versus burned but what kinds of foods as well. I think I'm one of those insulin resistant body types so I avoid rice now as well as some other carbs that cause my body to generate more insulin. This in addition to keeping my food diary and watching how many calories I consume versus exercise. It has worked for me so far.

    Might want to do a little research on the topic and see if helps you. Some of the foods you are eating maybe making it harder for you to loose weight.
